Ch: 10 Sweaters,Louis,Essay

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Alex POV  

"What are you doing up here?"

"Harry I don't need to hear it I'm tired and I was about to leave." He was stunned with what I said.

I was about to walk pass him but I felt Harry grip my arm. I turned around to face him. He didn't say anything just looked in my eyes like he did this morning. I squinted my eyes at him.

"Why do you do that?" His loosen around my wrist but his eyes didn't leave mine.

"What?" Did he just respond to my question?

"Why do you do that."

"I heard what you said."

"Than answer me." I said back to him in the same tone. he started to glare at me.

"I'm trying to figure you out." he said.

"Well your not going to find anything so you should stop trying."

"Do not talk to me that way." he warned.

"Or what." my head drifted back to what Liam asked about me getting hurt by Harry. I looked back up at his eyes.

"Get out of my house."

"Gladly Styles."

I turned around and stormed out of the hall way. He makes me so angry. What was he trying to figure out about me. Why does he care its not like he's ever going to talk to me other then when it has to do with Perrie. I am not coming back to this house.

I promise myself that I can't stand always seeing Harry in there. I was about to open the front door but Perrie came in front of me.

"You came!"

"Ya and now I'm leave so bye." I put my hand on the knob.

"Who drove you?"

"Do you really care." I asked her. she shook her head.

"Then bye." I opened the door and walked out of the house. I saw Liam's car in the same spot.

I opened the door and got in. "You got it." he asked. I held it up for him to see it. "did anything happen in there." He asked. "No I just got my sweater and left I got confused with the rooms but I finally found it." I lied to him. I don't want Liam to get worried about what happened in their. "Did you see Perrie in there?" "Ya but we didn't really talk." he nodded.

I put my head on the window and closed my eyes tired with the day I had today. After a few minutes I felt someone shaking me awake. "What?" I opened my eyes a little. "I'm sorry to wake you Alex but we're here." "Oh ok." I opened the door and got out. "Thank you so much Liam your a really good friend." "No problem Alex i'll see you tomorrow."

His car drove away. I pulled myself back into my room. I opened the door and walked inside. once I got inside I put my sweater on the chair and changed into some pjs and went into bed. I'll print my essay tomorrow. I put a alarm on my phone to tell me when to get up. Once it was set I went to sleep right after.  

-Next Morning-

I heard a beeping sound go off. I grabbed my phone and click the snooze button. I got off my bed and yawned. it was 7:00 I have an hour until I have to get to my class. I looked around the room and realized that Perrie wasn't in here guess she stayed  the night. I grabbed some clothes and went to take a shower. I have class at the other end of campus so I have to leave a bit early.

Once my shower was cold I walked out and changed into my skirt and shirt. I brushed my hair out and walked back into my room. I saw more people then I expect to be in my room. I saw Louis on my lap top and Niall on my bed looking down at his phone.

"What are you doing."

"We thought Perrie would have come back here after the party but guess we were wrong." Niall said.

"Then you guys can leave." I put the towel out to dry.

"And I have to go to my first class."

I walked over to Louis. I looked down to see what he was doing on my laptop. "I exited out of your essay thing so I could look at my email." Louis said not looking up from my computer. Everything from my hands dropped to the ground. "You did what!" I yelled. "I closed your essay that was on the screen when I opened the laptop and stop screaming." "LOUIS MY ESSAY WAS ON MY COMPUTER!" "I know." He said to me. "I DIDN'T SAVE THAT ESSAY I WAS GOING TO PRINT IT OUT ONCE I GOT OUT OF THE SHOWER." Niall looked in between Louis and I a little concern with what just happened. "Well thats your fault you didn't save it in your computer." "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

I was about to jump on him but Niall pulled me back before I could. "I can't believe you did that louis!" I yelled. "Well you should have saved it." "Alex calm down." Niall said in my ear. "You had no right to us my laptop in the first place." I pulled as hard as I could from Niall.

I got out of his grip and turned to look at him.

"And you have no right to be in my room." I yelled at Niall.

"We have a key." I poked him on the chest.

"I don't care about your stupid key I want you out of my room!" I yelled at him.

The door opened and Perrie and Zayn walked in. "What's going on here we could hear you yelling from down the hall." Perrie asked coming between Niall and I. "I want your friends out of our room they come in when ever they want and I can't deal with them and Louis made me loss my whole essay." I yelled at her.

She looked at all of them. "Ok I understand what your saying." I cooled down a little. "Thank you." "But  you should have saved you essay into the computer don't you think Alex." "You know I give up." I walked over to my bag and grabbed it and walked out of the room. I need to get a new room. Switch roommates cause I can't deal with Perrie and her friends anymore. 

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