Ch: 59 coffee shops

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Alex POV

Eleanor was dropping me off at class. It was the first day back after the break. "What time is your class over. I can come pick you up." I grabbed my bag from the back. "at 11." I closed the door and looked at her. "Ok have a good time in class." She winked at me and drove away.

I exhaled and turned and ran into class. I was a little late. Never trust Eleanor when she says she will pick you up on time. I opened the door and walked into the room.

The professor was still talking. I tried not to make a scene and went over to one of the seats near the back of the class. I sat down and opened my books. I started to pay attention to the professor and write down some of the notes on the board.

I ripped out a piece of paper to put in another binder when I felt a shadow over me and sit down next to me. I didn't think much of it. But he started to talk to me and I had to look.


"You seem surprise." He opened his bag and got everything out.

"I haven't seen you in weeks and texting on the phone isn't really good communication." 

"Well i'm here." He smiled at me. I smiled back and looked at him unpacking his things onto the table. "How was your winter break?" I asked him.

"It was fine didn't you text me a couple days ago what I was I up to. You never stopped texting me during the whole break." he mumble the last part but I could hear him perfectly.

Why was he in such a bad mood? I know I texted him a couple days ago but I haven't really talked to him since the festival and when I did text him the conversation only lasted 3 minutes. "Sorry." I said to him and focus back at the professor.

The rest of class Liam and I didn't talk to each other. I didn't know what to say and when I did know I was scared that he would just react badly to it. When the class is over I'm just going to leave a soon as possible. 

"Ok you guys may leave." The minute the professor said that. I stuffed my things in my backpack and walked out of the room. making sure Liam wasn't going to find me. Once I was out I exhaled.

I need to get out of here. I walked away from the building and searched for Eleanor's car. I went to the parking lot. Eleanor was going to be late she always is.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and looked to see if she texted me anything. I was about to text her when a car drove in front of me.

I looked up and saw Niall inside. "Hey love I didn't see you in there." he pointed to the building. "I was sitting in the back I came late and that was the only seat available. He nodded. "Is Liam dropping you off?'' "No! Eleanor." I said to him. "God ok I was just asking. I'll see you later." 

He drove away from me. I hope he doesn't tell the others about my reaction to his question that would just cause more crap in my life. I pushed my hair back from the wind blowing.

I spotted Eleanor's car parked in the far left side of the lot. I walked over to it and jumped inside. "How was class?"

"Horrible Liam and I didn't talk at all during the class." "Why weren't you guys just talking a couple days ago." "Ya I don't know." I shrugged and looked at her. "How about we go get a coffee and talk more about it there."

I agreed and turned the radio on. We listened to the music and sang along. We were in the middle of a good song when we got to the coffee shop that Harry and I go to. We got out and headed inside. "I wonder if your lover boy is in here. What's his name again Noah?" I pushed Eleanor. "Shut up." 

I opened the door to the shop. We were about to walk to the front of the line when I stopped. "What's going on with you?" She said looking at me. "I don't know if its just my imagination or not but is that Harry?"

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