Ch: 26 picking sides

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Alex POV

Harry and I just passed the pizza joint. "So who is this Mike guy." I wanted to have more information about this guy. that I think I meet the first night I was here. Harry looked over at me. "He's this guy that we don't get along with."

That night when he dropped me off he didnt seem happy when I asked him about Harry. "What made you guys not like each other." "Why do you have to ask so many question."

I just wanted to make conversation is that so bad. I took a deep breath and looked out of the window to see if we were close to the big white house Perrie was talking about. "His group and our group just don't get together well." I looked back at Harry who was still looking straight at the rode.

What made them group hate each other so much? I'll just as Niall maybe he would tell me more about it. About 5 minutes of silents passed when Harry stopped the car. I looked out and saw Perrie and Louis sitting on the curb.

Louis was holding his noes back and Perrie was talking to someone on her phone. I got out of the car and walked up to them. "What took you so bloody long my noes could be broken." Louis said getting up. Harry walked over to me. "At lease she did you a favor and came so I would shut up Louis." Perrie and I were shock and turned to him in surprise. Did he just say that to him.

Louis looked at me and walked into Harry's car. I was still a little shock but I didnt want to look stupid. I walked to Perrie. "What happened?" "Louis got in a fight with Mike and his friends. Something about Eleanor I don't know I couldn't make Louis tell me."

Eleanor was a nice girl and whatever they said about her must be really bad to make Louis start a fight with them. "Harry came over to us. "You didn't tell me that this had to do with Louis and Mike." One minutes he's defending me and the other he mad at me again.

"Well I didn't think it was important." "Well it kinda is when it has to do with Mike." "Guys stop." We both looked at her. "He started it." I walked away from them and went over to the car.

I didn't want to go in knowing Louis would just yell at me for doing nothing so I stay leaning against the car. "Alex?" I looked around but I didn't see anyone. I moved away from the car to see a better look. "Up here."

I looked up and saw a person from the balcony of the house. I went closer to the house. "Mike?" "I was worried we would never see each other again." "Mike get down here so I can pound your sorry ass." Harry yelled coming to where I was. "Don't get your balls in a twist Styles."

He looked over at me. "Do you want a ride back to your dorms again?" Harry looked at me confused. I didn't want to make him upset but I can't go back into his car and let Louis and him yell at me the whole car ride back I don't deserve that. "Your not seriously going to go with him are you Alex."

I looked at Harry and then back up at Mike. Maybe if I stayed with Mike I can figure out what really happened between he and Louis and why their group hates Harry's group so much. "Um...sure that would be great." Harry look pissed off probably because I was hanging out with the one person he hates more than anything.

The other night Mike seemed like a nice guy that cared I'm kind mad at him for saying bad things about Eleanor though. I saw Mike smile at me and walked away from his balcony. "What the hell are you doing." Harry said looking at me.

"What Mike and I know each other he seems nice." "That's what he wants you to think Alex you better not go in there." He glared at him. "If you go in there you will no longer be friends with us."

Those words shocked me more then anything friends? Really because all I remember since the minute I got here was being yelled at by him and Louis, Niall making provocative jokes, Perrie calling me out on stuff, the only people I think are the closest to me was Eleanor and Liam and the only reason I'm going to see Mike is to get the truth out because the people that say are my friends aren't tell me the freaking truth.

"Was I really your friends." The only time it seemed at lease one of them was being nice was when Perrie bought me the clothes. Harry look really mad. "Fine do what you want to do but don't say I didn't warn you." The door opened and Mike came out and walked up to me.

"Hey Alex I missed you."I smiled at him. "Ya it been a while." "Well lets go in." We walked inside the house I couldn't help but turn around and see Perrie and Louis glaring at me from the car and Harry turned away from me. I turned back around and walked in the beautiful house.

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