Ch: 22 Out to eat

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Alex POV

I was in my room looking at my emails I had some emails that were from Charlotte. I clicked on one of them and saw a picture of her and Nick. They been going out since the being to collage. They were so cute together I miss them so much. I clicked the reply button

*when are you going to come visit me in England?"

I clicked the send button and looked at the other pictures she sent me. The door opened. I looked up and saw Eleanor and Niall walk in. "Hey Alex want to come get dinner with us?"

She sat down next to me. "Who else is going to be there?" Liam wouldn't be happy if Harry and I went out to get food together. "All of us but I think Harry is going out with Natalie tonight." "Ya going out." Niall said with quotation marks. I didn't get it "What?" "Poor sweet innocent Alex. Harry doesn't go out with people." So he only has sex with them ok. "If Harry isn't coming then I'll go." "What do you have against Harry." Eleanor asked moving closer to me. "Nothing I'm going to get my clothes." I walked to my closet. "Wear the clothes Perrie bought you yesterday." Eleanor said. I nodded and grabbed the jeans I tried on yesterday and a matching shirt to go with it. I walked out of the room and headed to the bathroom.

I changed into my clothes and curled the tips of my hair a little. It's my first time really going out to a place to eat I might as well look good while I'm at it. I walked out. "You look hot." I looked up at Niall. I didn't know what to say to that nobody ever said I looked hot before. "Um thank you?" He smiled at me. I felt a little uncomfortable. "You ready." I changed the subject and looked at Eleanor. "Ya Perrie and the other will meet us there." I grabbed my phone and we walked out of the dorms. "Where are we going to eat?" "This pizza place a few miles off of campus." I remember they saying that they were going there a couple weeks ago. "It's a good place to hangout too." Niall added. I saw Eleanor's car in the front. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted Liam. We were suppose to meet up in an hour but after this I don't think I can go

*Im sorry I don't think I can make it I have a huge assignment I have to do maybe tomorrow.

I put my phone down and saw that we were off campus already. I hope it's not that far off I want to go back to my dorms before 10 tonight to get up early. "What do you think Alex?" "What?" "What do you think about Rush, Green day, Guns and Roses." Niall asked turning around. "Are those gardening sayings?" Eleanor was the next to look shock at me. "You don't know what Green Day is?" "No am I suppose to." Niall turned on a CD all I heard was screaming and yelling. I plugged my ears. "What is this." "Good music." He yelled. He turned the volume up higher.What type of people listen to screaming and loud banging. "How can you listen to this?" I yelled. "This is music Alex how can you not." After a while of horrible music we finally got to a pizza joint. They turned off the music. I could hardly heard anything.

We got of the car and walked to the entrance of the joint. Inside it looked like a bar but it had at qualities of being a pizza joint also. The music that was playing in the car was playing in here as well great. "They said that they would be in the back." Eleanor said leading us to go back to the bar. "Are you sure it's safe for a girl like me to be here." "Well what you're wearing right now looks like you could fit in." I looked down at what I was wearing.

I looked like I belong but I didn't feel like it. We kept walking to the back of the joint and we saw all of their friends. Sitting down at a table. "What is she doing here?" I look to where the voice was coming from it was from Louis. He was looking upset at me. "This was supposed to be for friends only" "Can't Alex be here for just today?" Eleanor said. "She can do whatever she wants but I'm leaving." He got up from the table and walked out of the joint. "Guys I can just go Louis doesn't need to leave." I said making up an excuse for me to leave "No Alex you stay he can do whatever he wants" Niall said pulling me down next to him. I saw I think was Greg next to Perrie. "We already ordered food for the table" Zayn said to us. I nodded and looked around the place. It was pretty dark in here so it was hard to tell who people were. "So how long have you guys been coming here."

