The Ideal Girl of Ishikawa Kaito Part 2

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Requested by squad3taichou


Silence engulfed the room as Kenshou sat across (F/N)'s boyfriend. Ishikawa and Saito Soma were with them, who were in awkward situation since the two of them were sitting on the big sofa, between Kenshou and (F/N)'s boyfriend.

The three of them were on their way to Kenshou's place to watch the DVD of Kenshou's Tabitomo. On their way, Ishikawa was the one who noticed (F/N), who was walking with someone. They immediately knew that something was going on, since the guy was holding her hand. Kenshou, of course, felt remorse, that again, her cousin found someone. And still unknown if the guy was serious with her. Especially when she introduced them to him, and he got excited when she said that they were famous people.

Ishikawa also felt remorse, since of all people, her boyfriend had the same family name to him. More to that, he was thinking, if he went to the game last Saturday, this wouldn't happen. He didn't feel anything weird while they were exchanging message.

"So, (F/N)-chan is Kenshou-san's cousin?" Saito whispered to Ishikawa. He nodded in response and that again made him curious "then why is he mad that his cousin has a boyfriend? It's normal, right?"

"There are things going on. I'll fill you up later" Ishikawa answered and glimpsed at the other Ishikawa. He looked tensed, but somehow excited sitting with them

"Ahre, I thought you are going to watch?" (F/N) arrived with cookies and drinks, then sat next to her bf, and handed him cookies

Ishikawa somehow felt really uncomfortable seeing it. Kenshou, tapped his leg, crossing his arm

He sighed and asked (F/N) that he needed to talk to her, privately. He told Ishikawa and Saito to entertain the guest while he talked to (F/N)

"So, how long do you know (F/N)?" Ishikawa asked him, "by the way, I'm Ishikawa Kaito"

"I'm Saito Souma, nice to meet you"

"Ah, hello, I'm Ishikawa Yuto. I actually saw her in games, and I think she is really great and famous. So I gathered my courage and confessed"

"And you started dating without knowing each other that much? I mean do you know what she likes to eat, favorite movie, like that?" Saito exclaimed and felt that it was really fast

"We can know each other from now on. But my friends told me that she is kind and very considerate. I'm actually surprised that she knows Ono Kenshou-san"

"What do you mean?" Ishikawa asked curiously, sensing something was off "Do you want to be seiyuu? Or a stage actor?"

"Ah, I always dream to be a stage actor. And now I can't believe seeing a real stage actor up close. Also, seeing two famous people in front of me"

Saito poured some juice on his glass and chuckled. He shook his head and saw the reaction from Ishikawa, who was smiling but a forced one.

Somehow (F/N)'s boyfriend started interviewing the two on their works. They were answering him, honestly. But Saito was the one answering most of his questions, as Ishikawa was making himself busy playing games.

Not long after, the two returned, and they immediately noticed the pouting lips from (F/N).

"Let's watch now" Kenshou said and they all sat down and settle themselves. But (F/N) wasn't in the mood, that she couldn't even comprehend what they were watching.

"I'll just go buy something" (F/N) stood up and she waited for her boyfriend to come with her, but Ishikawa Yuto stayed and watched with them. To make it clear, they were so focused to the show.

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