DDM Lilo

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"Ok so what should we do first? Plus Louis Y/n, needs to leave with you later on as I'm still buying Christmas presents." You nodded. "Well can we go inside somewhere I'm fr-fr-freezing." You said blowing into your hands. Louis nodded. Then he felt your face. "Jesus she's as cold as ice." "Right come in then." You got to a costa shop. "Want hot chocolate?" Liam asked. You nodded and he and Louis headed to the counter while you waited on the bench outside. It was an indoor shopping centre so you were warming up anyway. "Hey Y/n." A boy from your school said sitting beside you. You don't like him but he thinks you do as he thinks every girl likes him. "Are you with your dads?" You nodded. "I need to get back to them." "Oh come on I just got here." "Yeah well such a shame I have to leave." Then he stood up and grabbed your hand. "Come on Y/n, just tell your dads that you're with a friend. I'm sure they'll understand." "How about you let go of my hand and leave me alone?!" You pulled your hand back but he stopped you. He grabbed your two fingers somehow and made them go right back. And you heard a crack. You screamed. Next thing you know everyone was looking at you and Louis came running out with Liam close behind with the coffee and the chocolate. When Louis saw you in tears and a boy standing next to you he went red faced. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!" "N-n-nothing." "Well why did she scream?!" Liam said getting angry as well. "I think he's broke my fingers." Liam and Louis went wide eyed. "Come on let's get to you to the hospital." Liam said taking your food hand. Louis then grabbed the boy by his collar. "You're so lucky we are in public! Or it would be you in the hospital!" Then he went and joined you and Liam. Liam had you over his shoulder. "Dad its my finger that's broke not my legs." You said as tears streamed down your face. "I don't care I'm making sure you're safe." They got you into the car and rushed to the closest hospital. "HELP!" Louis screamed right at the woman as he got to the reception desk. "Sir calm down. What seems to be the problem?" "A stupid tit of a boy broke our daughters fingers and I swear to god I'm ready to break his face but he's not here as you can see my daughter is in tears on my husbands shoulder and I would much appreciate it if you could fix her fingers." "Ok. If she can come with me and you two wait here for a minute." Liam put you down and you followed the woman. When Louis turned back around he crashed into a large man and his coffee spilled over him. "Soz." Louis said shrugging. "DO YOU REALISE HOW HOT THAT WAS?!!" "No I don't because it's all over you." He groaned and walked away. "Jesus Christ it's only coffee." Just then you came back out with your fingers bandage. Liam ran over to you. "You ok love?" You nodded. "Yeah it's as sore anymore." He kissed your cheek. "Shes really brave." Liam nodded. "Thanks." Just as you were about to leave you heard a shout. "OH FOR GOD SAKE NOT YOU AGAIN!!" You and Liam turned round and saw the same guy with Louis but he had more coffee down his shirt. "Sir can you please leave?" The doctor said to Louis. "You're kicking me out the hospital!? My daughter is behind that curtain with two purple broken fingers and just because fifty pence baldy head here walked into me and spilled his coffee twice you have no right to kick me out the hospital I'm waiting on my daughter with my husband- oh wait there they are. Hey guys lets go!" You and Liam rolled your eyes and giggled. "BYE!!" Louis screamed. Then you came back. "YEAH BYE FRIENDS!!" You said as loud and waved. Louis smiled. "That's my girl." He then grabbed your hand that was fine and ran out. Liam came running back. "SORRY ABOUT THAT!!" "JUST GO!!!" "Jeez sorry." Liam was about to leave when you and Louis came back. "Did you just yell at him?" Louis asked. "Don't yell at him! He was only apologising. Jesus Christ take a chill pill and have a laugh. None of you are worth our time so GOOD DAY!" "Miss Tomlinson-" "I SAID GOOD DAY!!" Then you snapped your fingers in Z formation and left leaving Louis and Liam laughing their heads off.

1D DDM/BSMDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora