Ch: 17 Just a Walk

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Alex POV  

It took 15 minutes of arguing, a few curse words, and a promise that I would do a favor for her in the future to get Perrie to come pick me up. It really shouldn't have taken that long but she loves to make my life harder.

After waiting a while to be picked up Harry's car came in front of me. Perrie was probably using his car again. The window rolled down and I saw Harry in the car. "Are you just going to stand there." I parted my mouth a little. "Perrie was suppose to pick me up." "Well she is out with Greg so she called me." "Whose Greg?" "Are you just going to stand there and ask question I don't have the answers to or are you going to get in." "I think I'll just walk." I got off the bench and started to walk towards the dorms. Harry started the car again and drove next to me. "Your not walking to your dorms." I didn't look at him just kept my walking. "Are you giving me the silent treatment Alex?"

I looked at him for a second and then straight again. The car stopped. What was he doing? Heard the sound of a car door close and then someone running towards me. "Ok then I'll walk also." "What about your car?" "Look who decided to talk." "Just answer the question or I'm going to keep giving you the silent treatment." My day hasn't been the best and I just want answers. "I'll just ask Niall to pick it up for me he'll do what I say." 'Jerk' I said in my head. "So why are you Alex Jordan missing class?" "It's nothing." "It had to be something if your missing class for it." "Do you really want to know why I'm missing class?" "No not really but if I'm walking you to your dorms then I should make conversation." I rolled my eyes at him. Unbelievable.

"Why aren't you in class it seems like you ditch every class and hook up with every sank here." "Is someone jealous?" "Please you wish." "Mhmm." We kept walking to the dorms it would take us forever to get there at this speed. "Whose Greg?" I asked Harry. "You asked the question already." "But. You didn't answer." "There a reason why I didn't." Someone is in a bad mood. "I don't know who this guy is. Perrie hooked up with him at the party last week I don't think Zayn is pretty happy with that." Zayn was the guy that was in the car with us on the way to that party that night the one with the really dark hair. "Why is that?" He raised his eyebrow at me like I was stupid. "He liked her since freshmen year." "Why can't he ask her out maybe they will Get together?" "Perrie only stays with a person for a week the most and then dumps them she doesn't like have relationships with people."

"Like you." I whispered to myself. "I heard that." His voice got lower. 'Its true' I said to myself. We've been walking for what seemed like an hour and my feet were hurting a lot. "Are we there yet?" "Shut up! You asked that for the hundredth time now." I was limping I never knew how big the stupid campus was. "If you know this campus so well why didn't you force me into your car it would be better then this." "Because I forced someone into the car before and I don't want to go to jail again." I stopped walking right after he said that. "I'm kidding Alex." I'm not to sure about that.

I started to walk next to him again. "Are we almost there I'm hungry." "The next food place we see will go in now keep quiet or I'm going to leave you." "You wouldn't." "Don't be to sure." I groaned and kept limping next to him. I felt my phone buzzing. I took it out and put it to my ear. "Alex where are you?" It was Liam. "Why do you care?" I said not in the mood to talk to him. "You have no car don't tell me your walking to your dorms alone." "I'm not alone I'm with Harry." "Where are you." I saw a sign that said silverway drive. "I don't know?" "call me when you get to your dorm to make sure your safe." "Fine." I closed my phone and put it back in my pocket. "Whoever you were talking to didn't sound happy." "It was Liam." I saw Harry's mood change a little I didn't know for sure what it was but he wasn't happy. "Do you and Liam have a history or something?"

He laughed a little. "He should be the one to tell you that but seeing that he didn't tell you what it was sounds like he's still not over it yet." "Well what ever you did to him probably really hurt him." "Why do you think I started it maybe he was the one to hurt me." I highly doubt that. "Ya right it's your fault that Liam and I got in a fight in the first place and I wouldn't be having to walk miles away to get back to my dorm." "Stop whining Alex." I took a deep breath. "So is that why you left class early because of a fight you had with Liam." Harry looked a little amused. "No I left because your friends keep pushing me into thinking I'm not allowed to have a friend that's a guy." Harry thought for a minute

"Well there has to be a catch to be friends for a guy." "No there doesn't." I looked down the street and saw the cafe Liam I go to. "Finally were close to the dorms." I walked away from Harry and went to the cafe. I went to the front of the line seeing there wasn't a lot of people here. "Why did you just leave and why are we in this dump there's a Starbucks a few blocks down that would be a lot better then this place." I glared at him. "This place may not look like much Harry but their drinks are pretty good." I looked straight and saw a girl that looked to be sixteen. "Hi can I have a soy chai tea latte with a blue berry muffin." I gave her a nice smile. "And what would you like." She looked a little scared of Harry I wouldn't blame her I did too when I first saw him. "I just take what's in front of me to go." He winked at her. I pushed Harry to the side. "That's it." I glared at Harry while I said that to her. I payed her the money and pulled Harry to the side while she was making the drink. "What are you trying to do have sex with a sixteen year old?" "What?" "Your disgusting." "I've been called worse." I growled and walked back to the girl. She put the drink and muffin in front of me. "Thank you and I'm sorry for him." "Is he your boyfriend?" She whispered. I laughed a little. "What's so funny." Harry said making his way over. "No we're not." "Were not what?" "Come on."

I thank the girl and again and walked out of the building. I knew where we are the dorms should be about 5 minutes away from here. "Are you sure you didn't want anything in there." I asked him. "I'm not going to eat that crap from a place I never heard about before." "Your so picky." I grabbed my muffin and took a bite. "It's really good." I said to Him. He looked down at me. "I'm not going to eat it I rather starve. "You sure." He bit his lip and nodded at me. I knew he was hungry but he could have gotten something at the cafe. We walked a little fourth until we were finally in front of the door. I put the wrapper of my muffin in my bag and walked to the building. I opened the door for Harry but I saw him standing below the stares. "Why are you standing there?" "Did you forget already what you told me this morning about I'm not allowed to come into your dorm."

I totally forgot my mind was filled with to much stuff. "Your right well thank you for walking me home." He looked at me for a while not taking an eye off of me I didn't know if I was suppose to say something or not so I just coughed a little. Harry's blinked a few times. "Um bye Alex." He started to walked back. I didn't want him to be outside waiting for Niall to come pick him up class ends in an hour I was about to invite him in but that would just make everything more weird between us. Maybe he would call Zayn to come pick him up ya. I turned around and opened the doors and headed back to my room and sat on my bed. It was only 11:00 and I already had a horrible but yet ok day. 

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