Ch: 7 Surprise visit

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Alex POV  

I woke up when I heard a slam from the door.

"Where the hell did you go I was searching everywhere for you."

I heard Perrie's voice screaming from the room. I opened my eyes and sat up. "I came back because I was tired and I wanted to get away from the noise." I said to her. "I put you in a room for you to sleep in." "Well I could still hear the music and I wanted to come back."

"How...who took you home."

"Mike this boy I meet at the party last night. And why were you searching for me."

"Cause." I gave her a confused look. "Cause." I repeated her. She looked unsure what to say. "Cause if you got hurt I don't want to be your responsibility." I rolled my eyes at her and got off the bed. I grabbed my phone to check the time. 10 am. I grabbed my towel.  

"Where are you going?" Perrie said while sitting down on her bed. "To take a shower." I walked out of the room and headed to the bathroom. "Cause I don't want to be your responsibility." Perrie's words played in my head. She thinks that I can't do stuff by myself like I need a person by my side everywhere I go. I opened the door and turned on the showers.

I can do stuff on my own. I saw a Coffee shop about a couple blocks down when Mike drove me last night. I can walk over there by my self after my shower.I hate my stupid roommate and her stupid friends. Thinking they know everything and they're so cool. After 5 minutes in the shower the water started to get cold. Why in the world would these showers get cold after 5 minutes. I turned off the shower in annoyance and wrapped the towel around me. Now I know why it's so empty in here.

I went back to are room and opened the door. I walked in and saw Niall on the bed.

"That excited to see me babe?"

"What are you doing in here."

"Perrie left for a minute and told me to wait in her room and I'm pretty happy I did." I pulled the towel higher on my body. "Can you leave so I can change." I asked him.

"I don't know."

"Niall leave." I practically yelled at him.

"I won't look I promise." He covered his eyes with his hands.

"Are you really going to stay in here while I change." "Yup so might as well get it over with." I groaned.

"At lease turn around and look at the wall." He turned towards the wall. I looked at him for a minute.

"I don't hear anything happening and I'm losing my patience."

"Ok Ok."

I went to my closet I put on my bra and underwear on as fast as possible. "Tick tock Alex." "Niall." I went to grab my skirt. I put it on and zipped it up and then I grabbed my button up shirt. I was buttoning it up when the door opened.

I looked up and saw Harry? by the door. how does he have a key to the door. Oh right Perrie gave all the guys a key. Niall turned around and looked at Harry.

"Hey mate." Niall said in a completely normal voice.

I button up my shirt up as fast as possible and looked up at Harry again. He didn't say anything he was only looking between Niall and I.

"What are you doing here."

It was really weird talking to him after what happened last night. "Is Perrie here or not." He looked at Niall totally by passing my question. "She told me to wait here for her she's going to be here in any minute. He nodded at him. "I'll be in the car." He looked at me for a second and then left. I turned around to look at Niall.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Little Alex wants to have fun for once."

"No I'm just asking a question."

"Were going to a pizza joint a few minutes away from here." Really they are going to a pizza joint that is so hard to believe. "You want to come don't you." "No I don't actually I need to get my stuff for the first day tomorrow i'm going to a coffee shop." I said while getting my books off my bed.

"Really your going to look over your schedule I bet you already memorized it." "I did but you can never be to sure." He rolled his eyes at me. I heard a phone go off. I turned around to see if it was mine. "Ya…..No of course not…..Ok bye." Niall got off the bed. "Well I'll see you later sweet cheeks." He walked out of the room.

Sweet cheeks really. Ok I think I got everything I need. I walked out of the room and headed to the exit. I really need to somehow get those keys away from the boys. I walked out of the building and saw Harry's Ranger Rover in the front. I tried to not pay a lot of attention to it.

I walked by it and headed the way to the Coffee shop. I felt buzzing from my pocket.




"Ya its me how is the new college doing."

"Um well it could be better."

"Not good."

"No not really but it may get better." The ending sounded like a question.

"It will get better I promise alright."


"Well I'll talk to you later I have to go to bed."

"Ok bye."

I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket. Charlotte was one of my best friends from my last college. She was always by my side no matter what and I really miss her.

After turning the block I saw the shop. I walked inside and saw that there wasn't a lot of people only about 3 people were sitting down. I walked to a table and sat down and put my books and papers in front of me. I did memorize everything but I was getting nervous.

I looked down at piece of paper that had my class number and what the teachers names were. I was about to reread one of my papers when I felt a shadow over me. I looked up and saw a light brown haired boy.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked down at the chair next to me. "No go ahead." He smiled at me and grabbed the chair. "You have Mr. Hender?" I looked back up again. "Ya you have him?" "Ya. Strange I haven't seen you around." "It's along story." He nodded. "What's your name?" He asked me.

"Alex." I put my hand out.

"Liam." He took my hand.

"You can sit here if you want." He put his chair down and sat. "How long have you been here for?" "I came yesterday." "Have you seen the school yet?" "Not really I've only been to the office and my dorm." "Well someday I need to give you a tour of the school." "Ok that's a plan."

Liam and I were talking for what seemed like hours and it was really fun. "Well I have to get going but I'll pick up tomorrow for our first class?" "Ya that would be great thanks Liam."

He got off the chair. He waved and walked out. I looked down at the scattered paper. I put them in order and put and paper clip them together. I put my papers away and got off the chair. I walked out of the coffee shop and headed back to my dorms. Finally I made my first real friend here.

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