Ch: 39 Don't forget he's a player

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Alex POV  

"How About this one." I grabbed a skirt from one of the racks. "No it makes you look like a nun your not wearing it." I groaned and sat it down. "Well I like it and I think I'm going to buy it." I should have known Eleanor was going to dislike everything I choice. "Wait Alex lets just get out of this store and try something else I saw a really cute store just a few stores down." I looked down at the skirt I was deciding if I should listen to her. "Come on Alex. You've been wearing Perrie's clothes for weeks now don't you want clothes for yourself." "I do like those jeans she was wearing yesterday." "Then let's go." She pulled me to a store that I never seen before or maybe I have seen but never acknowledge before.

"Are you sure this is the place." "Yup I'm sure I come here pretty much every week to pick clothes out with Perrie." I exhaled and walked in. I could see people giving me looks like I didn't belong here. I don't disagree with them most of these people had tattoos and piercings. "Hey Carlie this is Alex do you think you can find her some clothes to wear?" Carlie was a women that seemed to be in her late twenties. She had really red hair and her arm was covered in tattoos. Just looking at them made me cringe a little. "Ya let me see what I can find." She walked away from us. "Can you believe Harry and her hooked up last month." My throat went dry. "What?" It came out as a screech. "Ya I know but she's really nice once you get to know her not one of those self bitches Harry goes for." Her words didn't make me feel any better.

That women must have been 5 years older then him. How many girls was Harry with before me. He's probably hooked up with half of the school including the mall probably. "Alex?" I looked at Eleanor "I need to sit down for a minute you can give me the clothes once she hands them to you." "But-" I didn't let her finish I walked away and sat down on one of the black chairs on the side of the store. Why am I think so hard about this I knew Harry was a...player I knew it when I kissed him last night. The screaming music in the background is not helping me think either. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted Eleanor even though she was in the same store as me.  

*Eleanor I'm not feeling so well I think I'm going back home I promise we will shop more later.   

I sent the text and got off the chair and headed out of the store. I don't have a ride maybe Liam will pick me up? I typed Liam's number into my phone. It rung a few times and then I heard his voice. "Hello?" "Liam are you busy?" "I'm kinda on a date." "Really!" "Ya do you need anything?" "No it's fine have fun and don't forget to tell me everything that happens later on." "Ok I will bye Alex." I hung up my phone. Now who will pick me up. Perrie probably busy with Greg and partying somewhere.

I looked through my contact list trying to find someone. I clicked the name that I really wasn't in the mood to talk to. "Hey how's shopping with Eleanor?" "Can you picking me up from the mall?" "Are you ok?" "Ya just a little tired." "I told you that you need to set your alarm clock to later so you wouldn't be tired earlier." "Harry I'm not going to change the time I waking up I've been waking up at that time since forever and I'm not changing now." "Ok suit yourself." He sounded annoyed. "Are you going to picked me up?" "Ya I'll be there in 5." Why is he so close to the mall everything that I know is at lease 10 to 15 minutes away from here.

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked to the front of the mall. It was so cold what was I thinking about buying a skirt from that store you have to be crazy to wear that. Winter break is in two more weeks then Charlotte and Nick will be out here I can't wait to see my best friends again. My thoughts were stopped when I heard honking. I looked up and saw Harry's black Range Rover in front of me. I opened the door and sat down in the passenger seat. I didn't know what to say to him hey I just met Carlie you remember her the one you hooked up with a month ago. He probably doesn't remember who she was. The whole car ride was silent I was looking out the window looking at everything go by.

We were finally at the dorms after the long awkward car ride. I went to the open the door but I heard a click. "Unlock the door." "No what is going on with you. When I dropped you off at your dorms the morning you were fine. What did Eleanor tell you when you were shopping?" "Eleanor didn't tell me anything." "Then what is going on I didn't do anything wrong." "Can I please get out?" I heard a clicking sound. "If you really want to you can go." I opened the door. "Thanks for the ride." I opened the door wider and got out of the car. I headed inside the dorms and went to my room. It was empty. I turned the light on and went to my bed. 2 fights in one day what couple does that? I'll talk to Harry about this later I just need to be alone and think for a while about this. 

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