Ziam Imagine

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It was the first time Liam and Zayn brung their new baby boy out it public. "Do you think he's warm enough?" Zayn asked. Liam nodded. "Yeah he'll be fine. Now come on I want to get there quick and I don't want him scared because the paps." They headed out and Liam brought Mason close to his chest. He kissed his head. Just then a group of paps crowded round them. There was also flashes. Mason then started crying softly. "Zayn they're making him cry. It's ok baby." Zayn started getting annoyed. "They better leave us alone. He's a baby for Christ sake can't they see that?!" "I know I'm getting sick of it." "ZAYN, LIAM HOW IS IT GOING WITH MASON!?" "LIAM ZAYN DO YOU THINK HIS BIRTH MUM WOULD WANT HIM BACK?!" That's when Zayn lost it. "LOOK! WE JUST WANT TO HAVE A DAY OUT AS A FAMILY!! NOW CAN YOU STOP CROWDING ROUND US!! OUR BABY IS TWO MONTHS OLD AND YOU'RE NEARLY BLINDING HIM!! GET LOST AND LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Zayn held his hands out and Liam gave Mason to him. "Come on. I'm starving. And another thing. Put my rant on the media if you want! I'm not caring! You must clearly hate babies as you nearly blind him." Then they left. "Handled that well." "Well it's true. They need to get out his face i don't want him hurt or blind at two months. Swear to god I'm going to kill them." "I'll join you. Now is he ok?" Liam said stroking Mason's cheek. Zayn pulled his hood down a bit when he got into the building. "Yeah he's fine. Good. Was about to go mental." "Well he's fine. So let's go I'm starving and he's not due for another two hours." Zayn nodded and headed into the cafe. Just then there was another flash through the window and it gave Mason get a fright. "I'm not having this." Zayn said going out. "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING LEAVE US ALONE!!?" Then he came back in and people were looking at him with wide eyed. "Sorry that I was looking out for my TWO MONTH old son! So get back to eating!" Everyone then went back to what they were doing. "Is he ok?" Zayn said looking at Mason. He noticed that he was fine and smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "They better leave us alone." Zayn said looking at the windows and saw that they were all walking away. "Just leave it, he's fine." He said stroking his cheek. "Good. Now let's order."

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