Strumming for Morikubo Showtaro Part 2

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Requested by Seiyuu4Ever and koizakuraa


I sat down on the practice room here in Lantis, strumming the newly guitar given to me by Kaji-san and the other seiyuu from VIMS.

"What a nice sound!" I chuckled enjoying the melody I was producing. Well, it was one of Morikubo-san's song.

"Its my first time seeing you playing guitar, (F/N)-chan"

"Morikubo-san! I didn't notice you there" I jolted in surprise seeing him sitting on the chair near the door entrance. He stood up and set up the two electric guitars that were in the center of the practice room.

"(F/N)-chan, come here. Put your guitar on the side first" I did what he said and confused when he gave me the black electric guitar

"Uhm, Morikubo-san?"

"I will teach you the new songs. It will be released on December, and I am planning to play them during Orepara. Watch me first, okay? I'll play Truth first" I nodded and up close, I watched Morikubo-san singing and playing guitar at the same time. Gosh, what a badass song for a badass person! He is so cool!

"T-that's so.. wow! As in wow, Morikubo-san!" I clapped once he finished playing "That was great!"

"I really like your reaction. Then I'll teach you the chords for this song firsy"

He taught me the chords and even gave me advices on how to play it. It was a bliss and very memorable since he was sitting in front of me, teaching and also jamming with me. In front of me!!! So close to me!!!

~Skip time~

I stretched my hands, as high as I could while entering the VIMS agency. Its been three months since I became the temporary guitarist for Morikubo-san. Also, its been a while since I last visited this agency.

"It's been a while in this agency!"

I blinked fast and tilted my head. Did I say it out loud? No, that wasn't it.

"You are really easy to read (L/N)-san"

"You really don't change, Kaji-san! Its been three months" I chuckled dryly and turned around to see the usual smile from this bubbly guy who was the reason of why I became Morikubo-san's temporary guitarist

"Thanks for the good work during Morikubo-san's live tour. By the way, you sure are bundled up today, (L/N)-san." Kaji-san chuckled as we both entered the elevator

"Its becoming colder, and its almost December so it can't be helped."

"Orepara too" He grinned. I knew, he was teasing me. "Then, how are you and Morikubo-san?"

"Please enlighten me with your question. I really don't understand" I answered but he pouted his lips and I could see that he didn't like my response

"Stingy! At least share some good stuffs. Thank me at least for letting you and Morikubo-san to be together"

"There's none" I patted his shoulder and got off the elevator "See you around!"

"Meet us on the cafeteria at lunch!"

I waved at him and as the elevator closed, I sighed loudly.

The truth is, Morikubo-san was so kind and so gentle that he kept me from the people bullying me. He was always with me. Also, it wasn't because he couldn't find a replacement, there were lots, but they wanted to be part because of Morikubo-san and they wanted to boast. Morikubo-san wanted someone who didn't have any internal motives.

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