Ch: 51 talking

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Alex POV  

I walked back to my dorms. I need to know more about this. About the whole Natalie thing. I know they did stuff with each other but did anything happen when I was gone between them. I exhaled and opened the door the building and why would Mike just say that to me randomly. There had to be a reason he brought it up. While I was walking to my room I heard people arguing.

"You are such a slut." "Well it was your boyfriend that came on to me. So you should yell at him and not me." I walked to where the arguing was coming from. I went around the corner and saw a blond hair girl with long curly hair and Natalie fighting in front of a crowd of girls. I went over to get a better look. The curly hair girl was about to jump on Natalie.

I had to stop them even though I knew Natalie deserved to be punched out. I ran in between them two. "Guys do you really want to be doing this." "Shut up Alex." I turned to Natalie. "It's not like Harry hasn't done the same thing." I bit my lip trying to keep my anger down. "Come on Alex you really think Harry was really going to stop his habits and settle down with one girl all his life. I give you another week and he will just walk away from you." "That's not true he said I was different." I said back to her. She rolled her eyes. "Oh please he said the same exact thing to me. He just wants to get into bed with you and then he'll walk away. So get that through your mind Alex."

She pushed past me and walked away from the crowd. I exhaled not know what to do about what she said. "Don't listen to her she's just upset that the one person she actually likes doesn't want her." The curly hair girl said to me. "You mean Harry?" I asked her. "Ya she's been trying to be more to him then a sex partner since freshmen year." "So she likes Harry" "That would be an understatement well I got to go." The blond hair girl walked a way and left me alone. I guess the crowd left also when Natalie left. I didn't know what to think right now. I was tired and I wanted to sleep.

I Walked to my dorm room and went inside. I went to close the door when I felt someone hold me shoulder. I jumped a little and turned around to see who was in my room. I looked up at his big green eyes. "Alex." I stepped back making me bump into the wall.

"What are you doing here I thought you didn't want to talk to me you didn't call me all this morning." "I'm sorry about that." I shook my head. I don't know if I was angry at him or wanted to cry in front of him? "I was devastated when you left me last night I thought you hated me. Liam was the only one there for me." "Please don't cry." Cry?

I touched my cheek and felt wetness. I whipped the tears away. "Why didn't you call me?" Harry walked closer to me. "I was scared I didn't know how to react to something like this. And I didn't know how to talk to you this morning I knew you were mad and I didn't know what to say." "You didn't know what to say? You could have called me and said. Hi Alex I'm sorry for leaving like that last night but don't worry I still love you." I said back to him. "Alex its my first time being-" "No you can't just blame it on that every time you do something wrong Harry."

Harry walked closer to me. I wanted to move back more but my back was already against the door. Harry put his arm up trapping me against the wall. "what are you doing?" I whispered. I tried not to make contact with his eyes. "Look at me." I shook my head still looking down at the ground. Harry put his hand under my chin to make me look at him. I closed my eyes still trying not to look at his eyes.

I know the minute I open it I will fall into his trap. I need to be strong. "Alex open your eyes." I shook my head. "No you can't make me." "Fine close your eyes." It was quiet for a minute. I didn't know if Harry was still in the room. I wanted to peek so badly. I was about to open my eyes when I felt his lips pressed against mine. It was so emotional and deep.

I was about to kiss back when I relised why the reason he was here. I put my hands on his chest and pulled back. "NO Harry we need to talk about this." I said to him. "A kiss isn't going to make this all better and make me forget. Relationships don't work like that." "Then what do you want me to do. I said I was sorry why are you freaking out about this."

 "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU HARRY!" He stayed quiet for a minute.

No answer. "You can go when you want." I said to him "Can you open your eyes first to let me through." I opened them and moved out of the way to let him through. He opened the door and walked out. without saying anything. I walked to the bed and laid down. Well I blew it. I put my arms over my eyes and tried to relax. Harry and I are always in fights.

We haven't even been dating for a whole week yet. And 2 days out of the week I was home. This is my first relationship also Harry isn't alone in this. I should have known this was going to be what a relationship would mostly concise of. Harry and I are to completely different people. He doesn't fall in love he does't care what people think of him he does whatever he wants. While I do care. I try to make people like me. I rather have have a lot of friends then no friends at all.

I heard knocking at the door. I groaned I didn't want to get up but I lifted myself up any way. I got up and went over to the door. I opened it and saw Harry. "What" I crossed my arms and looked at him. "I shouldn't have left." I laughed sarcastically "Harry all it seems like you do is run." "I know thats why I came back." He looked in my eyes. I didn't let him in I need to be strong.

"Why did you come back." "We need to talk." now he understands. I opened the door more to let him in. He walked by me and went to sit down on the bed. I closed the door and sat down next to him. "I'm sorry about your parents." I goes we were jumping right into it. "Thanks." I didn't need pity from another person. "When did they." He stopped talk I goes he didn't want to say the words. "they died last year in a car crash." he nodded. "Is that why you stayed another year in washington."

I looked at the door not wanting to look at him "ya I stayed with my aunt Jackie." I felt a hand on mine. I looked down and his hand on mine. "Thanks for telling me." Well I felt like I had to tell him either way. I nodded. "I'm sorry again." "I know you are…I forgive you." I guess. "Why are you still mad at me." "Because I don't need your pity everyone I told about my life have been treated me differently and I don't want it.

I moved away from Washington to get away from that I wanted to start new here. And not be known as the girl that lost both of her parents." "I promise I won't do that to you." "You can't just say you won't It will just happen." "You know I think I like you even more then I did before and I thought that was impossible." I was confused. "Is that what you say to every girl?" 'What are you talking about?" "I know it isn't the best thing to say but I needed to get everything off of my chest." "Ok." he shifted on the bed and turned to look at me.

"You told me something about you. Now I get to tell you something about me." I nodded. "Did you ever do more then hook up with Natalie." Harry smiled at me. "Why are you smiling its not funny." "you're jealous." "Its not like you haven't been jealous with Liam now answer the question." he exhaled "No Natalie and I hooked up a few times but nothing else happened after that."

"You know she likes you a lot." Harry laughed a little. "I knew that since forever."

"Then why haven't you gone out with her."

"Your only suppose to go out with people you like Alex."

"Well you most have hooked up with her because you liked her."

"Are you trying to set me up with Natalie or something?"

"No I'm just trying to understand you." he laughed. "ok." "I want to learn more about you." "You do know a lot about me." "Please like what." "You know…" he stopped talking trying to think of something. "Exactly what I mean I don't know anything." Harry didn't like letting people in easily and it most be even harder for him to let people know about his real personal life. "maybe someday I'll tell you more about my life." I gave him a small smile. "baby steps." he nodded. "baby steps." 

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