Ch: 6 The Party part 3

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Alex POV  

I just opened my eyes. I was confused where I was when I finally released that I was still at the party. You could still here the music going on down stairs. I grabbed my phone and saw it was 12:00 am. I only slept for two hours. I groaned and got up I put my hair in a high bun. I got off the bed and walked over to the  mirror on the side of the room. I rubbed my eyes I looked horrible. I walked over to the door and searched for a bathroom I could us.

There was 4 more doors that I haven't been in. In this hall one of them has to be the bathroom. I went to the door in front of mine. I opened it a little and saw two people making out on the bed. I closed it.

Who ever lives here needs to get locks on their doors because people don't want to just walk in on people that are about to do it. I turned around and opened the door that was on the other side of my room. I opened it and saw that it was an empty room. I was about to close the door when I saw another door on the side that must be a bathroom. I opened the door more and walked inside.

The room looked really neat everything was organized and put away properly. I went over to the door and opened it. I saw a curly brown hair boy with a towel around his waist I saw some tattoos on one of his arm. He was looking away from me. before I could say anything he turned around.

"What the hell are you doing in my room!"

I realized that it was Harry and his room? I was about to speak but he gripped my wrist and pulled me out of the bathroom. He looked really mad that I was in his room. He opened his bedroom door and pushed me out.I turned around to say sorry but he slammed the door in my face.

what was his problem why was he so mad that I was in his room its not like I was going to do anything bad. All I wanted was a bathroom but what I got was a slam in the face by some jerk that I could careless about. And Harry's room this is his party I should have known it's always the quiet ones.  I exhaled and went to the next door.

I opened the door and saw that this was the bathroom. I walked in and turn on the faucet. I put some water on my face to cool me down. As much as I want to sleep I can't the music sounded like it was getting louder by the minute. I opened the door and walked down stairs there was still a lot of people here. I walked down the stairs and walked to the living room to search for Perrie.

I went to the bar to see if she was there. I couldn't find her over here. I sat down at the stool and put my head in my hands.


I looked up at a guy with a bottle in his hands.

"No I'm fine." I looked back down.

"You look like you need one."

"I don't drink." I say to him.

"Why is that?"

"Cau-" I looked at him. "I don't even know you are why would I tell you." He shrugged. "I'm a good listener." "My parents were in a crash last year from a drunk driver." "And you don't drink cause of that." I nodded. "I'm sorry about your parents." "It's ok all you can do is leave the sadness behind." He nodded. "What's your name?" I asked him.

I want to at lease know who this guys was after I told him my life. "Mike." He put his hand out. "Alex." He smiled at me. "I haven't really seen you around the college it is pretty big but I see a lot of people."

"Ya I just moved to the college this morning."

"This morning what are you doing at a party then."

"I don't know my roommate and her friends that I known for less then half a day took me."

"They don't seem like they don't care about you if they left you." I shrugged.


Mike sat the drink down and sat down in front of me. "Mike I know this is a stupied question but do you think you could drop me off at my dorm it's ok if you say no I can just go back upstairs." "Ya sure this party is getting boring anyway."

I got off the chair. "Thank you." We walked to the exit. "Do you want to tell your roommate that your leaving?" "She won't know I'm gone." "Ok."

We walked over to his car. It was a black convertible. Is everyone rich at this school. I got in the car. The drivers door close and Mike started the car up. "Are you a junior." He asked. "No senior I stayed in America for one more year after the" he nodded understanding. "What about you?" "Senior also." I looked out the window and saw the trees go by.

"Whose threw the party tonight?" I waiting for him to say Harry "I don't know I think it was some guy name Owen?" I nodded remember what he said to me a couple hours ago. "But whose house was it."


Who was Styles was that the persons name?

"Whose Styles?"

"No Harry it was Harry house." I was confused why would Harry want someone's party at his house. It was a beautiful house and having party's all the time in it just destroys the house inside. When I left I saw two vases broken on the ground. Just when my thoughts ended the car did too.

"We're here." I unbuckled my seat belt. "Thank you so much Mike." "No problem I'll see you around Alex." Mike drove away. I walked up to are door and took the key out. I unlocked the door and walked inside my room. Finally quietness I changed out of my dress and into a tank top and shorts. I plugged in my phone and went in my bed. Finally.

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