The Reader is Konishi Katsuyuki Part 2

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"Konishi" I called him and when he turned around he put his index finger on top of his lips. He was signaling me not to talk.

"Yes director. So you should reconsider it. Yes. Yes. Thank you very much. Well then." He put his phone on the center table and then gave me a big wide smile "Good afternoon"

"Afternoon?" I titled my head "Afternoon?"

"It's past 2 in the afternoon. I bought lunch. Do you want coffee or juice?" he asked as he headed to the kitchen.

I knew it. I got drunk last night. And somehow I gave trouble to the guy I like. Ah! SO EMBARRASSING!

I followed him and he told me to sit down. There was a pizza on the table and he told me to eat.

"Uhm, Konishi"


I shyly asked "I got drunk last night, right?"

"Yeah, it was an amazing scene" he laughed putting a glass of juice in front of me "You were crying, complaining, shouting, and in the end, you were laughing"

I felt my face turned so red. I was so embarrassed. He went out of the kitchen but returned not long after. He was holding lots of papers

"You were also busy drawing while crying, complaining. You were really so busy last night. Doing lots of things one at a time" he explained then got a slice of pizza

"WAIT A MINUTE!" I shouted and he looked at me while chewing. "Did I say something last night?"

He nodded and then he finished eating first "You confessed everything last night"


"That you are (pen name), then you did all those manga. Why your friend became (pen name)? Your reason why you couldn't refuse your friend. The debt of your parents left to you that Chiaki's parents paid. Even though you sold lots of copies for your work, it wasn't enough. Also, ah, no, I will not tell the other one. I'll let you say it when you are sober up"

I massaged my head since it was hurting so much. It hurts so much! I drank the juice and it was then Konishi continued

"Also, about your clothes. I promise, I didn't do anything. But I will be honest. I saw your undergarments."


"There's an explanation. I didn't know where is your house, so I brought you here. Then when we were entering the house, you vomited. So I need to change your clothes. But I really didn't do anything. I changed your clothes with caution. Since you were so violent last night"

"Konishi, I didn't know what to say. Thank you and I'm sorry for the trouble" I was really embarrassed. My face so red. I wanted to jump on a hole. I didn't know what kind of humiliation is this! To think that these things would happen!

"Hahahaha!" He laughed so loud "Don't worry. It was fun so don't worry" he was laughing so loud that I felt more embarrassed "Ah, by the way, I talked to the director and you will go back to Bandai after a week"

"Did you tell him?"

"I did. I have no other choice. I am your fan, really. But to think that someone was receiving the achievements that supposed to be yours, I just couldn't sit in and be quiet. Because they thought she was the one drawing them, they accepted her. So the director said just be honest with him. Please, I'm begging, be honest to your own feelings. Just be honest to yourself. As your sincere reader, I at least want you to be known by other people. You work hard for all those manga, you deserve to get the credits"

"So it's all done if I become honest to myself? I can stop being her shadow now?" I asked and I felt tears welling up "Finally?"

"Somehow you are happy to hear that"

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