Ch: 20 Wouldn't understand

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Alex POV  

I was doing homework on the desk in between mine and Perrie's desk I had to write an essay in for my English lit. class. I decided on writing it this time so I could just put in my folder when I'm done. I know it would be safe in there then my computer. I was writing my conclusion when the door opened. I turned around and saw Perrie walk in. She didn't say anything she just put her stuff away then fell on her bed. "How was your date with Greg." I asked taking my glasses off. I always wore them when I was younger but once I was in hight school I got contacts I still wear my glasses if I get lazy. "Fine but I think I'm going to break up with him."

I looked down at her on the bed with her eyes closed. "If it's doing good why would you break up with him?" "I don't like staying with a guy for more then a week or so it's not my thing." "Don't you want to feel loved?" "Why do you ask so much questions?" "Because. Now answer it." She sat up and looked at me. "Have you ever dated a person before." I stayed quiet it's not that I was never asked it's just I never had time for one it was my choose. "I should have known you wouldn't understand."

She layed back down. "Then explain to me." "Don't you have an essay to write." I took my glasses off and looked at her. "I have time." She took a breath. "I just don't want to be seen as weak falling in love with a guy and then they hurting me that happened to Eleanor once and I don't want that to happen with me." So she doesn't want to get hurt. I nodded when she finished. "What if you and Greg actually hit it off and you guys fall in love and live happily ever after." "This isn't a fairy tale Alex it's collage." "My parents were collage lovers." "Ya what are you parents now pussies."

I looked down at my paper. Don't cry don't cry. I kept saying to myself she doesn't know she wouldn't have said that if she had known it's okay. "Alex you ok?" I looked at Perrie who was looking at me confused. "Ya I just got something in my eye." She didn't look convinced but I didn't care. "Well I'm still going to be dumping guys after a week." There was no way to convince her so I guess we have to wait until she finds the right guy. I wrote the rest of my essay in 15 minutes and then put it away. Perrie was sleeping on her bed. EI changed into pj shorts and a shirt and went into bed.

This was a long day and I hope tomorrow will be better I'm still mad at Liam for what he said I was interrupted when Perrie started to talk. "I wish I was you Alex." Wait what did she just say. "What?"

"I wish I was like you having nothing to hide everything is so simple and easy you don't have to dress up and be someone your not." "My life isn't that good." It's not even close to good. Having no parents staying with my Aunt most of the time. "Ya it is you wouldn't understand." I bit my lip trying to hold myself together. I pulled the covers over me more so I could go to sleep faster but I kept on staring at the wall. You don't even know and you probably well never know.

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