DDM Liam

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Your dad Liam, never pays attention to you anymore. Ever since your mum died he's paying more attention to your six year old brother. Yeah your seventeen and he's six. He's younger but your dad is basically all you have left. Yeah you have your brother and the rest of the boys. But come on that's your dad. So tonight is another night being drunk. You can barley stand and you have to hold onto the wall to keep your balance. You were about to head upstairs when your dad grabbed your arm. "Where were you?!" He said turning you round. "I was at a club." You said swaying side to side. "Y/n, your seventeen!?" "Yeah a seventeen year old girl who has fake ID!" You said showing him it. He tried to grab it but you got it away just in time. "Y/n, why have you became this girl!?" "Since you've been ignoring me! Leaving me for Tyler!" "But Y/n, he's six? He's my little boy?" "But what about me? Your little girl. The one who used to dress up like you. Copy everything you done. Started singing with you. Wanted to be be just. Like. You." You said your voice cracking. "That's in the past Y/n, your grown up now. Now it's Tyler's turn." "But dad, I can still be your little girl from the past!" "No you can't! Your just an irresponsible big girl now Y/n!" Then he walked away. "I'm sorry. I just want you to notice me." You whispered not knowing he actually heard you. The next morning you went downstairs to have your breakfast. You looked around the place and never saw your dad or Tyler. Then you saw a note on the kitchen table. "Went away to the park. Would have asked you to joined us but you were still sleeping. Probably for your hangover. So we will be back in a few hours don't wait up!" He didn't even put a kiss on it. He always does that. You went to the kitchen and made yourself cereal. You sat at the table and read the note again. It may sound crazy from a note but you think your dad must hate you now. The tears falls from your eyes quick but you stayed silent. Sobs here and there. A few hours went by while you were watching friends episodes Tyler and your dad came back. "Hi Y/n!" Tyler said coming up to you giving you a hug. "Hey Ti!" You said hugging back. Your dad just walked into the kitchen. You sighed and looked down. "Y/n, daddy is upset with you." Tyler said looking at you with sad eyes. "Why?" You asked really wanting to know. "He says that you are not acting like a baby girl and he's disappointed in you and he doesn't know why. He just wants his little girl back. But he knows that won't happen because you are going out again aren't you?" You were planning to but now your not. Your dad is disappointed in you. You hated when you done that. You sighed. "TYLER!!" Tyler ran to his dad. "We are going to the shops. Come on." He took his hand. "Dad?" You asked. He sighed and looked at you. "What?" "Can I come?" "No!" Then he walked out taking Tyler's hand. He slammed the door shut. A few seconds later you heard a chap at the living room window. Confused you walked up to the window. You moved the curtains and saw Tyler. He smiled and you saw the sad look in his eyes. He waved and kissed his hand and put it up to the window. Then you kissed your hand and put it again his hand. You two done this when Tyler was a baby. Just then your dad took Tyler again. He tried to get him off but he couldn't as he was so small. But you did hear him yell. "I WANT Y/N!!" Your dad shook his head and put Tyler in his car seat. Your dad took one last look at you and got in the car. You sighed and sat on the couch. Just then you got an idea. You ran upstairs into your dads room. You went in his wardrobe and got one of his T-shirts and put it on. You looked in the mirror. The shirt was still a bit big but still comfy. You got one of his snap backs and put that on. You then got a washable pen and drew tattoos on you like you used to. Then you put on a pair of his shoes on and carefully went downstairs. But you went straight back up to get shoes and a top for Tyler and got the pen and another snap back. You waited until they got home. You got Tyler in and locking the door before your dad could see you. "Why are you dressed like daddy?" Tyler smiled. You didn't say anything. You took his little top off and put your dads one on. And his snap back which is far too big to fit on his little head. You drew some "tattoos" on him like yours. "Now go let daddy in and run back to the couch next to me ok?" You said. He nodded and ran to the door. He came back two seconds flat. Your dad opened the door. "Y/N, WHY DID YOU LOCK THE DOOR YOU KNOW I WORRY!!" He yelled while coming in the living room not noticing you or Tyler yet. But when he turned round his face lit up. He walked towards you and Tyler. "Look at my sweet babies....." You smiled. He's finally going to include you. "BOY!!" He yelled picking him up. "You look just like daddy." He smiled. Your face dropped. Tears brimmed in your eyes. "I HATE YOU!!" Then you ran upstairs. Your dad looked at Tyler. "Fix it daddy." Liam sighed and headed upstairs. He saw that your room door was closed and what broke his heart the most is that when he heard your cries. Before he had a chance to open the door he heard you talking. "I don't know what to do mum." His heart broke even more. He knew about you talking to your picture of your mum. The picture is all you have left of her. It was in your dads favourite picture. "He hates me. I'm not his little girl anymore. But I can be again can't I?" Liam was leaning against the wall tears falling from his eyes. "I want to be daddies little girl again mum." That's when your dad made his appearance known. "Hey baby." He hasn't called you that in years. He sat on your bed and pulled you into his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I pushed you away after all these years. I guess I got overprotective over Tyler because he was so young when your mum died." He said looking down. "Your still could be my baby girl. You've always been my baby girl. You know when me and Tyler when to the shops. When you kissed your hands and put them up against the window. It reminded me when your mum taught you that." You smiled. "She used to do every time I went off to school. People used to stare but I didn't care. She's my mum and I love her." You said smiling down at the photo. "You know Y/n? When I saw you wearing all this. I swear I wanted to cry." "But Andy did you focus more on Tyler?" "I don't I know I wanted to say babies and I did. But the smile and excitement on Tyler's face made me so happy I guess my mind went blank." He said looking down. "What you did really hurt me dad. I'm going to be a better daughter and stop drinking." He smiled. "You don't need to stop. Just don't drink as much. Or wait till your 18 so I don't get into trouble with the law!" You giggled. "But you don't need to be a better daughter. Your already my number 1 girl." He said pulling you into his side. You smiled and hugged him back. Then you heard a chap on your door. "Have you done falling out?" Tyler asked. "Yeah we are friends again." He smiled and joined you and your dad on the bed. "This is better. I like this." Tyler said. You and your dad smiled. "How about we get you in a bath?" You assumed he was talking to Tyler so you got your phone. "Hey I'm talking to you!" You looked up and saw he was smiling at you. "Nah. I want to keep it on because..... I'm just like daddy!!" You said like you used to say when you were younger. He laughed. "I WANT TO BE LIKE DADDY TOO!!" Tyler said looking at you and your dad. You and your dad laughed and brought him into a hug including you. You were happy things are going back to normal with your dad again.

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