DDM Louis

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This is like the Harry imagine but with slight changes. Shannz

Having a single dad is hard. Even though he basically all you have left. Except for his family. But your mum doesn't really care about you anymore since you picked your dad over her. You and your dad used to be so close. Joined to the hip. But now you hardly talk to each other. And when he makes your dinner. He just flings the plate half of the food fall off the plate and he slams your drink on the table most of it splashing out. When he goes on tour he makes the boys take care of you. He doesn't love you anymore. It all changed after two weeks after the divorce. Your dad is going out again and Niall is going to take care of you. Niall is like your best friend out of the boys. Your close to all of them except your dad. But you tell Niall everything. So Niall is finally here and he just says bye to Niall completely ignoring you but your used to it. He tells Niall he'll be back in a few hours. After he left you stormed to your room. Niall's p.o.v: when Y/n, ran upstairs I was confused. I went after her and knocked on her door. "GO AWAY!!" "Y/n, come on open the door please?" "No!" "Y/n, come on you know we tell each other everything?!" "Well maybe what is wrong with me is none of your business!" "GOD NO WONDER YOUR DAD IGNORES YOU!!" After I said that she opened her door and she went out the house. I sighed and rubbed my hands on my face. I have to go find her. Your p.o.v: I ran to the park. It's like nine o'clock so no one is there. I got to the bench and sat down and got my phone. I know my dad doesn't talk to much anymore but one phone call can't hurt. I dialled his number and waited for him to answer. On the second ring it cut off. Did he hung up on me? I decided to phone him again. This time he answered but he didn't sound pretty happy. "STOP CALLING ME!!" "But dad-" "But nothing just go to bed!" "But dad!" "WHAT?! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS TRY YOUR HARDEST TO MAKE ME TALK TO YOU!!? JUST LEAVE ME ALONE I WANT NOTHING TO DO YOU WITH YOU ANYMORE!! I WASN'T GOING TO TELL YOU THIS BUT YOU WERE A MISTAKE!! I DIDN'T WANT YOU BUT YOUR MUM MADE ME!!" I sat there shocked. Then I yelled. "I HATE YOU!!" "YEAH WELL I HATE YOU TOO!!" I hung up and cried. I knew my dad didn't want me anymore. I'm just his worthless daughter. And it shows how much Niall cares doesn't it? He hasn't even tried to look for me. I sat here for a few more hours. Until Niall came over to me. "Oh so now you cared to look for me?!" "Y/n, I have been looking for you for hours actually. But I never thought you would ever come back here." He said sitting down next to you. "What do you mean you thought I would never come back here?" "This is the park your dad used to take you all the time. He used to teach you how to play football. And you were only two. Your mum said you were to young but your dad always said your never to young to play football. This park has so many memories with you when you were a baby. Your dad used to take you here everyday. Even in the rain and snow. He always made sure you were cozy enough so you wouldn't get cold. We used to join him. But now it's all changed." "I know. A few hours ago I phoned him and he hung up on the second ring. Then I phoned him again then he just yelled at me and said I was a mistake that he never wanted me and my mum made him stay. I ruined his life and he hates me." "He doesn't hate you?" "He does. When I phoned him after he told me I was a mistake. I told him i hated him and he said he hates me to. He's all I have left. Well except for you guys and my gran and granda and my aunts and uncle. But he hates me. He's the only person I have. I'm all alone. Everyone hates me. I'm just a waste of space." I said crying again. Niall looked at me shocked. "Y/n, don't you ever think that. You are not worthless. Sure your dad is not being very daddyish right now but your still his daughter. Deep down he loves you. Trust me. And if anything were to happen to you. He'll feel terrible. He may doesn't show how much he loves you but he does trust me." I sobbed and wiped my eyes. "Really?" "Really really." I sighed and nodded. "I'll tell you what, what about we go back to yours and we have a movie night until your dad comes home. And when he does I'll talk to him and see if he changes ok?" I nodded and we headed home. Just before we were going to cross the road Niall got a phone call. He answered and he told me he'll meet me in the house. I nodded and crossed the road. But then this car came speeding round the corner and before I could move out the way the car hit me. I rolled on top of the car and landed on the ground with a thud. "Y/N!!" I heard Niall yell. He ran over to me and another person came to me. It was my dad. Louis' p.o.v: ok I had a little bit to drink and I'm driving. Probably not the best thing to do. But hey ho I'm only a little bit tipsy. But I didn't realise that I was kind of speeding. I turned round a tight corner to my house and before I could do anything. I saw a girl cross the road and I hit her before I could stop. Then I heard someone yell Y/n. I froze. Please tell me that wasn't my Y/n! I quickly got out of my car and ran over. I saw Niall. Oh no. Then I looked at the ground and saw Y/n, lying there looking broken. I collapsed on my knees. I bring her into my arms and started crying. "Niall phone an ambulance please. And then phone the Harry and Liam." He nodded and got his phone out. After five minutes Harry and Liam came running. They froze when they saw me and Y/n. "WHAT HAPPENED?!!" Harry yelled. "I was at the club. Niall was watching Y/n. I'm a little bit tipsy-" "TIPSY?!! LOUIS YOU'RE DRUNK!! YOU WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN DRIVING THAT FAST IF YOU WERE TIPSY!!" Niall yelled at me. "Then I hit Y/n." "That was your idea all along wasn't it?" Niall asked. His face was red and he had an angry look on his face while he was crying. "What?" I asked. "You wanted her dead?!" I looked at him shocked. "No. She's my baby girl." I looked at her and saw she looked pale. And blood was coming out her nose. I shook her. "Y/n?" The boys looked at her. "Y/n!" I said shaking her harder. "Baby girl wake up for daddy please!" I said starting to sob. "Y/N!!" She wasn't waking up. "No! SHE'S DEAD!!" Harry walked back grabbing his hair. Niall looked at her. " and Liam was just standing there frozen. "I killed my baby girl. My little baby girl. The last words I said to her was I hated her." "There were her last words to you too." Niall said looking down. I sobbed and brought her in closer. "I WAS ALL SHE HAD LEFT!! I KILLED MY BABY!!" "My baby girl!" Liam came and brought me into his arms. "My baby girl Liam. My precious baby girl." I said sobbing into Liam's shoulder.

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