Ch: 25 Another fight

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Alex POV

It was about 3pm and I just got out of class. I already finished my homework last night so I had no homework to do. I was on the way to my dorms I really wanted to finish my movie I started it but the last time I watched it Harry came in my dorm and interrupted it. Harry wouldn't be coming in my dorm anymore because I specifically told him not to. Liam was busy at the library doing one of his projects and Niall left right after class ended so I don't even know what he was up to. I walked into my dorm room and sat my backpack on the ground. I grabbed my laptop that was on my desk and layed it on my lap once I was on my bed. I opened my laptop and saw that I had an email from Charlotte.   

*Nick and I should be coming during the winter break I can't wait   

I have to wait about 3 months for them to come here. Well I guess thats better then never right? I clicked Netflix and clicked the play button to continue Love Actually. I was about 10 minutes into the movie when my phone started to ring. I growned to myself and grabbed my phone. "Hello." I said annoyed. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone I just want to finish my movie. "Alex I need you to come pick Louis and I up." Why would I ever want to help Louis. All he has been to me is a douche. I don't want to help him out. "Why would I want to do that?" "Love get your fucking ass over here or-."  

I knew that was Louis but then I heard what I think was the phone fall. "Look what you did know!" Perrie yelled. "Guys!" Perrie started to talk again. "Louis got in a fight and Eleanor took the car now were stuck here." Did I really want to help them out or should I just keep watching my movie. I kept thinking about. "Ok where are you?" I guess this is like saying thank you for buying me new clothes. "Remember that pizza joint we went to." She asked me. "Ya?" "Well it's a few blocks down from there we're in front of the first big white house you see" "ok I'll be there." I hung up the phone and looked at my paused movie. When will I ever get to finish you? I exhaled and closed my computer and sat it on my bed.

I put my shoes back on and grabbed a sweater. I need to find a person who can drive me to the house. I walked out of the room and turned around I bumped into someone. "I'm-." I looked up and saw Harry with a black beanie on. I my heart beat quicken a little. I coughed a little trying to focus myself back to what I was suppose to be doing. "Why are you in here I thought I told you not to come in my room anymore." I crossed my arms. "I didn't come to see you I came here to see Natalie her room is a few doors down." He fired back. I lived in the same building as Natalie and I never knew? "Well I'm going." I walked passed him when I felt a hand grip mine. "Where are you going."

Why didn't anyone contact Harry about the Louis and his fight they seemed like really good friends. "I'm going to pick up Perrie." I said "you mean my friend?" I nodded "so what?" "Where is she I can just pick her up." "Don't you have to visits your girlfriend?" He gave me a confused look. He seriously doesn't know who I'm talking about wow. "Natalie!" "Oh." He laughed a little why is he laughing. "She's not my girlfriend." "But you guys went out the other night." "We were getting drinks at a bar I wouldn't really call that a romantic date Alex." "Why were you making out." "Is someone jealous." "NO!" I answered a little to fast. "Mhmm." I rolled my eyes and walked away from him. I need to find away to drive to Perrie and Louis. I felt shuffling behind me. I didn't want to look next to me I knew who it was. "I'm going to pick Perrie up she's my fiend not yours." "Then why did your friend call me not you?"

He stayed quiet for a minute. "Because she probably lost my number." He said trying to make up an excuse for himself. "You really want to pick up Perrie?" "Ya that's what I been saying to you for the pass 5 minutes." "Fine but you have to bring me with you." I heard him cuss at me when he turned around to walk to his car. I followed behind me and opened the passenger seat when we got to his black range rover. "Where is she?" He asked turning to me. "Perrie said something about a white house a few blocks down from the pizza joint?" "You mean Mike's house?" Mike? "I don't know." Were they talking about Mike's house as in the guy from the first day I arrived here. I thought Perrie said she never heard of a Mike before? "You ok?" Harry said looking at me confused. "I'm fine." 

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