Managing Fukuyama Jun Part 1

Start from the beginning


"Well, even there's trainee, you should go with them"

"Jun is being selfish"

"Is being with you a selfish thing to do?" He answered as I looked at him confusedly "is it, Haru?"

"I-I don't get what you are saying. I'm going" I told him and left the room

After that day, somehow it became awkward. Until now, I didn't know what he was trying to say. No, I clearly knew what he meant, but was he serious?

But then two days before his birthday, there was a problem on his schedule

"Takagi-san, Jun has a schedule during his birthday. He has four schedules that day"

"No, he doesn't have any schedule. It is his birthday that is why there's no schedule" she firmly answered

"You changed his schedule?" I suspiciously asked

"I didn't change it, it was on his schedule. Did you put it wrongly?"

"What is going on?" Morikawa-san followed by Tachibana-san and Jun and they seemed curious to what we were talking about

"Is there a problem, Haru?" Jun asked me and I just sighed

"You don't have schedule on your birthday" I answered

"You said that I have schedule, how about on Christmas Eve?" he immediately asked

"I don't know" I answered in low voice

"You have schedule, Fukuyama-san" Takagi-san answered "That's the schedule I saw. And then Tetsuna-san was blaming me that I changed your schedule"

"I wasn't blaming you. I was asking you" I retorted and shook my head "well, if that was the schedule, then fine. Just do what you want to do on your birthday, Jun. I apologized for the conflicts, I'll go talk to the staff directors about the conflicts" I bowed down and left them

And on Jun's birthday, I went to his supposed to be schedules and I was right, he had schedules

"Ahre, Tetsuna-san, where's Fukuyama-kun?" The staff director for his radio guesting asked me

"I apologized, there was actually a conflict in his schedule and Fukuyama Jun cannot go." I bowed down

"What should we do now?" He sighed and shook his head "I understand that it happens, but I hope next time it will not happen again"

"Yes, thank you very much. Again, I apologize" I bowed down as he left me.

After that, I went to his next schedule which was a recording for Akagami no Shirayuki-hime, and again apologized.

Same with his next schedule.

Though for his last schedule, which was supposed to be the first recording, Jun was the only seiyuu who didn't come.

"I apologize, but there was a conflict on his schedule and so he can't come today." I actually tried to call him, but he wasn't answering at first. The last time I call, Takagi-san answered and he said that Jun was teaching the new seiyuu

"But today is the only day everyone agreed to go. Then I should rethink about this, we will find another seiyuu who will take over his character. We can't wait for him to come"

"No please, I beg you. It was my fault, it wasn't Fukuyama-san's fault!" I said and he just shook his head

The director just shook his head and patted my shoulder "sorry"

Tears ran down on my cheeks to what happened.


"Ah, Kamiya-san, Ono-san, good luck for the recording. Please excuse me" I bowed down and just left the recording studio

I went back to the agency and it was then Morikawa-san called me

"Tetsuna-san, a staff director called me"

Even though without hearing the next words, I knew what the talk was about, "I apologize, Morikawa-san. It was my fault why Fukuyama-san was pulled out"

"Why? He didn't tell me why so I wanted to hear the reason from you"

"T-there was a conflict." I answered but made Morikawa-san more confused "anyway it was all my fault."

"It was an important job though. Why you didn't check carefully?"

"I apologize. I will do something about it. Please don't tell Fukuyama Jun about this. I'll do something about this. Also, to pay my mistake, I will resign for my job, since in the contract I signed if the manager had a mistake, s/he must resign voluntarily"

"No you don't need to resign because of that. We can still do something about it"

I shook my head and smiled "Takagi-san fits the job more. I will do something about that anime. Just please don't tell Fukuyama-san about what happened and about my resignation yet. Also" I got my scheduler and gave it to Morikawa-san "this is his schedule, well the ones that I know."

He scanned the scheduler and surprised to my notes "must eat Takoyaki time to time especially every Friday. Exercise for at least two hours every day. And every Monday, Wednesday and Friday everyone must wear eyeglass." He looked at me confusedly "what do you mean by these?"

"Well he loves to eat takoyaki. That guy is a body conscious, and he wanted to stay fit so as manager, I need to remind him. He has an eyeglass fetish, he wants everyone to wear them, like his stylist, cordi, everyone"

"And on Christmas Eve, I heard that he has schedule"

"I don't know now, but I know that he has no schedule since he insisted to have a day off"

"You better not resign then Tetsuna. JunJun needs you as his manager"

I remained silence and sighed in deafet

"I need to, Morikawa-san, since I fail as his manager. Takagi-san will become a good manager than me"

"Don't decide by yourself" my eyes widened as Jun spoke behind me with his arms folded

"Since when are you standing there?"

"Just now." He answered as he approached us "why are you comparing yourself to the trainee?"

"Nothing just stating facts." I answered him then looked at Morikawa-san "I'll leave then, Morikawa-san. I'll give it to you later. And about that, please"

I didn't wait for his response and just left his office.

"Haru!" I heard Jun's voice calling me but I walked fast "Haru!" He grabbed my hand and moved in front of me "what's with you these days? Rebellion stage?"

"Probably" I answered averting my eyes away from him

He remained silence and I could feel that he was staring "did something happen? You kept on doing mistakes these days."

So even this guy here. Yeah, I already knew that I made mistakes. I knew it. But I didn't want people to pour anymore salt to it, especially him

I smiled and then looked at him straight "yeah, my fault. I wonder why?"

"Don't ask him, Tetsuna-san, it was your fault" oh good gracious, here she comes, and to make it worst, she locked her arms on Jun's arms as she shook her head "You mustn't do that. As a manager, you were the one who told me to be honest, right?"

"You are right, Takagi-san" I sarcastically said and grabbed my gift to Jun from my bag. I slammed it to his chest and I heard him groaned a little "Happy Birthday, I wish you all the best. Goodbye" I didn't wait for him to answer, and just left

Tears burst once I reached outside the agency. It was hard to part if you became too attached to someone so important.

~To be Continued~Managing Fukuyama Jun Part 2~

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