Ch 56: Courage

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Alex POV  

We've been at the festival for hours now and it's starting to get dark out. Liam has been trying to stay on my good side for the rest of the day also. He probably doesn't want to get me upset because of the Harry thing I found out a couple hours ago and no Harry has not texted me back about it yet. "Come on Alex you've been a Debbie downer the whole day." I looked at Charlotte.

I didn't tell her what Liam told me. "Fine." I gave her a fake smile I don't want her to think something else is up with me. "Come on I think they are going to start playing music again." We walked over to the stage. Charlotte and Liam were talking in front of Nick and I. "Remember that time you, Charlotte and I went to that carnival a few miles away from your house."

I looked over at him and tried to remember the memory we had. "That was the last time I saw you guys before I left to England." "And that was the last time I really seen you happy." I looked at him. "What are you talking about I'm happy." "Your not fooling anyone Alex. just be happy if it's not for yourself at lease do it for Charlotte she hasn't stopped talking about how fun we were going to have together."

I looked down and kept following Charlotte. I felt bad. "And if you can't just act like your happy for Charlotte." I looked up at him. "I'm sorry." "Go spend time with her." He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me towards Charlotte. He motioned me to go. I turned back around went to Charlotte.

"Hey I think I saw seats over there." I grabbed her arm and pulled her over. I'm going to try and be happy for Charlotte. " We all sat down near the front of the stage. "Do you think this band is going to be good." She asked me. ''I don't know Liam said they're were good artists here." A group walked up to the stage. While they were getting set up I looked around to see how many people were actually at this festival. 

I looked near the back. Most of the people that were here earlier left. The further back I look the less I saw of people I was about to turn back around to continue to talk to Charlotte but when I saw Natalie walk behind us with two bottles of beer in her hands. I turned to where she was going. She had to be here with someone.

I saw her sit down on the opposite side of where we were. I look to who she was siting with. I got up to get a better look. "What are you looking at." Charlotte said to me. "I turned to look at her." "Nothing." I turned back around and saw Niall and Louis sitting down with her. I opened my mouth a little. At lease Harry wasn't with them.

I exhaled. I was about to sit down when I saw three other people walk over to where they were sitting. I knew one was a girl by the way she dressed the other two were wearing black jeans and a black and gray sweater. They sat down with them. "Alex the band is about to start." Nick said to me urging me to sit back down next to Charlotte. 

I wanted to go to where Niall and Louis were to see who else was with them. Harry wouldn't come to this type of thing. He listens to weird music that I could hardly understand and the music here has meaning but a little rock to it. He wouldn't like it here. 

I sat back down next to Charlotte. The music started to play the beginning of the song was pretty slow. I think this is the only song that doesn't have anything with rock in it. "It's a good song." I whispered to them. They all agreed and continued to look at the guy singer. 

I turned to look at Natalie and the other boys. They were all looking down at their phones. They didn't seem to interested in the music. I saw Natalie get up and so did the rest of the rest of the boys. The guy in the black sweater turned around. I tried to get a better look at him. He looked up.

It was Mark. Why would the other boys be hangout with Mark I thought they hated him. the person with the grey sweater walked to where Niall was. He had his head towards the ground so I couldn't see him. They were about to walk pass us when I got up and went in front of them.

"Is their a time when I don't see you?" Natalie said looking annoyed. The guy in the grey sweater looked up. "Alex?" "HARRY." I clenched my jaw trying to calm myself down. Harry looked shocked. Charlotte, Liam, and Nick stood up and came towards me. "What are you doing here?" Harry said pulling his hair back.

I glared at him. Nick walked up to me. "Who is this Alex." He looked at Niall and Harry and pulled me closer to him. Harry looked a little upset and Nick's action but I could care less  "I'll tell you later. You guys stay here I need to talk to Harry for a minute." 

Nick looked at me for a minute. I smiled at him reassuring him I was ok. He let go of my waist and walked away with Liam and Charlotte. I looked at Harry. "I'll be right back." He said to them. I walked in front of the bathrooms making sure the others wouldn't follow us. I turned around and looked at Harry. 

I didn't know what to say I was furious. "before you say anything remember how we said baby steps." I laughed at him. "Baby steps my ass." I walked closer to him. "I know you got my text." He didn't say anything. "You looked through my journal!" "I did and I know you like Liam." "So what if I do I'm with you aren't I! I loved you not Liam." He kept quiet "You looked through my phone bills, You located me, you looked through my journal! I can't believe you do this you go through my privacy and you don't even give a damn."

Harry pushed me against the wall and looked at me. "Don't yell at me I should be the one yelling at you." "Why I didn't do anything your the one that always has to mess this up your the one that left me your the one that hurts me." He walked closer to the wall trapping me in between the wall and him. "You think your so good you left England without telling anyone you like two guys and your leading that guy a long under you finger your the slut." Was he talking about Nick? He doesn't even know him.  "I'm not afraid of you Harry. Saying shit about me won't break me."

"Really bitch." he urged me "Your an asshole." "Is that all you got slut." "Douche." "I'm so hurt you little shit." He came closer to my face. "Your such a bastered I hate you so much you made my life a living hell the minute I got-" I stopped by his lips pressed to mine.

I kissed back and put my hands on his shoulder and the back of his neck pulling him into me. "I hate you." I said to in between breathes. "I know." He said while kissing me. He motioned me to jump. I did what he said and wrapped my legs around his waist leaning back again the wall.

This went on for a few minutes when I finally got the courage to say thing I wanted to say the minute Liam told me what Harry did.

"We can't be together." I said to him. He pulled his lips away from me. "What?" "This isn't health for us." I said out of breath. "But I thought." "I thought too but we can't." I untangled my legs from him. "I'm not ready to loss you yet." He whispered to my lips. "Me neither." I looked up at him. "But we have to we fight to much we're total opposites. I never had a really boyfriend before you and I don't know if I was ready for one yet." 

Harry looked lost and confused.  I didn't know what to say to make this any better. "I'm sorry." I kissed his cheek and walked to where the other were. I don't want to loss him but I have to. 

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