Ch: 23 Dinner with the Devil

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Alex POV

We were still sitting at the table. The food came so everyone was eating their pizza. I wasn't really hungry seeing Harry and Natalie making out next to me just made me lose my whole. "Um can you guys take it somewhere else" Eleanor said glaring at them. They pulled apart and look at her. Natalie looked annoyed while Harry didn't think much of it. "Aren't you going to eat?" Niall whispered. "Not really hungry." I said not looking over at him. "You should eat Alex." Niall grabbed a slice of pizza and put it on my plate for me. "Go on." I grabbed the slice and put it in front of my mouth. "Take a bit." I bit a small piece off and sat the pizza back down. "Why aren't you eating." I looked at Harry.

Now he has interests in me shouldn't he be say that to his skinny ass girlfriend. "Like you I don't eat crap from a place I never heard of before." Referring to the what he said about the cafe we went to. He scowled at me and turned to his slut again. The pizza wasn't that bad actually but I'll get a to go box later. I felt buzzing in my pocket. I grabbed it out and looked at my phone it was from Liam.

*I checked your room to see if you were their and the library if your hangout out-

"You guys are still arguing?" Harry said with an amused smile on his face what a jerk.

*I finished early so I went to the mall with Eleanor and Perrie.

"Are you really lying I'm very disappointed in you Alex." Harry said having me a fake guilty expression. "Would you shut up!" Everyone turned to look at Harry and I. "I'm just saying lying isn't right Alex mostly to your so called friend." "Don't you have a slut to take care of." I put my hand over my mouth I did not just say that. "What did you just call me?" the slut said turning to look at me.

Harry had a small smile why is he smiling I just called his girlfriend a slut I never called a person a slut before we'll not out loud before. "Lets forget that happened ok she didn't mean to say it." Perrie started to talk. I looked down. "Nice." I mentally cursed Harry in my head. The rest of the night was horrible Harry's girlfriend was talking about all the places she went and where she did it. 'I'm sorry for interrupting your great story about you went to Rome and had sex in a fountain."

I mentally said in my head. "That's really interesting because I too have done it in a Fountain." I looked at Harry in shock. Why the hell would someone do it in a public place and why are we talking about this when we are eating food "Do you want to get out of here?" I looked at Niall this is the first time I actually agree with Niall. "Ya but don't you think it's rude to walk out in the middle of her great story?" We smiled at each other and then started to laugh. "What's so funny." Harry said turning to us. "Nothing." I said trying to hide my smile. He rolled his eyes and looked down at his food. I looked around and saw that nobody was really listening to her except for Harry. Everyone else was looking off in space.

The waiter with the red lipstick came back to check on us. "Can I get a to go box." I asked She nodded and walked away. "Well I think I had enough of your affairs in Rome I should get going it's getting late." Niall said standing up from the table. "Oh and Alex is coming with me." Niall looked down at me. I got up to and looked down at Harry. "Why do you want to leave." He gave me a confused look. "Because I want to get back at the dorms by 10 and Niall was kind enough to drop me off." I didn't need to say the last part but I wanted to get him mad. He just kept glaring at me. "So are you just going to keep sitting there or let me through." Everyone looked shock at my mean side but if someone gets me angry I'm not go to hide it from them. The slut and him got out from the table.

Once Niall and I got out I turned to the table again. "Thank you guys for the dinner." Niall walked over to Eleanor. She told him that she would get a ride from Perrie and Greg so we could leave without her She handed him her car keys. The waiter came over to us and handed me the to go box. I put my slice inside and said bye one more time. "Be careful with my car Niall." 'Ya ya I will." We walked away. With Niall following behind me. "What was up with you Harry." "I was tired of him treating me like shit so I told him off." He smiled at me. "That's cool and I'm surprise with your language." I smiled at him I think is the first time Niall heard me curse. Niall maybe perverted and sometimes a jerk but he was nice person once you search for it."

We walked out of th joint I was happy that I was finished listening to the music. We walked to the car not saying anything I was tired but it was probably still early for Niall. I sat down on the passenger seat. "What were you lying about?" "What are you talking about." I said looking at him. "Harry said you were lying about something. "It was nothing." "You have to tell me." "Why." "Because I want to know tell me." "I don't know. How do I know you won't tell Zayn or someone?" I smiled at him. "One thing you should know about me is that I keep secrets and second of all Zayn doesn't even talk to people all he does is think about Perrie." Is Zayn really in love with Perrie. "You really want to know?"

Niall stopped at red light and looked at me. "Yes!" "I texted Liam saying that I was at the mall with Eleanor and Perrie because he doesn't like Harry." I told him and he started the car up again. "So your still hanging out with Harry even when he tells you not to?" "Well in my defense I didn't know Harry was going to be there you said he never takes girls out." "Well he doesn't I don't know why he did today but." "Ok whatever I don't care." I said not wanting to think about it. "Yes you do." "No I don't." "I know you cared when you saw him and Natalie turn around I saw the look on your face it changed."

We stayed quiet after that I just looked out the window wanting to be in my own bed. "I won't tell anyone I promise." I turned to look at him. As much as I didn't want to admit it I do have a little crush on Harry but it will go away it has to. I turned to Niall. "Thank you." He nodded and looked back at the rode again.

About 5 minutes passed and we were back at the dorms. "Thank you Niall for dropping me off." "No problem Alex I'll see you later." I got out of the car and headed inside. I Went to dinner with my roommates friends, saw Harry, Lied to Liam, called at girl a slut, told Harry off, and went home with Niall. I don't know what type of day it was but I enjoyed most of it.

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