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Alex POV

I was walking to the library. I didn't have any homework that was due cause I'm not going to class for a couple days apparently.

Perrie still hasn't found out who this M guy is but so far we do know its a guy who we met before.  because he wouldn't be able to come and talk to the teacher if he wasn't. There is a very high security at the college.

I opened the door to the library I think I'm going to pick out a few books here so I can read. I always loved reading those fantasy novels. Just the feeling of another life and adventures made me feel like I could live a different life.

Don't get me wrong I loved my life with me parents but they sheltered and yet spoiled me I didn't like that feeling so reading those book were kinda of an escape.

I was looking through the fiction novels when my phone started to buzz in my pocket.


I picked up a book and looked thought the pages.

*Alex it's Liam are you going on the camping trip?

I closed the book and put it back

*ya I don't think there is anyway out of it

*everyone is going on that trip do you know who M is?

*Perrie is asking Greg if he can try and find out

*where are you

*library why

I grabbed another book from the rack. Liam wasn't answering for a couple minutes.


I felt an arm grip my waist. I screamed and turned around. People were glaring at me I gave them an apologetic look and looked up and saw Liam smiling at me.

"I should have known you were here." I smiled at him. "I haven't seen you in a while." he said with his hand still wrapped around me.

"I tried to make the winter break an Alex free zone for everyone." I laughed a little.

"Well I missed you." I laughed a little

"Me too." He pulled me into a hug.

"No touching." An old women that worked at the library said to us.

I pulled away from Liam and looked at the ground. "So what are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I was just looking at books I can bring to this campsite I don't want to really be with Harry's and his friends during this trip."

"Then you can just stay with me and Danielle." I stepped back a little. 

"Danielle is coming." I was taken back I didn't know what to say probably that was the random number I saw.

"Ya why aren't you more happy I thought you were excited about meeting her a month ago you literally wanted to crash our date because you wanted to see her?"

"I am happy that she's coming I just didn't know she was coming I was just surprised that's all." He didn't say anything he was still looking at me.

I looked over at the clock on the side of the room it was 7:00pm

"I think I should go it's getting late."

"I can drive you back to your dorms."

"No! I mean no it's fine I'll just walk." I grabbed as many books I could from the rack and smiled at him and walked away.

When I was finally a good distance away from him I was able to breath normally. Danielle is going on the trip?

I bit my lip trying to calm myself down. I found myself in front of the desk waiting to check out these random book I picked.

The women that told me and Liam not to touch each other. "Ya finally you and your boyfriend are away from each other." She mumbled to herself.

"He's not my boyfriend he's my friend." I said shaky to her. "You keep telling yourself that."

I opened my mouth and closed it. "are you checking these books out?" She looked up from her glasses.

"Um...ya." I said to her. She scanned the books and put them in a bag. "Here come back in two week and renew them if you don't you will be fined." I nodded and walked out of the building before she said anything else.

It was getting dark quick. I quicken my pass to get back to my dorms. Thank god I was close to the dorms.

I walked about 5 minutes thinking about how the trip will turn out with Liam and Danielle and Harry and his friends. the only thing I was looking froward to on this trip was stay with Liam but I guess i will be with Eleanor the whole time.

I opened the door to my room and walked in to see Perrie and Niall talking on the bed. "Am I interrupting something?"

Eleanor laughed a little "you think that me and Niall are doing something." I saw Niall roll his eyes at her. "Ok what are you guys doing." I sat my books down on my desk and turned to look at them. they were still talking among each other.

"Do you know who this M guys is?" I said walking up to them. "Ya Greg said it was Mike."

"Mike I should have known. Who else would M be." "Ya i told Harry and them already and they weren't to happy about it either." "But didn't he come to the music festival from a month ago with your guy."

she laughed a little. "you still remember that and Natalie pretty much dragged Mike there with her." Well the explains my confusions about that.

"shouldn't you guys be packing we are leaving tomorrow morning." "I thought he said Wednesday." he grabbed his phone out of the pocket and showed me the text Mark sent him.

*The trip has changed to tomorrow morning pack your bags. -M."

I groaned and walked to the closet and grabbed my suitcase. "We'll I'll leave you guys I'll see you tomorrow." He walked out of the room.

"Shouldn't you be packing?" "I'll pack later." It was almost 8

"OK but ask me for help when your rushing out of the room tomorrow morning."

I packed a weeks worth of clothes and a bathing suit just in cases there was a lake or something there. I put my suitcase next to bed so i was ready to go later. 

I hope the camping trip goes well.

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