Be Considerate Miyano Mamoru Part 1

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Requested by Fira-chan


Even though how hard I try to say what I want, different things would come out. It wasn't because I was lying, but I was just trying to be considerate.

I envy those people who can be vocal but cannot be hated.

"(F/N)-chan, what do you think? They said that the color suits me. I'll wear it on my date this Saturday"

I looked at one of my classmate and she showed me a dark purple one piece dress. But I honestly think that one piece dress didn't suit her. Also, she should wear lighter color.

But, I smiled and responded "it suits you. Very cute"

See, I did it again. But then in this, people around, and she herself would be happy. Better to say it, than hurting them.

"Ah, that was fun!"


Everyone immediately shifted their eyes towards the people who just entered. They were part of the soccer team. As for me, I just gazed outside.

What a loud bunch of people

"Mamo-chan, look! They said that the color suits me. I'll wear it on my date this Saturday"

"I don't think so. You should wear a lighter color and one piece dress doesn't suit you!"

He was one of those people who could be vocal to what they wanted to say, but people would never hate him. Why? People found him amusing, fun, and handsome. He was so famous in our school and he was part of the soccer team.

"Eh, but they said it suits me"

"Well, up to you if you want to look horrible. I don't mind seeing that" He answered seriously

"I understand. If Mamo-chan said it"

This Miyano Mamoru, he surely could say anything he wants.

"(F/N)-chan, sorry, Mamo-chan said that it doesn't look on me" she told me excitedly "I'll follow what he said

"Is that so?" I just answered and good thing my phone rang and I went outside to answer it.


During lunch, I ate alone in the excluded part of the school. I didn't know when did I started eating alone? Ah, that time when my 'friends' during first year middle school got mad at me. Why? I said the truth. They got mad at me, saying that I was worst.

"Ah, if I become honest they will get mad. If I say what they wanted to hear, they will be happy. But when they found out that I'm saying what I am thinking, they will say that I am a liar and worst."

But then that Miyano Mamoru always say what he wanted to say, even though the other would be hurt from his words, they would never get mad at him.

"I'm just trying to be considerate. I really don't understand people. Ah, graduation is months from now, I will graduate like this"

"You should be honest to them. People are just afraid of hearing what is wrong with them"

"But if I say that, they will surely get mad at me. I hate that"

"In the end, (F/N)-chan wants people to understand you. You just want to be honest, but you don't want to hurt people and you don't want to be hurt"

I took a deep breath and glared at the person who was talking at me. "Then, what are you doing here, Miyano Mamoru-kun?"

"Aha, you found out"

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