My Knight is Kamiya Hiroshi Part 2

Start from the beginning

If Taniyama-san and Shimono-san didn't arrive and call him, we might stay there talking to each other for more hours. We didn't even realize the time that it was almost sunset.

He smiled to me, a one sweet smile that really strike to my heart. I couldn't forget that smile.


But that was the last time I saw that smile. I watched them in their training, his face was so serious. Even though Irino-san, Okamoto-san and Kakihara-san were making the mood lively, Hiroshi was so strict to stop them. He was quite a perfectionist in this kind of thing. He wanted the training to be done in the right procedure.

But then again, after two months of training, the war occurred. It happened for three months and finally, the war ended and of course our side won.

Everyone return, everyone came back, except him. No one dare to explain what happened to him why he wasn't with them.

The smile, the time, I should at least told him how I love him. Even though it was forbidden, I wanted my knight back to my side. The dream of him being in my side forever was shattered into pieces


"Kitamura-san, Hanazawa-san, I appreciate if you tell me if you see the princess" Sugita-sensei came in the class with Yusa-sensei with him. "She didn't come to my class again"

"Same to me" Yusa-sensei added

"Oh, so she also didn't go to your class" Nakamura-sensei also arrived.

"So it's not in my class" Ah, Yasumoto-sensei too?!

As for me, I was hiding under the table. My classmates were kind enough not to tell them, especially these two who were hiding me in their table.

"We didn't know where the princess is" The two said playfully and I knew that the others were holding back their laugh

"What are you guys doing here?" I heard Midorikawa-sensei's voice came in the class. Well of course he would be surprise seeing the others teachers in his class

"Is something wrong?" Wait this voice?! Sawashiro Miyuki-sensei?!

I immediately got out from the table and made a big wide smile. All our teachers shouted and pointed at me as I ran towards Sawashiro-sensei. Sawashiro-sensei was moved to another country and it was been a while since I last saw her. We had a little talk for a while, but after that I was put into detention and I needed to finish the homework given by our sensei.

"You should go to our classes, (F/N)" Uchida Maaya, one of my friends said while shaking her head

"True, I feel bad to our teachers," Asami-chan added

"Eh, but it's fun seeing our teacher being anxious looking for the princess." Eri-chan laughed and then Kana-chan agreed. We all laughed until we all parted our ways.

I sighed once I was left alone. I still feel distress to these peaceful days. A year had pass since the war, and I still couldn't accept the fact that he was gone. Well, I didn't know if that was the real deal. But everyone remained silence to his whereabouts.

"Feeling gloomy again, Princess?" I returned to my senses once I heard Miyu spoke. Without knowing, my feet just brought me here in this part of the palace. "Or being put into detention?"

"Both" I chuckled and stood next to him. He was watching the training of the new knights. Before it was Miyu and Hiroshi. After he left, I became friend with the other knights, especially to Miyu. Nobu was surprised to find out that the one he saw before was the princess. Kakki had a general idea. Well, we got along.

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