I asked trying to change the atmosphere around us. "Since the beginning of freshmen year Louis and Harry found it one day and we've been coming here since." Niall said. I nodded. "You don't like it here." Perrie said looking at me. "No I never said that." Greg put his arm around her telling her to relax a little. I moved uncomfortably in my seat. I really didn't like it here. Its not my type of place. "I see you got a new look." Zayn looked me up and down. "Ya I bought her new clothes so she can look a little decent." Why does this have to be all about me. "What about you Eleanor what is going on with you." I asked. I just didn't want the attention on me anymore I don't like when everything is about me for some reason. "Well-" While Eleanor was talking about something. I saw the door from the far corner open.

I saw a light brown hair girl come inside with a short tight black skirt with a matching white shirt to go with it. It wasn't button all the way. You could so see her red bra through the white shirt also. The guy that walked in with her had his arms around her waist. I couldn't see his face it was to dark. They walked to the bar about 5 feet away from us. I looked away from them and back at Greg and Perrie. "So going to that party was the worsting that I could have done." Eleanor finished her story about something. "Well I told you not to go that's why we went to Parker's party that night at Harry's house." Zayn said. She shrugged her shoulders.

A waiter came to the table and set some drinks down that the others ordered. "Do you want anything." I looked up at the waiter with bright red lipstick on. "I'll have a Shirley Temple." She gave me a strange look but wrote it on a notepad anyway. "What about you." She asked Eleanor. "I will have a beer and he will too." She said motioning to Niall. After she got her order she walked away. I looked back at the girl and guy at the bar. The guys hand was going lower and lower down her back. She seemed to enjoy it seeing that she didn't stop it. "You alright Alex?" "Yeah perfect." I gave Zayn a fake smile. "Do you think that's him?" I look at Greg whispering in Perrie ear. "No he never goes out with people" whatever they are whispering about they weren't good at it. "What are you guys talking about?" Niall asked. "He thinks that's Harry and Natalie." Everybody looked behind them and saw the two people at the bar that I was just looking at. "That does look like them but Harry doesn't go out with anybody so it couldn't be" Eleanor said to Greg. "You never know." Greg said to himself. "How about I go and see." Niall said getting up from the table. He walked over to that two people at the bar.

We saw him talking and then to two people turned around to look at us. It was Harry and this Natalie girl. "What is he doing out with her?" Zayn said. "She's such a slut." Perrie finished. I know he can do what he wants but why does a little part of me feel hurt? After the walk back to the dorms the other day I thought Harry was different but maybe I was just tricking myself. I tried to move the feeling out of my head. Niall motioning towards us. Harry looked at Perrie, Eleanor, and Zayn and then back at Niall again. Both of them got off the bar and then headed to our table. My palms got sweaty all of a sudden. "Guys you know Natalie" Harry looked at Greg for a second then his attention turn towards me.

I guess he didn't notice I was here because his expression changed a little. "Um are you going to move or not." I looked up at Natalie she looked a little annoyed at me. "I'm sorry here" everyone move down a little to make room for them. Harry was sitting next to me and on the other side of him was Natalie of course. "So why are you out with her?" Perrie said looking at Harry. "Can I not bring a girl out for food." "You never bring girl out to eat." Why's everybody making a big deal at this if you want to bring a girl out he can bring a girl out. Even though I wish that girl would be me wait...what did I just say? "Well maybe I should start doing it." Natalie looked please with what was going on. "How about we just forget about Harry bringing a girl out to eat and talk about something else?" I asked the table.

Everybody turned towards me great the attention is on me again. The waiter came back with their drinks. "The pizza should be out in any minute." She told us and walked away. "It takes forever to make the food here but it's good I promise." Niall whispered in my ear. Harry was fidgeting around me. "You look nice." I turned to look at. "thank you?" I said. Doesn't he have a girlfriend to complement. This is the first time anybody seen me in jeans other then Perrie and Eleanor. I think I look pretty good in it. But I shouldn't get used to it maybe I will wear jeans for a party or a dinner but in a while. I hope the pizza comes out fast I should have been with Liam tonight it would be much better than having dinner with Perrie and her friends and Harry and his girlfriend.

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