Ch 57: Lazy days

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Alex POV














I was laying in my bed with a carton full of ice cream. I didn't want to get up at all today. I kept on thinking of Harry and what he said yesterday about not ready to let me go yet. I wasn't either but its for the best. its not healthy living on a cycle where one of us gets mad and then stop talking for a couple days then get back together. I don't want that in a relationship. None of us deserve it. 

One of the worst things about the relationship was when Harry's friends wouldn't talk to me or look at me when Harry and I got in fights. Even Perrie was distant from me. I haven't seen her since yesterday at the festival and she hasn't come back to the dorms. But I have to remember they are Harry's friends they've been friends for a while and they will always pick Harry no matter what.

I exhaled and looked at Charlotte sitting down next to me. Charlotte was laying down next to me with a cup of tea apparently she got sick from the music festival we went to. 

So we were both in bed watching netflix from my computer. "but do you like Liam." Charlotte asked while taking another sip of her tea, "Maybe a little but I love Harry more. Liam is just a crush I'll get over him." She stayed quiet for a minute. "I'm not a slut right?" She laughed at me

"Please Alex you couldn't be a slut even if you tried to. You would have to much guilt and remember when I was in love with Copper while I was dating Nick." I nodded remembering the day she told me.

"Have you talking to Liam since the last time you saw him." "No I'm trying to keep a little distance away from everyone right now. I need a breather from being Alex Jordan's for at lease a couple of days."  "Ya we all need a day to breath." She agreed with me.

We looked back down at the show we were watching. The door opened and Nick walked in and lay ed down next to me. He took the ice cream carton from my hands and ate a scoop of it. "How did you get here?" I asked him

"Liam dropped me off before he went to Danielle's house who ever that is." "It's his girlfriend." I mumbled to myself. I grabbed the ice cream back and downed myself in it. "How are you guys still together after 2 years." I asked both of them.

Charlotte smiled a little. "I don't know? really. Why would I waste my time on an idiot like him." She joked at Nick. "Ya. I don't know why I would be with a crazy girl like her for so long." I groaned and put my head back on my pillow. 

Nick and Charlotte leaned and gave each other a peck on the lips. "You guys are going to kill me." I said. They looked at me. "And Aren't you sick?" Nick shrugged while Charlotte said yes like it was no big deal. 

I was pretty disgusted on the germs they shared. So are you guys going to stay in here all day." Nick said turning to look at us. "Pretty much." I said while Charlotte nodded. "I guess I'll be staying too and what are you watching." He said looked down at the computer. 

"American Horror Story." Charlotte said. "Violet and Tate is my OTP forever." I said Nick roll his eyes. At lease he hasn't had a true heart break.

Harry POV




Come on Harry you have to get ready to go." I heard Zayn say from the other side of the door. I was packing my bags to go to my parents house for Christmas. I won't be back until the week before school starts again. I was still a little depressed with mine and Alex's break up last night.

I know Alex and I have gone through many breaks but I think this is the first time this is a true break up. "Coming." I said while zipping up my bags. I put my bags on the ground and dragged them to the car. 

What Alex said yesterday was true. She and I are completely different people she's good in school and nice to everyone no matter what they ever said or did to her. Take me as an example. Saying shit to her because I knew she was right and I didn't want to her to tell me .

While I'm a jerk who plays with other peoples emotions. I hurt people that try to be kind and the worst part of it all is I don't care. I put the bags in the trunk of the car and drove two hours home. 

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