Ch: 49 Confessions

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when I wrote this chapter I was listening to Oblivion by Bastille one of my favorite songs its on the side if you want to listen to it as well







Alex POV

"Alex where the hell did you go and why didn't you tell me you were leaving." I looked over at Harry.

"Harry I'm tired I had a long plane flight do you think we can talk about this tomorrow when i'm more awake."

"Your really saying that Alex are you really being that selfish. For the past two days I was worried sick about where you were. At first I thought you were mad at me for some shit that I did. But after a day of not returning my phone calls I didn't know what to think. I woke up early this morning with Niall to talk to Greg to see if he could locate where you were." His noes was flared breathing hard.

"Did you find where I was?"

"NO." I was relieved. "Not exactly we found you when you were on your plane ride here so you were in the middle of the god damn ocean now tell me where the hell you were."

"Harry I'm sorry I didn't call you my phone is broken or something I tried to call you but it would just hang up every time I tried to call you."

"Really because all those text messages and phone calls to Nick don't seem to apply to those rules." What does this have to do with Nick and how does he know anything about Nick and phone calls from him.

"What the hell how do you know about Nick?"

He grabbed a white piece of paper out of his pocket and shoved it in my face. I grabbed it and looked at it. "Is this my phone bill?!" I was angry he had no right going through my privacy. "Why do you have this and where did you get this Harry!" "Greg is very good at finding stuff and Niall was the one to show me."Niall had something to do with this? I thought he was my friend. Friends don't go through friends privacy.

'I can't believe you did that Harry! First Louis and know you. God your exactly like him." I yelled

"Where were you. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving." He said. I don't think he was listening to what I was saying I was furious at him.

"Thats the thing Harry I didn't know I was leaving until Jackie called me and told me what the day it was!" I pushed my hair out of my face. I was tired and I was getting cranky the more Harry talked the more I wanted to rip his tongue out of his throat.

"Your phone was working then why didn't you call me after she called you." There he goes talking again. "AND WHERE DID YOU GO. your not answering my question!"

I looked up at Liam he was siting on Perrie's bed looking between mine and Harry's fight. He turned towards me and mouth the words "tell him." I didn't want to I was scared. He nodded reassuring me it was going to be ok. I closed my eyes and looked at Harry. He had a stone cold face.

"I went home." I said to him.

"Why would you go home the break is in a week you could have waited one more week." I swallowed and looked at him. I was going to tell him how fucked up my life is. Everything he thought about me was going to be different now. The real reason I spent another year at my other college. Not just because I forgot to turn in the slip on time. It was much more than that.

"I couldn't wait another week Harry."

"Why did someone die or something." I sucked in a breath. I saw Liam move uncomfortably on the bed beside us. "Alex I was just joking." funny how his joke was actually true.

"It was the anniversary of my parents." "So you wanted to see you parents on their anniversary that's why you left and didn't say anything at all that's such a-."

"Let her talk man!" Liam yelled at Harry. "Don't you see that she's hurting just let her finish what she was going to say."

Harry turned to look back at me. "The anniversary of their death." I whispered the last part not wanting to hear. I didn't know if he did because the room was silent for what seemed like hours but was probably for a couple minutes.

'Their death?" He said breaking the silence. I nodded not looking at his face I didn't want to see the guilt in his eyes I've seen enough of that to last me a life time.

"They died." I guess he wanted to say it in away that he could better understand. "Did you know about this?" he turned to look at Liam. Liam nodded a little. Harry turned back to look at me. A few minutes of silence went by until I felt the bed move. I looked up at Harry.

"I need to go." He walked out of the room not saying anything. I did the only thing that I wanted to do I started to cry. I covered my eyes and started to cry harder. I should have known this was going to happen. What was I expecting Harry to tell me it was going to be alright because its not. My parents died and there was no way to undo that and the worse part was I was the reason.

I felt an arm wrap around me and pulled me in closer to them. "I'm sorry Alex." I cried into his shirt. while he stroked my hair trying to calm me down. We stayed like this until I was all cried out. "I'm sorry I ruined you shirt." I said looking at the wet mark. "Shh it's ok." He whipped the tear that was falling down my cheek away with his thumb.

"Harry's a douche I told you that and he would hurt you." I shook my head. "He didn't hurt me I was already broken before he had me." I said to him. "He hurt you Alex i'm sorry." "You know the reason for my parents death." I said looking at the wall on the other side of the room. "You don't have to tell me Alex." I shook my head. "I want to. I was at a college party they were serving alcohol and a lot of people were drunk. I never liked the smell of it. It always got sick. I don't know why but. I was going to go outside to call my parents to see if they could pick me up. My friends were no where to be found and I had literally nobody there to help me. they were the only ones I could think of at that time. I know what your thinking what kid would call they're parents to come pick them up from a college party. They said they would come pick me up. The next thing I knew I got a phone call saying that they were killed by some drunk college kids a block from where I was."

"Alex it wasn't your fault that that happened it was those stupid college guys fault." I shook my head "I was the one that asked them to come pick me up I should have known better then to bring them to a place where so many people were going to drink and act stupid." "Alex." "No Liam its true and you know it." I put my head on his shoulder. looking at the wall on the other side of us. "You most me tired Alex you should go to bed." I nodded and went under the covers. Liam was about to get up when I held his hand to stop.

"Can you lay with me?" He gave me a small smile. "Sure." He came over to me and wrapped his arm around me pulling my closer to him. "Your a great friend Liam." "Go to sleep Alex you had a hard day." I closed my eyes and moved my head closer to him. I felt his lips on my forehead for a minute. I smiled a little until I was out.

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