Ch 54: Confusing calls

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Alex POV

I was driving to go pick up Charlotte and Nick from the airport. Eleanor let me drive her car to go pick them up. I just can't mess it up in anyway possible or i'll never hear the end of it. I was about half away there when the car started to ring. I jumped a little and looked at the screen. I saw Harry's name. I clicked the answer button.

"Hello?" I said to the machine. "Alex?" "Ya?" "Where are you and why do you sound so confused?" "I'm in Eleanor's car and I guess she has one of those Bluetooth things in her car." "You never used Bluetooth in a car before." "No don't judge me." "I'm not. And where are you going again." I could hear his laughter on the other side. "I'm going to pick up Charlotte and Nick up from the airport." "Who?" "You know my friends from my other college they're staying for a week." "Right your other friends."

He didn't sound to thrilled. I didn't think much about it. "I have to go Harry i'm at the airport." "Ok call me later." "Ok." I clicked the button to hang up. I stopped the car where they said they were. I opened the car and walked to the front to see if I can find them better.

I was looking around for them when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Charlotte standing behind me with a smile on her face. "Hi." I hugged here. "Ya and when I scare you I get a kick in the shins but when Char does it you hug her." I looked at Nick holding all the suit cases.

I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "Charlotte your really making Nick hold all your luggage." I said to her opening the trunk for him. "He told me that he was strong in the plane so I put him to the test." She sat in the back seat. I helped Nick put her bags in the trunk. "So are you happy to see us again Alex." "Do don't even know I need you this whole week."

He laughed a little. I grabbed a bag but it was to heavy for me to lift. It was about to slip from my hands. "Here let my help you with that." Nick grabbed the bag but I felt are fingers brush together. I let go of it and let him put it in the car. My cheeks were on fire. I looked away and pushed my hair back. "You need to get more strength in your arms Cherry." Nick said closed the trunk and went inside the car.

I exhaled. I sat down the driver seat and started the car. "So do we get to meet your friends?" I don't know if my friends here really want to talk to me right now but I guess we'll see what happens when we get back to the dorms. "Ya Perrie could be at the dorms right now or she could be out partying."

"Oh well where do you think Nick and I should stay we can get a hotel close to your college." "No I don't want you to spend your money on a hotel Charlotte you can stay in my dorm room with Perrie and I. And Nick I'll ask Liam if you could stay with him in his apartment its not to far away and Liam's a good guy." Nick nodded.

"Whose car is this its really nice." Nick said looking at the leather seats. "It's my friend Eleanor's car I can't get it dirty so try not to touch anything." Nick raised his hands showing me wouldn't. The rest of the car ride was so fun.

We talked and laughed about all fun memories we made last year. I'm so happy there here. I really need people like them to talk to. "Ok we're here." I said and turned the car off. "This is so nice Alex I wish I could have dorms like this." I laughed a little.

I helped them grab their bags and we headed inside. Nick and Charlotte were looking at everything like they were in a fairy tail. But this was a really nice dorm compared to other colleges. They followed me to my room. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

It was empty thank god I really didn't want anyone in here when I arrived with Nick and Charlotte.I sat the bags on the ground. "I'll get another bed for you to sleep on Charlotte." "Ok." She walked around the room and went over to Perrie's closet. "I guess your roommate likes to party a lot." She grabbed a black short dress. "Ya." She sat down on my bed. "So what do you guys want to do." I asked.

"I want to meet your roommate." He winked at me. Charlotte pushed him a little. "I was kidding babe." Nick said putting an arm around her. "Well Liam said there was going to be a music festival going on tonight." "Yes that what be so cool." Charlotte said getting up and walking over to her bag. She pulled out black skinny jeans and shirt that looked oddly familiar.

I walked over to her and grabbed the t-shirt. It was a plum purple color. I looked up at her. "Is this mine?" I said to her. "You said I could barrow it." I looked at her like she was crazy. "Ya over a year ago." "Oops." I rolled my eyes at her and gave it back to her. It probably doesn't fit me anymore anyways. "I'll be right back I need to call someone."

I walked to the bathroom and grabbed my phone from my back pocket and called Liam. It rung a few times. I was about to hangup but I heard his voice. "Liam?" "Ya." "Remember that music festival you told me about a couple weeks ago." "Ya?" "Well I was wondering-" "Alex stop." I was confused. "Ok?" he was talking. was there something wrong. "Liam?" "I have a girlfriend." "I know you have a girlfriend."

I was really confused why was he bring this up. "I just wanted-." "I know what you wanted but I'm sorry I can't." He hung up the phone. I put my phone in my pocket. What was going on? I just wanted to know the directions to the festival and see if he wanted to come with us. I walked out of the bathroom. "Is everything alright." Nick said looking over at me.

I nodded "Ya everything's fine I just have to see if I can get the directions." I grabbed my computer and opened safari. I typed it the name of the festival I was looking through the pages. "I think this is it." I said to them. I pointed to the directions. And I guess if that's not the place then we can just go out and eat. I printed the directions out. "Alex and I are going to go change Nick you stay here will be out in a few minutes." Charlotte grabbed her clothes and went to my closet got some clothes from there and pulled me into the bathroom.

She sat everything down and looked at me. "Who did you call?" "What are you talking about?" I said to her not wanting to answer the question. "Oh please Alex I know you were calling someone I could hear you talking you seemed confused."

I exhaled and looked up at her. She had her arms crossed and she was looking deeply at me. "Ok." i said to her not wanting her to glare at me anymore. she smiled and sat on the sink in front of me. "So first question who were you calling?" "I was calling Liam one of my friends or I don't know really what we are now." "And what were you talking about?"

"Well I called him to see if he had directions to the festive and maybe if he wanted to come but I couldn't really ask the question because before I said anything he cut me off and said that he had a girlfriend." She was thinking of something to say. "I don't think I did anything wrong to make him act like that." "Well boys are complicated."

That's all she has to say that boys are complicated its like asking what a cat is and say its an animal. "You'r not good at helping people when their going through something." "i'm sorry for my lack of abilities." I nodded. "Just give him time." That's the only thing I can do right now. I went to the clothes Charlotte picked out.

"You are wearing this and don't give me crap about it." She walked out of the bathroom and left me alone. I looked at the clothes. I saw blue jeans, a white tank top but there was a beige cotton jacket that looked pretty comfy. I changed into the clothes and walked out.

Charlotte smiled at me. "I am so good at fashion. "Here are yo shoes." She handed me brown boots. I put them on while Charlotte went to change in the bathroom. "So when do I meet this Harry guy?" I looked up at Nick. "Do you want to meet him?" "Well that one of the reason why I wanted to come to see who your hangout with."

I nodded and sat down next to him. "Maybe on of these days I'll arrange something." He smiled at me. I smiled back at him. We were looking at each other when the bathroom door opened. I coughed a little and got up.

Charlotte walked over and put her shoes on. "Well I was think after the festival we could get some food and maybe we can meet up with your friends." I nodded. "Ya maybe." I turned away from her and grabbed my purse. I grabbed the directions. "Are you guys ready."

I turned to look at them. Charlotte looked confused but Nick looked away from me. "Ya." We walked out of the room and went to the car.

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