Ch 3: The Roomate

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Alex POV  

My feet were hurting so much. I was walking all over this campus I was getting confused with this map that was given to me. I know I'm somewhere near the library and the guys dorms. I turned around and saw a fountain. I decided to have a little break. I went over to the fountain and sat down.

I put the map down next to me. So far this day hasn't gone exact the way I wanted it to. One boy pretty much said it was stupid for me to come to this school for my last year and another one was down right mean. I exhaled and looked back down at the map.

Once I get to my dorm I can relax and start moving into my room. Maybe I can try and find the fountain somewhere on the map. I was looking near the middle of the campus when I finally found the fountain I was at. Ok the dorms should be next to the Biology lab.

I got up and got my suit cases and headed to the direction of the dorms. I was walking for about 5 minutes when I came across a building that said Girls dorms on it. "Finally." I went up the the stairs and inside. I got out my key there was a tag connected to it that said the room number. Room 179.  

I walking through the halls finding the dorm number. It was near the back of the building. I unlocked the door and saw the room was already moved into. I walked in and saw the bed near the window was already made. The closet was filled with so much clothes I couldn't even count how many. I set my suitcases on the ground near my bed.

I looked out the window and saw some girls walking away from the building. I should start unpacking. The faster I start it the faster I can get all my stuff ready for monday. I opened suitcase and started to unpack my clothes. I put my clothes in my closet. I wonder what my roommate is like by the look in her clothes we were totally different in style.

She likes the short tops and shorts while I go for more of a skirt and nice shirt type of look. I put my hair up in a ponytail and started to get out more of my clothes.  

After about 20 minutes I was finished unpacking my clothes. I grabbed my other suit case and took out my blanket for my bed out. I made my bed and took some other stuff from my suitcases out and put them around the room. All I need to do now is wait for my boxes to come for my  room and start to unpack what was in those.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and started to take pictures of my room. I was about to send them to Jackie when I heard the door open. I turned around and saw blond hair girl looking at me. I decided to be the first one to introduce myself.

"Hi I'm Alexandra but you can call me Alex." I put my hand out for her to shake. She looked down at my hand and then back at me. "I'm Perrie. I guess your my new roommate." She walked away from me and went over to the mirror on the other side of the room.  

What is with this college and people just walking away from you. I put my hand down and turned around to look at her. "Ya." She turned around and walked over to my closet and started to looked at my clothes. "What are you doing?"

Most people in America don't just look through your closet the minute you meet someone.

"Let me guess your the type of girl that everyone loves, got good grades in school, and has perfect family?" I was about to talk but she cut me off.

"Thats what it looks like by the look of your clothes."

I was about to say that my life wasn't perfect but the door opened and a boy with blond hair walked in and laid down on Perrie's bed. She turned around went over to the mirror again.  

I was about to ask her if she knew who this random guy was and how he was able to open the door to the room but the guy started to talk. "Who's the girl?" The accent didn't sound like he was from England.

"That's my new roommate Alex."

"Really you have to share your room? It was so much better when you didn't have any roommates."

"I know."

I felt so little in this room like I wasn't able to speak at all. "Not to be mean or anything but who are you?" He turned to look at me. "woah you got an American as your roommate." "Yup." she said "And your voice doesn't seem british either." I gave him a look. "Irish babe." I was taken back with the word he just said to me.

"Are we still on for the party later?" Perrie asked. "Ya it starts in an hour so get ready or I'm leaving without you." "Are the rest coming too." Rest there's more of them? I yelled to myself. "Ya there going to meet us outside." She turned around and looked at me. "Do you want to come Alex?"

First she comes in here and hardly talks to me, then she makes fun of my clothes, tells me about how she thinks she knows my life, and then she and her friend which I still don't know the name of starts to talk about me like I'm not in the room. "No I'm fine I need to get my schedule ready for monday." I said denying the request.

"Really your going to miss a party to get your classes ready?" I didn't say anything. "Suit yourself." She grabbed a towel from the chair and was about to head out. I bit my lip maybe I should go to this party to get to know people there. I did memorize my schedule for my first day. She was about to head out of the room. "Ok i'll go." I said.

she turned around and smiled at me. "Great." She put her towel down. "Niall we'll meet you at your car." Niall that's the guys name. He got off the bed. "Be down in 45 minutes." he said and walked out of the room. "Lets see what you got in your closet."

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