Ch: 63 And the fun begins

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Alex POV

I was pulling my bags outside the dorms. I didn't think I was packing a lot last night but I goes I was the bag was so heavy and I could hardly move it an inch. 5 minutes later I was outside of the dorms out of breath.

I think Niall was going to drive Eleanor, Perrie, and I to Harrys house. Eleanor texted me this morning that she texted Liam the information and He and Danielle were going to be there as well.

I sat down on my luggage tired from all the energy I put in from bring this bag down. I pulled out my phone to see the time. It was 7 am Niall should be here any minute now and where is Eleanor and Perrie they should be down now also.

Perrie was putting her clothes in her bag when I walked out of the room so she was going to make us a little late but Eleanor I know she wouldn't wait the last minute to pack. i was about to call her when I saw Niall's car drive in front of me.

I got up and walked up to the car. The window rolled down and I saw Zayn looking at me and Niall driving the car. "Where is Perrie and El?" I looked behind me. Seeing it was still empty from a minute ago.

"Perrie is most likely still packing and El I don't know whats keeping her so long?" Zayn opened the door and walked out of the car not saying anything. I guess he was going to see what was taking them so long.

I looked at Niall he was looking down at the phone. "Niall?" He looked up and looked at me. "Yup?" "Do you think you can help me with my bags?"

I'm still tired from the work I did to bring it down and Niall need to something to do so I'm making him do this for me. He didn't say anything probably thinking if he should do it. "Fine." I smiled as he got out of the car.

He went to grab my bag. "What is in here rocks?" I crossed my arms. "Just clothes." "What are the made out of gold." I didn't say anything to that.

He pulled the bag to the trunk of the car as he sat the suit case down I saw a black case. I went closer to that it looked like a guitar case. "Are you bring a guitar." I said smiling at him.

I remember he having the guitar in the back when he dropped me off at class a couple months ago. "Ya Zayn-."

"HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" I heard Perrie yell. I turned around and saw Zayn throwing her bags out of the window and Eleanor walking out of the dorms with a smile on her face. I walked away from Niall and went to where Perrie's suit case layed.

Niall went to come pick it up and Eleanor walked over to me. "Hey are you ready for this awesome camping trip. "Why are you so happy?" "Nothing." She grabbed her bag and walked to where Niall was.

"I can't believe you just did that." Perrie came out with her arms crossed yelling at Zayn as he walked towards the car. "Are you guys ready?"

Niall said looking at a mad Perrie an annoyed Zayn, and a really happy El. I on the other hand wasn't really up to this camping trip but I had to. "Ya." I said for everyone.

We all walked into the car Zayn was in the passenger seat while Perrie, El, and I were in the back. "I can't wait for this camping trip its going to be just great." El said looking out of the window excitedly

"Why are you so happy El?" it was kinda freaking me out El never acted this happy only when it had to do with sales or really hot boys. "Zayn told her that Louis liked her." Perrie said not looking up from her phone.

"Why did you tell her that?" Niall said to Zayn. Zayn didn't say anything he was looking out of the window not listening to anything we were saying to him.

"ZAYN!" Niall said. "What?" "Whats wrong with you lately you've been off?" "It's nothing just haven't had a lot of sleep." "are you sure you want to go on this camping trip then?" I said moving closer to him. "I'm fine Alex."

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