BSM You nearly fall downstairs

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Harry(AGE 6): You had to wake up early to go with Harry to the studio. To say you were shattered. "I'll meet you downstairs. I'll make you some toast." Harry said. You nodded. When you headed to the stairs you were still well asleep. You were about to walk downstairs but you missed a step and you were going to fall. But as you were waiting for the impact someone grabbed your waist. When you were brought back up you saw that it was Harry the got you. "You ok?" You nodded. "Yes I'm still tired. I'll just wait up here with you until your ready." He nodded. Then he went back to do what he was doing.

Niall: (AGE 14): "NIALL HURRY UP I NEED TO PEE!!" You said jumping on the spot. "HOLD YOUR HORSES!!" "NIALL YOU KNOW FINE WELL THAT I HAVEN'T GOT THE STRONGEST BLADDER!!" "THANKS FOR THAT!!" "HURRY UP!!" When you continued jumping on the spot you jumped at the stairs and when you were about to fall someone caught you. You turned round and saw Greg. "Woah you ok?" He said pulling you back up. "Yeah. IF NIALL JUST HURRIED HIS ASS UP!!" Just then he came out. "Happy?" "She nearly fell downstairs because of you." Greg said. Niall then went wide eyed. "Holy crap you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine but I still need to pee." You said pushing him aside and going to the bathroom.

Liam: You came home drunk. Normal for an 18 year old on a Saturday night. But you didn't know that your older brother was worried and waited for you. "Have fun?" He asked as you walked in. "Yeah. Well I'm going to bed. I'm shattered." You then walked upstairs in your 8 inch heels when you fell back. Liam just got there just in time. "Probably not the best thing to do is it? Wearing 8 inch heels while drunk and walking upstairs." You giggled and Liam carried you upstairs.

Louis: Louis was making you food as it was lunch time. You were on your phone while waiting. Ten minutes later he yelled. "Y/N, I HAVE FREE FOOD!!" You smiled. While you came out your room. You yelled. "FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD!!" But when you were going downstairs you slipped a bit and you fell. But you don't fall downstairs and you held onto the wall. It made a loud noise. When Louis heard the bang he came running towards you. "Are you ok?!" "Yes I'm fine I just slipped that's all. Now come on you have free food. FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD!!" Louis laughed and shook his head. "You're Niall's double. I swear to god." 

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