Ch: 19 Denial

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Harry POV  

I was sitting down on the bench next to the girls dorms I was waiting for Zayn to come pick me up. He was probably somewhere day dreaming of Perrie at home like he always does it's pretty pathetic. The whole falling in love thing and stay with that one person. It's easier to just be with people every night no commitment or jealous it's makes more sense. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my stomach. I should have eaten breakfast this morning I was going to but my cell phone rang and Perrie told me to go pick Alex up. I don't even understand why I would agree on it.

Alex really needs to get her own ride or car because not all people are going to waste there time to come pick her up. My stomach started to make noise again. Should have stopped by Starbucks on the way here instead of going to that crappy cafe that looked like shit. I heard a honking. I looked up and saw Zayn in his car. I got off the bench and went to the car. I opened the door and sat down at the passenger seat. "What took you so long?" I said to him. "I was sleeping." "Why are you here hitting on some girls?" "No I was taking Alex to the dorms." "Please tell me you don't have feeling for her?" I laughed. "Ya right like I would like a girl that thinks she knows everything and everyone." "Good because if you did." "Trust me it's never going to happen mate." He started the car and headed to my house. "Why were you walking her." "Perrie called me and said that she couldn't pick her up so she wanted me to." Zayn looked confused. "Why couldn't she pick her up?" I didn't want to tell him but he asked. "She and Greg had plans." He looked a little sad but he was trying to hide it. "You know she will stay with that guy for about a week and then dump him." I tried to make him feel a little better but his mood didn't change.

The car ride was silent except for the my stomach making noises but I was finally glad when we got to my house. I opened the door. "Thanks for the ride." Zayn didn't even look at me just kept looking start. He really needs to get over her she's not going to stop what she's doing.  I closed the door and walked inside the big house. There was cups and trash everywhere I'm not cleaning up this mess. This was...I think Parker's party he needs to find away to clean it up.

I sent him a text saying he better find away to clean my house. He sent me a text back saying he will he was probably intimidated by me must of the guys here are. I sat down on the couch that had chips and a stain on it. "Guess Parker has to owe me a new couch too. "That was a great party." I heard someone say behind me. I turned around and saw Louis coming down the stares. "Didn't the party end last night?" "I decided to stay." I turned back around. Louis came and whipped off the couch and sat down next to me. "Why didn't you stay you left early?" "I wasn't in the mood to party." I said not wanting to talk anymore. "There's a rumor going on Harry." "I don't care about what people say about me." "People said you are talking to Jordan's." Is he talking about Alex? "Ya we talked ya few times." Louis didn't look happy. "Mate you have a reputation and you don't want to jeopardize that do you so I advise you to not be seen with her."

Louis just doesn't like her that's the only reason he doesn't want me near her. I won't be jeopardizing my future all I know is that if I did go out with Alex which will never happen I will be helping her out. "Harry?" "You have nothing to worry about. Alex and I hate each other and it won't be any problem to stay away from her." Louis patted my back and got off the couch. "Good." He walked out the door. I was left alone with myself and this dirty house. 

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