Ch: 43 Louis's thoughts

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Harry POV

"I haven't seen you in forever mate where have you been?" I closed the door and turned around to look at Louis

"You know around?" I lied after what Alex and I talked about. I'm leaving the emotional stuff for her to tell.

"What do you mean around?" He walked over to the couch in the living room. I went to sit down next to him. "There were a lot of parties that I was at."

Louis gave me a strange look. "Really? Because Zayn and I have been going to every party that was going on this week and we didn't see you."

Shit he was on to me make something up fast before he says anything else "I was sick." Really sick thats the only thing I can come up with.

"Perrie said she saw you the other day and you looked fine. Whats going on with you are you with a girl."

I laughed at him. "A girl you really think I'm with a girl?" "Perrie told me that you and Alex have been getting along." He said annoyed. I bit my lip

"Ya we became closer." Where was he going with this

"Ok you can be friends with who ever you want even if they are a bitch." I turn to look at him.

"What did you say?" my hand was in a fist but I was trying to keep my temper.

"Well she is a bitch and concede. I hope you realized that before you became her friend." Is he really saying this to me. I swear if he wasn't my friend I would beat the shit out of him for calling my girl those names.

"What's gotten you all worked out." "Nothing I'm fine." I released my grip.

I need to get out of this room for a minute. "Do you want anything?" I said getting off of the couch.

"No." I nodded and walked out of the room I went over to the kitchen. "That little-" I slammed my hand on the table making the cups shake. I need to calm down he doesn't know anything about Alex and I. I exhaled and took my phone out of my pocket.

I dialed Alex's number it went straight to voice mail. thats strange she never turns her phone off. I put it back in my pocket whats going on with her? If I did something wrong again I don't know what I would do.

I walked out of the kitchen and joined Louis again on the couch. "Did you get your anger out?" He said looking up from his phone. "I'm fine." "I can see that." I exhaled again. When did Louis become such a dick?

"So I got an invite to Natalie's party do you want to come you can be my plus one." Natalie the slut. Please like I want to go see her.

"No I think I'll stay here." "You never say no to Natalie's parties whats going on with you?" The only reason I went to those parties was to hook up with some girls. But know I have Alex and I won't be hurting her and her trust again.

"What's going on with you Harry?"

"Nothing is going on everything is fine."

"I don't believe you one bit."

"Louis everything is fine."

"Then go to this party with me so you can prove to me everything is alright." "I told you I'm not going." and that was my final word.

"Did Jordan's tell you she didn't want you to go." Why did this have to come back to Alex alright because this is about Alex and me.

"This has nothing to do with Alex." he looked at me for a minute. "You're banging her aren't you?"

"Why would you say that?" "So it's true." I didn't even say anything and now he's interrogating me.

"I didn't say anything." "Well you didn't say no to it either. So how is she I may want a go at it." The next thing I know I have Louis by the collar and pushed down on the couch.

"I swear to god if you ever touch her Louis." "Woah calm down I was kidding." My attitude didn't change. He may be my bestfriend but he's being a complete douche right now.

"If you think I'm going to stay still and hear you call Alex names your wrong." I pushed him back one more time and then got off of him.

"You're not just doing her...your in love with her!" ding ding ding he guessed the answer does he want a fucking medal also.

I got off the couch. "You can't be in love with her Harry I won't let it." I turned to Louis. "You're kidding me right you think I'm going to listen to you and do whatever you say." Louis jumped in front of me.

"You can't like her Harry. Your suppose to be the guy that hooks up and then dumps the girl the next day. That's what people have to know you as."

"Like I give a fuck what people think of me." he has to be stupid to not know that.

"Harry don't fall for her. Here let me just call Ashley and Mackenzie and see if they could put you back in perspective." He got out his phone. I grabbed it out of his hands before he could dial anyone.

"Louis. Alex and I are already going out we've been for a couple days now." Louis stayed quiet. There I go telling another person about mine and Alex's personal bussiness. she's not going to be happy when I tell her about this later on.

"You better not tell anyone Louis I swear." Louis still looked a bit shocked.

"I got to go. I won't tell anyone." He walked out of the house. What was that all about why was he so freaked out about it. Whatever let him freak out. I sat down on the couch again and grabbed my phone.

I tried to call Alex again but it went straight to voice mail. Where the hell is she and why isn't she picking up her phone? I put my phone on the table. There has to be a reason she's not picking up. I looked at the time

11:00 am

Her class ended about 30 minutes ago her fault she picked an early class. Maybe she went to her dorms. I'm going to go see her and see what's up it not like her to not pick up. I went to the garage and went to my car.

I drove straight to Alex's dorms. Once I got there I ran up to her room number I grabbed the room key out of my pocket. I never returned it backed to Perrie. Good thing she never noticed.

I opened the door and saw Liam sitting on her bed. My stomach turned a little. What was he doing in here?

"Where's Alex." He stayed quiet but kept his eyes on me. What with him.

"Do you not understand what I'm saying? Where's Alex?" I walked over to him. He got up and grabbed something out of his pocket.

"Here." He handed me a sticky note.

He walked out of the room leaving me alone with the note he handed me.

"What the hell."

I opened up the note and saw it was from Alex.

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