The first day back

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Reacap: I then walked in.

The first thing I saw or really what I was looking for were Sydni and Renee. I ran up behind them and gave them a tight hug. "I missed you guys so much!" I pratically yelled but you couldnt really tell because it was pretty loud. "Oh M gee!!!!! Danielle We missed you too!!" said Renee. After we caught up a bit. My mind wandered back to Jayson. Where is he i thought. "What?" asked Sydni. I replied "I said that out loud didnt I?" We both bust out laughing. "Don't worry he's over there" she pointed to where all the football players were standing. It made since because he was in football. I stared over there. 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds. Then he finnaly looked over at me with his amazingly beautiful green eyes with a blue swirl in them. I imediatly got lost in his eyes. He flashed me one of his million dollar smiles and turned away. I mentally face palmed myself. Why did I stare over there so long he's gonna think im a really weird creep. I then just seemed to notice someone poking my shoulder I turned around to see a very handsome looking boy with dark light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. I said "Hi I'm Danielle. Are you new here?" He replied back saying "Hi I'm Andrew and yes this is my first year here. And it seems to be that your the first person I have talked to yet." I paused and slanted my eyes to the left just a little to see Jayson staring at Andrew with a.... Jealous  - death glare kinda look? I looked back at Andrew to see a slightly worried face looking down at me. "Danielle? Are you okay?" he asked? "Oh yeah I'm perfect. Wait that sounded self-concedeed, sorry." "Oh no don't be sorry. I think you are.. You know perfect from what I've seen." woah woah woah wait what? Did he just say what I think he just said? He thinks I'm perfect? I felt the blood rise to my cheeks,but didnt get a chance to reply because I felt someone put there rough hands over my eyes and say "Guess who?" I think my brain just died. That sounds like Jayson! "Thats because it is" He replied. Did I really just say that out loud? come on Danielle stop being stupid! "Oh hey Jayson!" He took his hands off my eyes and gently turned me around to where I was facing him. I stared up into his green orbs his hands still on my shoudlers. Then I felt warm arms around me and hands on my ribs. Is.... Is Jayson hugging me?!?!?!?! I then realized my hands were still at my sides so I lifted them up with what strength he had left me with and returned the hug. I couldn't see much over his black hair, but that quickly changed when I felt him breaking the hug. When I could see agian I saw him looking down at someone behind me. I turned around to see Andrew with a very obvious Jealous face on him. He grabbed at my hand and started to drag me with him. But from that completly amazing hug Jayson gave me I was still getting my feeling back into my legs and I started to crumple to the ground, but then I felt strong arms go under my arms quickly and held me up. Andrew had let go of my hand, but had turned around and realized he had made me fall. Aparently the person that was holding me up was scary enough to make him retreat back into the crowd. I then still felt the hands only holding me up so I stood up completley and turned around to see the face of a Completly worried Jayson staring down at me. "Are you okay? You look kinda pale and you almost just fell to the ground." said Jayson his voice full of concern. "Oh no no no I'm okay It's just I-he-you... yeah I'm okay." I replied noticing he wasnt going to understand that his hig made me numb. "Are you sure? I can take you to the nurse." He stated. "yeah I'm sure, but thanks for helping me not bruise myself up on the first day of school." He smiled and said "No problem, but If that Andrew guy ever tries to grab you agian-" he paused "Just tell me and I'll take care of it for you." My whole face flushed at that. He looked like he was going to say something else but then the bell that I never thought was going to ring rang, thus signialing the beginning of the day to start. "Well I'll see you 2nd period. Bye." He walked away. Oh boy I thought to myself this is going to be a really long day, and headed toward the building.

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