DDM Change - Harry

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You were the girl that loved Disney, princesses and films. The colour pink, had loads of friends. But now you hate Disney, doesn't want to be a princess anymore. And now favourite colour is black. Your attitude has changed completely and your dad Harry has noticed. "Y/n, come here please love." You rolled your eyes and headed downstairs. "What?" You mumbled. "Sit down." You went into the living room and saw your mum. You've not seen her for two years. "Mum!" You smiled and brought her into a hug. She smiled and gave you a tight hug back. Harry smiled at the sight. "I'm only stopping for a few minutes." Your smiled dropped. "I've not seen you in over two years and you are only here for two seconds?!" She looked down. You groaned and headed back upstairs. "Y/n!" Harry screamed. "Look maybe I should just got now. I've probably made things worse. I'll see you around Harry." She gave Harry a kiss on the cheek and left. You came back down. You went wide eyed and tears clouded your vision. "She didn't say bye to me again!" "Well Y/n, you did just yell at her?" "But she could still say bye!" You said and running back up. Harry sighed and ran after you. "Y/n?" You groaned. Harry came in. "Why don't you phone a friend and see if they want to hang out? I'll take you to the town?" You sobbed. "No." "Why? I've not met any of your friends yet since you started high school I don't think." You put your head into your hands. "No dad and you won't ever meet them!" You yelled at him. He looked at you shocked. "Y/n..." "I don't have any friends dad!" "Well you have changed." "So? I'm being myself! I'm being me! I'm sorry that I'm different! But if society thinks I'm weird, I don't fit in with everyone else! I'm not like my friends! I'm not the best looking, the funniest! No I'm not anything like that! I'm me. And there's nothing wrong with that! Just because I don't have any friends doesn't make me a freak! I like being alone! It's less drama. Yeah I don't have a boyfriend who makes me feel like a princess because I'm waiting for someone who will treat me like a queen and I'll treat him like he's a King! It's hard making friends when your dad is Harry Styles! I'm trying to fit in dad! But no one else is like me and I'm happy that I can be myself and I'm happy that you have my back!" After you finished your rant Harry pulled you into a hug. "I love you so much." He said kissing your cheek. "Love you too dad."

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