Ch: 61 suprise

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"I'm not going with you we have nothing to talk to you about." I rolled my eyes.

"really then why did you just punch Noah? I know its not because you didn't like the way he looked." I crossed my arms and looked at him.

I don't know where this burst of confidence came from but I wanted answers and Harry was going to give it to me.

Eleanor was still looking in between us not knowing what to say. I turned to look at her. "Can you give us a minute?" she nodded and walked away but I knew she wanted to see what was going to happen.

"Why did you punch him."

"Why did you go out with him in the first place? I know you Alex you wouldn't go out with a guy just because he asked you out. You have to have a reason" I didn't know how to respond to this.

"Well your wrong Harry." I lied.

"I didn't have a reason when I went out with you." my heart started to race when I said those words to him.

"You went out with me because I kept pushing you too and if I didn't we probably wouldn't be talking." I laughed at him he really thought that?

"You really think that you wouldn't be talking to me? Please Harry you were desperate you needed me and you were lucky enought to have me."

Harry stepped closer to me lessening the space from between us.

"Really because I remember you asking if I wanted to be with you and when a girl ask that it means she wants to be with you."

"Well your the one that came over to Liam's house and pretty much confessed your love to me."

I don't even know why we were have a conversation about this. All it's doing is making us hate each other more.

All I wanted was to get over him but now I'm realizing that I can't stand being without him even when we are at each others necks.

We were now looking at each other not saying a word. Harry didn't look mad and neither did I.

I was tired and all I wanted to do was go home and lay down. I decided to speak again.

"how are you and Natalie doing?" I looked at the ground for a second and then back up at him.

"Do you really want to know?" No

"Ya why not you guys seem happy?" "Um..nothing. We're ok I guess." He nodded at me. I know me and Harry were sick of fighting with each other.

I thought we were going to be done fighting each other when we said we were done with it when we were at his house.

"Alex why did we break up?" I exhaled

I raised my eyebrow at him. Shouldn't he already know why we broke up.

"Everything went so fast that day. I need to know."

I sat down on the curb. Harry followed my action and sat down next to me. I could here the faded sound of the loud music playing from inside the building.

"We fought pretty much everyday Harry, You got jealous for hanging out with Liam even when I told you there was nothing going on between us. you kept going through my privacy like my phone bill and my journal-"

"I'm sorry about that." He said to me.

"I know you are." I said back. I loooked at him for a minute he was just looking out in space. "But it doesn't matter now your with Natalie and I'm fine." I said to him. I got up from the curb.

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