Ch: 40 truths out

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Alex POV

I woke up when I heard knocking on my door. I yawned and looked at the time. 5:55 am who would come at this time. "Alex open the door." "But I don't want to get up." I yelled back at the door. "Get your ass up from your bed and open the door I need to talk to you." "Who is at the door?" That should have been my first question. "It's Niall." Why would Niall be up the early and why would he need to talk to me for. "Fine." I got up from my bed. Perrie wasn't here. I don't even think she lives here. I never see her. I walked to the door and saw Niall. "Yes." "We need to talk."

He walked inside my room and sat down on my bed. I groaned and closed the door. "Niall I want to sleep." I usually wake up in 30 more minutes man 30 minutes has a big difference when you sleep. "It will only take a minute." "Why couldn't you tell me this later?" "Because I wanted to tell you before you got ready." I sat down next to him. "What do you want to talk about?" "Are you and Harry keeping a secret from us?" "What...what are you talking about." My palms were getting sweaty. "You guys seem off lately did you get in a fight again?" "No Niall everything's fine Harry and I are fine." I smiled at him. "I told you that I could keep secrets Alex." "I know and I will tell you what happens between us when something happens." I felt like he knew something. "So you and Harry have nothing going on?" "No I promise."

"Well your a liar." He yelled "What are you talking about?" He got off the bed and looked at me "Harry told me about you guys and what happened the other night I came here to see if it's true I guess it is." "Harry told you?" "Ya he was rambling on about you guys all last night something about you being mad at him for some reason." "Niall. Harry and I didn't want to tell anyone because you guys wouldn't understand." "Understand what?" "That a person like Harry couldn't date someone like me." "Well I could careless that you guys are together Alex." "Then way are you here if you don't care?" "Cause I wanted to here you to say it to my face and see if you would lie about it and I guess you were." "Ok Harry and I are dating."

The door opened and Perrie walked in. "What are you doing up this early." I looked over at her trying to move the conversation on to her. I guess Niall notice what I was doing cause he gave out a grunt and turn to her. She went to sit down on her bed. "Greg and I went to a party last night it was fine until we broke up and I guess I got drunk and passed out. I woke up an hour ago and drove back here." "I'm sorry about you and Greg." I said. She shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "Ya you guys were going out for about a month I thought you guys were actually going to be the it couple around here." "Please Niall you know that I don't stay with a guy forever and I'm surprise as well Greg and I did last a long time. But it was about time." She took off her shoes and put it on the ground.

She looked over at Niall "Now why are you here this early." I knew where she was going to go with the question so I jumped in. "Niall just came to ask me a few questions for homework." I said. "Lying again I see." Niall mumbled. I pushed him. "Ew work." She laid down on the bed. "I'm going back to sleep so if you want to talk I rather you go outside." She closed her eyes. I exhaled and turned to Niall. He motioned me to the door. We got off the bed and went outside the door.

"I only lied because Harry and I made a promise not to tell anyone." "Well he told me." "I know and I'm going to talk to him about that." Niall rolled his eyes. "What?" I asked him. "When are you going to tell the other about you two or if you guys are ever going to tell them?" "I will tell them Niall I promise when the time is right just keep it to yourself right now." "Fine but you better tell them soon Alex or I will." He walked away from the dorms. I put my head on the door. Now one more person nows about this or maybe Harry told all the guys at the bar about us too.

I opened the door and went to my bed. I have 15 more minutes until I have to get up and get ready for my next class. I grabbed my phone and texted Harry.

*we need to talk meet me at the cafe we went to when we had are walk in 30 minutes

I sent the text and sat it down on the nightstand I know he will show up. I laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. Harry better have an explanation about this.

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