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The feeling's trapped,

There's no getting out.

I'm stuck in this doom.

I cannot make a sound.

I hear the footsteps,

I hear it louder,

I shiver in fear

As it comes closer.

I'm restless,

I can't stay still,

He torments me,

He makes me gravely ill.

They key to get out,

Lies beneath my veins.

He's polite, he's nice.

He gives me a knife.

Still tied up,

I'm one step closer.

I grab the knife,

This is it, I'm sure.

I gash my arm,

And there I find,

The key to my happiness,

There it lies.

I'm in pain,

I don't care.

I can get out.

I'm finally there.

~Writing Tales of Love and Heartbreak ♥ ~

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