Ch: 12 Why are you here

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Alex POV  

I was in my dorm room watching Netflix on my computer. Liam would be picking me up in an hour and Perrie was out at one of her parties like usual. I took a piece of popcorn from the bowl and placed it in my mouth. I was watching Love Actually. I smiled at part where they jumped in the lake trying to get the papers out of the water. This is what I really loved. being in bed watching a film with no interruptions. The minute I finished the thought my door opened. Just my luck.

I paused the movie and looked up and saw Harry walking inside. "What are you doing aren't you suppose to be at the party." I was really looking forward to watch this movie alone.

He walked in and sat down on Perrie's bed. "It's not at my house." I nodded and looked back down at the computer. I didn't feel like talking to him so I put the movie on play. "What are you watching?" I paused the movie again. "Love Actually." I said a little annoyed with him talk during the movie. "Is it good?" I looked over at him.

Is he really talking to me like everything between us didn't happen because i'm not letting that go. "I like it." He got off Perrie's bed and laid down next to me on mine. he put the popcorn bowl on his lap. "Lets see if its good." I looked at him in confusion. I sat the computer next to me and sat up to look at him. "What the hell is going on."

He furrowed his eyebrows not understanding what I was saying. "

You have been a complete jerk to me ever since I got here and then you all of a sudden you want to lay down with me and watch this movie? I'm not stupid Styles and if your trying to play a joke on me then your even more then a jerk then I thought you were so-"

"Alex shut up." I put my mouth together.

"How do you know my name."

"My friend is your roommate and she talk about you a lot." What do they say about me. I must have stayed quiet for a while because Harry got up to and looked at me.

"Alex?" I looked at Harry.

"Why are you here."

"I don't know?" He said.

"You knew Perrie and the guys were at a party."

I looked away from him to looked out the window. "Why are you not with them." he stayed quiet I could feel his eyes were on me.

"If your trying-"

"I'm not." he interrupted me again.

"Then tell me why your here and actually talking to me for once." The bed shifted a little at first I thought he was getting of the bed but I felt him move closer to me.

"I don't know." he repeated again.

"Then you can go." I faced him once more. He looked down for a second and then back to my eyes.

"Is that an order?" he sounded angry but yet a little disappointed. I nodded at him.

He got off my bed and walked out of the room not saying anything at all. I part of me didn't want him to leave but most of me wanted him to. I don't understand him maybe he's bipolar or something but right now i'm trying to convince myself he was just doing that to get on my nerves trying to get close to me and then hurt me later on. I looked away from the door and back to my computer.

I closed it and laid back on my bed. I got out my phone and called Charlotte maybe she can help me with this. I dialed the number and put the phone to my ear.

"Its 1 in the morning Alex this better be good." "I'm sorry for waking you up I need help." I heard her yawn from her end.

"What is it?"

"Its this guy Harry."

"Is he cute." That what she's concerned with if he's cute?

"Yes but thats not the point."

"I'm sorry go on."

"I don't understand him he was being a complete jerk to me since I got here and just now he came in and laid down next to me wanting to watch a movie with me what is that suppose to me."

"Do you think he likes you?" I snorted a little.

"No No way. Harry thinks the total opposite about me. the other day he looked like he wanted to kill me in seconds."

"People can change there feeling Alex."

"Your suppose to tell me to forget about him and he will move on and stop talking to me not that he likes me." I said to her.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you what you wanted to here but it sounds like he wanted to be close to you." I bit my lip. Harry doesn't like me not a chance.

"Thanks for your help." Even though she didn't help me at all.

"No problem now can I go back to sleep?'

"Ya sorry for waking you up."

"Bye Alex."

I hung up the phone and sat it down next to me. so far two people told me two guys liked me. Guys are so confusing why can't they express their feelings its not that hard. I heard knocking from my bed. I got off my bed and opened the door. I saw Liam. "Hey Liam." I gave him a fake smile. "Hey you ready?" "Ya let me get my phone."

I walked over to where my phone was and walked out of the room. I locked the door and we headed out of the building. "Have you seen Harry today?" I looked over at him. "No." I lied to him. "I saw Harry outside the dorms and he looked really mad." "I don't know what he was doing here." "He was probably just leaving from his one night stand with some girl." My mouth became dry when he said those words. "One nightstands?" I asked him. "Ya Harry's not only a bad boy but a player also." I looked down at the ground.

A part of me knew that but I didn't want to say it yet. We walked inside his car. "Alex?" I looked up at Liam. "I'm sorry I'm spacing out a lot tonight." I want this night to be fun and not think about some guy. "It's fine but I want you to know you can tell me anything." I smiled at him. "I will I promise."

I took a breath and turned the radio on. The radio started to play the Fray. "You like the Fray?" I asked him. "Ya do you?" "I'm in love with them." He turned the music higher and we sat and hummed the song all the way to his apartment. 

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