Ch 55: music festivals

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Alex POV

"Are you sure this is the right way Alex?" I looked next to me at Charlotte. "How should I know I got this off line." I don't know where we are and we've been driving for about an hour now. "Can you please call this Liam guy and see if he can tell you where to go." "I can't he doesn't want to talk to me right now for some reason." I said to Nick. "Well i don't care I'm getting hungry."

Charlotte grabbed my phone from my purse and went to my contacts. "What are you doing." I said to her trying to get my phone back. "Calling Liam if you won't do it I will." She clicked his contact. "Charlotte give me my phone back." I tried to grab it again. "Keep two hands on the wheel Alex."

She put my phone up to her ear. "Hi Liam it's Charlotte one of Alex's friends we are on are way to the music festival that you suggested and we are in the middle of no where so would you do us the favor and tell us where to go." Charlotte didn't seem to happy talking to Liam. I could see Nick smiling in the back seat. 

"Mhmm....ya....ok." She hung up the phone and put it back in my purse. "So what did he say!" Nick yelled from the back seat. "calm down Nick he said he was going to try and find us by searching Alex's phone locating thing." I groaned and pulled over to the side. "I knew that we shouldn't have trusted some website." I turned to look at Nick. "Will you please shut up Nick." He closed his mouth.

I laid back on my chair. Liam will have to come and show us the way to the festival. How can I even face him when he literally got mad at me for no apparent reason. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down.


I woke up when I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Charlotte trying to wake me up. "What?" "Liam is here." I sat up and looked out the window. I saw Liam's car next to us. "Go talk to him." I shook my head. "No you go please." She looked at me for a minute. "Fine."

She opened the door and walked over to Liam who was leaning on his car. "Why don't you want to talk to Liam." I looked at Nick. "He's mad at me for something I did." "Well he needs to man and up and tell you." I laughed a little. Nick was right when he said that.

Charlotte walked over to where we were. "Ok Liam said we could follow him to the festival and also we have good news." I raised my eyebrow at her I don't need anymore suprises for today. "he said he would come." I saw Charlotte smirking at me. I wanted to yell but I contained myself. Charlotte hopped in next to me. 

"And he also said that we were pretty close to the music festival. The directions just accidentally gave us a wrong left turn back there." "Great." I started the car again and followed Liam's car. now I have to spend pretty much the whole day with him. 

"Be happy Alex you don't want Liam to know your upset." "But I am upset." I said back to her. "Well pretend that your not mad and then he will have to bring it up." "What are you talking about." Nick said from behind. "You don't know what you did wrong. So let him tell you what happened." "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard Char." Nick said coming between us two. 

"Well maybe thats the reason you only had one girlfriend in your life." She kissed his cheek. "Mhmm." He sat back down in his seat. "Are you sure Liam said he was going to be staying with us." "A hundred percent." I exhaled. 

"Trust me you won't leave me alone with him." "No promises." I followed Liam's car all the way to the festival. "Yay we're here after over an hour of driving." Charlotte said. I looked at her. "Yay." I mocked her and opened the car door.

It was really crowded here. "Come on." Charlotte grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. I looked around and saw girls with a lot of piercings. "i hope they have good music here." I said to her "We're probably not even going to be listening to the music." 

I gave he a confused look but she was looking at something that was behind me. "I'm going to get Nick." she looked away from me then walked away.I turned to what she was so focused on and saw Liam behind me. "hi." he said little shaky. "Hi." I said not interested in talk to him. 

I walked away from him and went to a CD shop I saw. I heard foot steps coming towards me. I was stopped when I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Alex wait." I turned around to look at him. "Why you seemed to not want to talk to me earlier today."

"I'm sorry Alex." I shook my head. "Why were you mad at me?" he didn't say anything. "Tell me what I did that made you so mad." I walked closer to him. "Fine don't tell me." I backed away from him and walked out of the store. 

I stormed away from him. If he's not going to tell me anything I'll find out another way. I don't know what way yet but I will somehow.

I went over to where Charlotte and Nick were sitting. "So what did he say?" "He didn't say anything he didn't tell me about it." "I thought-" "No it's fine just leave it alone." I sat down next to Nick. "I'm going to talk to Liam I'll be back." Charlotte got up and went to where Liam was.

I felt Nick's arm wrap around me and pull me closer to him. "Are you sure you're alright." Nick whispered to me. "Ya just. What did I do?" I looked up at him. "He will have to tell you Alex he's your friend." I nodded and put my head back on his shoulder. 

"Do you want to eat something?" Nick said breaking the silence. "You're just asking because your hungry." "Maybe." I laughed a little. "I'm fine but go ahead." he let go of my hand walked away. 

I watched him walk to where the food stand was. "Alex." I turned to look at Liam. I groaned and got up. "Don't leave." He said walking in front of me. "Let me guess Charlotte threatened you to come here?" He didn't respond which meant that she did. 

"I'll tell you what happened." I looked up at him. "What?" I crossed my arms and looked at him. "Um...Harry told me what your wrote in your notebook." I bit my lip and closed my eyes and trying understand what he just said. "He what?" I mumbled

"He told me that you liked me." I opened my eyes and looked at him. "When did he tell you this?" "yesterday night. He came to my apartment and told me stuff" After he came to me and told me everything was fine between us. He looked through my notebook again and found what I wrote about Liam.

"Liam..I.. ." I didn't know what to say that wasn't suppose to be seen by anyone I was panicking did anyone else see that other then Harry and Louis. I was pacing back and fourth not know what to think right now. "Alex." I looked up at Liam. "What." 

"Do you...Is it true what you wrote." He was stuttering. I stopped what I was doing and looked at him. "Liam. I wrote that the day after you stayed with me the night Harry walked out on me. I thought that at the time but I don't not anymore." 

I saw him exhale. "So you don't like me." I shook my head. "No I thought I did." I knew he really wanted to hear me say that. So I lied. The feelings I have for Liam will go away I know it will. I just need time. "Ok." I smiled at him. 

"So?" I heared a familiar voice. I turned around and looked a Charlotte. "Are you guys ok now." I nodded. "Ya we're all good." "Finally now lets go I think Nick got food for all of us." "Ok just give me a minute." Charlotte walked away and headed to where the Nick was. 

"Are you ok?" Liam said before walking away. "Ya I promise." "Ok." he walked away to where the others were. When he was out of my sight I took out my phone and went to Harry's contact and texted him. 

*I know you looked through my notebook. We need to talk." 

I was pissed off. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked to where the others were.

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