The End

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Guys before I start, there will be an epilogue, so stay tuned for that, but this is the end chapter, the epilogue will only tie up some loose ends. If you have any questions left, they will all be answered in it.

I couldn't see what they were doing, I only felt a small brushing going over my lids. And my hair being tied up, this is it Y/N, this is your perfect ending. This is your marriage, with a prince, and me being a princess. What a cliche of an ending, like a "happily ever after" of a fairytale, but honestly, I wouldn't want a different one, this is the best day of my life.

Helen was sitting next to me, she was already crying a little, she was holding my hands while the makeup and hair crew did their thing. She kept saying of how she's so happy for me, of how I've changed from her first lesson, I knew she was still going to be my advisor, or councilor, but it seemed like somewhat of an end. The end of her being my teacher, the end of my old life, the start of my new one, as a new member or royalty, and as a wife.

When I opened my eyes, Jin walked in with a tray of cupcakes. He saw my eyes flash, and smiled warmly at me.

"You can eat one for now Y/N, you can have as much as you want once the wedding is over, I will be your private chef from now on, since you are married to Jungkook." He said.

I took one and smiled back at him, I still remember the day I met him, at that mansion, and I cut my finger helping me slice the vegetables. At that time Jungkook was still promised to Tzuyu, and he hated me, so much has much has changed, but I don't regret anything, I would do it all over again, if I had to.

Helen helped me into the dress, as the servants did all the little details, like the vail, and the back of the dress. Jungkook wasn't allowed to see me 48 hours before the wedding, and when we were texting, he said that it was killing him. Tae came in though, I still went stiff once I saw him, but I relaxed seeing him smile as well. It has been such a long time since I saw that warm smile of his.

"You look amazing Y/N, I bet Jungkook will drool after seeing you later." He laughed.
"I hope he doesn't, because that will only mean more work for the cleaners." I laughed back.

He helped me up, and made me twirl, as he looked at me from head to toe. Maybe thinking of Andrea, I don't know, but he was back to his old self, not cold or threatening to kill me anymore. I guess the truth changed him, and I like him better this way. He said he needed to make sure the arena was ready, so he walked out. Helen walked with me as I sat on the bed.

I didn't know if I wanted to cry, or to smile. This is all happening to quickly, I still remember Jungkook being assigned next to me back in high school, and all of a sudden I'm marrying him. I still remember him dragging me behind him, hiding from the guards looking for him, and then jumping off the helicopter, working for Tae, losing my memory, being tortured by Victoria...and now, all of it has passed, here I am. Ending all those memories with a perfect period.

Helen had to take a call, as Jimin walked in, he had a serious expression, but couldn't stay in it for long, as he put on his biggest smile. I love his squinted eyes, and his goofy laugh.

"Excuse me," He said, "but it is time for the bride to be lead onto the aisle." He reached out for my hand, and I took it.

He walked me down the stairs, and to both my step father, and my real father, they took me from each arm. As the big wooden door opened. Music went off, as flower pedals where falling from up high, everyone stood up, and I could see my real mother smiling at me, my step mother wiping away her tear. Jungkook's jaw dropped a little, but he managed to turn it into a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him, and he shook his head.

Once I was up the small stairs, and into Jungkook's hands, both of my fathers went down to sit. The man started saying his words, but both of us weren't listening, Jungkook mouthed me "You are so dead for not replying me last night." I tried not to laugh and mouthed back "And what are you going to do about that?" He grinned and said "Perhaps so,e dirty and naughty things?"

"Prince Jungkook, will you take Princess Y/N, as your beloved wife, whom you will love forever?" The man suddenly said.
"I do."
"Princess Y/N, will you take Prince Jungkook, as you beloved husband, whom you will also love, until the end?"
"I do."
"Exchange rings."

Jungkook lifted my hand, and kissed the back of it, then placed the ring on my ring finger.

"You are now, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Jungkook pulled me towards him, and whispered "You are going to be up all night." He didn't give me a change to respond, as he kissed me. Confetti's went off, music went off, and the crowd started clapping.

And this...was my happily ever after.

OMG guys, this is the end. I hope you guys are happy with it. I know there are still many questions of, what happens to Tae? And Victoria? Or is Y/N pregnant? Be patient, they will be answered in the Epilogue, as I said, ya the top.

I wanted to write down my feelings here, so you can skip it if you'd like. But here goes nothing.

I am so so so thankful for every single one of you guys reading this. I can't express it to words, I would love to give you guys a hug if I could, this all really means a lot to me.

I'm thinking that I got really lucky with this book, and honestly I did. I'm up to 150K views, and counting. I know it's not a lot compared to others, but it is WAY more than I expected. I didn't even expect to have fans, I just wrote this because it was an idea stuck in my head for too long. And I'm so happy you guys joined me along this amazing journey.

I don't want to end the book either, I just want it to keep going on, forever, never ending, but I chose to end it. First because I'm out of ideas, for this book at least, there was a time I wanted to end it at like the 40-50 chapters, but I told myself to go on, because I was so attached to it, there were also times I didn't know what to write for a chapter, but forced myself to make up something, because I knew you were waiting for my weekly uploads on Friday. But I chose to end this mostly to prove to myself something.

That it's my writing skills, and my storyline that's making people come and read, not the luck that I got. I don't want myself being lucky, and then earning votes, views and comments, I want my skills bringing me up there, so to make sure it is my skills, I've decided to end the book, and start from zero again. Just to see if I am worthy of all these views, votes and comments.

Don't worry though, this is not the end, it's just a new start. For me, at least. I will be uploading every Friday in "Two Hells" another fan fiction about Jungkook, that I already started a little. If you guys want to keep supporting me and my works, go check it out!

There is a small chance that there will be a book 2, or season 2, because again, I'm out of ideas, for now. But who knows maybe one day I will have some, but until then, I'm sorry.

  I'm so happy that this book got so much popularity, and I hope it still grows once I'm done with it, I hope all of you guys go check out "Two Hells" and support me there, it means a lot to me already for you to be here with me, I'm not pushing you if you don't wanna.

  Until the end! Thanks for watching, and have a nice day<3

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