Ch: 21 to the mall we go

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Alex POV  

"Get up were going out." I opened my eyes and saw Perrie in front of me. "What are you doing." "Were going to the mall with Eleanor now get ready." She threw a towel in front of me. "I don't want to go to the mall I have enough stuff." Perrie walked to my closet and grabbed one of me sweaters. "Why do you like these clothes so much?" I looked at her. "Because I like them." Why does she want to go to the mall with me she had no interest in me before and I only meet Eleanor once at a party. "Get up."

This maybe the only time Perrie would be at lease a little nice to me so I should probably go for it. "Ok I'll be back." I got off my bed and grabbed the towel and clothes to wear.  I was heading out of the room when Perrie came over to me. "There are showers up stares that are much better then the ones down here." "Why are you being so nice to me." I raised my eyebrow at her. "Do you want me to be mean to you again cause I can." "Ok sorry for asking." I walked out of the room and went up stairs. I haven't been up here before but it looked exactly like my level.

I went down the hall and saw a door that said showers on it. I walked in and went over to one. I turned the shower one and stepped in. The water here felt so much better then the ones on my level. I wonder why. I stayed in for 10 minutes then turned it off. I changed into my clothes and brushed my hair out. Why do I need to go to the mall I like the clothes I wear and I think I look good in them. I left my hair to air dry and walked out of the showers and went back into my room. I walked in and saw Eleanor and Perrie talking. "Alex you meet Eleanor at the party last week." I put my hands out so she could shake it. "Um Hi."

She looked down at my hand and gave it a strange look but she took it. "Hi." "Well we should get going." I grabbed my purse. "So Alex your from America." "Ya I was born in Washington and I went to Georgetown for three years." "Why only for three years?" "Its a long story you wouldn't want to know." Actually I just didn't want to think about it right now. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" We went into a red convertible it must be Eleanor car. "No I'm an only child." She nodded and sat on the drivers seat. I feel like I didn't belong with Perrie and her friends its awkward being in a car with two people that look like they would steal a car for fun. I looked down at my phone and saw I had a text from Liam. 

  *Want to hangout today

*I can't I'm going to the mall with Perrie and her friend

  "Who are you texting?" I looked up at Perrie. If I tell her she would make a whole speech about how people like me shouldn't be friends with people like him. "My Aunt." I lied and looked back down at my phone  

*Please don't change the way you look  

I know he is referring to short shorts and cut off shirts that Perrie and Eleanor wear.  

*I'm not going to buy clothes don't worry   

I closed my phone and looked back up. "What did she say?" Perrie turned around to look at me. "She just asked how school was doing." "Really because I remember you talking to her yesterday about school." "You don't need to be mean Perrie she can text who ever she wants." Eleanor said while glaring at her. I thanked Eleanor in me head. "I'm just saying she doesn't need to lie about who she's talking to." I hope were close to the mall I just want to get out of this car as fast as possible. "Let just forget it happen alright." I nodded at Eleanor even though she probably couldn't even see me.

After about 10 minutes of hell in the car we were finally at the mall. I opened the door and got out. "I'm sorry for her." I looked my side and saw Eleanor. "It's fine and thanks for standing up for me." She smiled at me. Perrie was a head of us so she couldn't hear what we were saying. "So who were you texting?" "What." "I know you weren't texting your Aunt." Maybe I should tell her she doesn't seem to be the one to judge people. "Liam Payne." I said to her. "Liam I love Liam he was in one of my classes last year but I sadly switched out. He was quiet but he is sweet." I'm happy she isn't judging me for being his friends. "Are you guys coming?" Eleanor and I looked up. "Must do what the queen says." Eleanor said sarcastically.

I laughed a little while we hurried to Perrie. We walked in the mall it is so big. "Where should we go?" I asked. "I know a place." Perrie walked over to a store that didn't look like anything I would wear. Perrie held out black skinny jeans. "Try it on." "No I'm not going to wear that." That looks way to tight for my taste. "You don't need to buy it just try it on." I looked at Eleanor. "Trying it out wouldn't hurt." I growled and grabbed the jeans out of her hands. I walked to the back of the store and went to the changing rooms. I put the jeans on it took me 3 tries to make it work but I finally got them on.

I looked in the mirror. "Open the door." Perrie yelled. "Are you sure?" "Come on Alex let us see." Eleanor said. I opened the door and looked at Perrie and Eleanor. "What do you think?" "I'm impressed Alex." I turned to look in the mirror. I did look good and I wanted the pants but I'm not going to get it. "Ok." I was about to close the door. "Wait are you going to get them?" "No I told you I didn't want pants." "Well I'll buy them for you." "Your not going to do that for me." "Why." "Because I don't need them." I closed the door and took the pants off and changed into my skirt.

I love me skirts but maybe a new-. No I'm not going to change my look I like how I look. I walked out of the changing room and saw Eleanor by some clothes I walked up to her. "You looked good in those pants Alex I wish you would have boughten them." "I like them a lot but-" I saw Perrie come towards me with a bag. "Here you go now don't ask any questions or saying anything about them." I opened the bag and saw my pants and other pants and shirts in the bag. "I can't-" Perrie put her hand in front or me telling me to stop talking. "Just except it." I can't take when people buy things for me

I couldn't even take when Liam bought me a drink. "Thank you." She looked at me them turned around to walk out of the store. After couple more hours of shopping we got tired and left the mall. Eleanor drove us back to the dorms. Eleanor was a really nice girl I don't know why she's friends with Perrie no offense but they are complete opposites. We got to the dorms and I got out of the car. "Were going to a party I know you wouldn't want to come so I'll be back tomorrow." Perrie rolled up her window. Eleanor waved bye to me and started the car and drove away. I walked up to my room and sat the bag of clothes down. I took the clothes out and looked at them. The only way to make sure I like them is try them on.

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