BSM - Louis imagine

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And a big happy birthday to the one and only LIAM JAMES PAYNE!!! Can't believe he is *cue Taylor swifts voice* 22!! Time sure flies. Anyway hope you enjoy this part - Shannz.

So Louis is back from tour. This is a once and a life time thing. A big family night. You were all playing a game when Louis said he had an announcement. "I'm going back on tour. For a year." "But we just got you back?" You said. "I know but I'm away in two weeks!" You gasped. "But Louis you were just back two days ago?!" "Two weeks is still a long time Y/n!" Louis argued. "I know but it's my birthday in two weeks!" Louis sighed. "Well I'm sorry Y/n, there is nothing I can do about it!" You groaned and turned back to the telly. "Oh great she is in a mood!" Louis said. "I'm not in a mood Louis I'm just sad that your leaving on my birthday!" "I know you are Y/n, but why can't be supportive like your sisters?!" "I AM supportive!" "Yeah well you have a bad way of showing it. I WISH MUM DIDN'T ADOPT YOU!!" Everyone froze. "W-what?" You asked shocked. "Ok kids bed time!" Louis went to walk past you. "Not you Louis! Everyone apart from Y/n and Louis, go to bed!" Everyone quickly ran out but you know they will be listening at the top of the stairs. Your mum and Dan sat down on the couch while you and Louis were still looking at each other. "Mum, why didn't you tell her?" "We were waiting for the right time!" "You have all been lying to me my whole life?" You asked not believing it. "Y/n, we are SO sorry!" Your mum went to hug you but you stepped back. "Why did you lie to me?!" "Because we were waiting for the right time to tell you and we were scared of we told you sooner you would hate us!" You shook your head. "Too late!" You ran up to your room and saw them all watching you. "It's a shame isn't it? I loved you all. But you were just pretending to love me back!" "Y/n, we do!" Lottie. "Why didn't you tell me then?! We are supposed to be sis- you made me believe i was blood when I wasn't!" Louis then came running up. "Y/n, I swear the God I thought you knew!" "Yeah well life is full of surprises!" You went to your room and locked the door. When you heard Louis' hand bang on the door and then he started talking. "Y/n, you may have been lied to all these years but let me tell you this. When we adopted you the day mum went down. She was looking for someone Daisy and Phoebe's age but when she saw the social worker holding you. You were only a week old. And when mum saw you she fell in love. But back to my main point. All those little kids desperate need of a family. Hoping one day someone would come along and take them home with them. And when mum went in their little eyes lit up and I should know since I was there and so was Dan. They were trying their absolute hardest to make mum love them she saw YOU and she picked YOU!" Then you heard his footsteps going back downstairs. You sighed and went to the door. You quietly opened it and saw Lottie and Fizzy standing there. "We knew you would come out." Lottie smiled. "What Louis, said was true Y/n, mum picked you. And Louis told us the whole story when they got back. We were confused when mum brought you home mind you I was only 6 and Fizzy was 4 when mum randomly brung home a baby." Lottie sighed. "But we do love you Y/n, but don't take this the wrong way the only reason mum adopted you is because she thought she couldn't have more kids. But we still loved you so much when mum found out she was pregnant with Phoebe and Daisy. And Doris and Ernest. And we always will love you and nothing will ever change that." You smiled and brought Lottie and Fizzy into a hug. "Thank you. And I love you too." They smiled and led you downstairs. "Mum, Dan?" They looked up and smiled softly. You ran up to them and gave them a hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset." "It's fine love. But we love you so much." Your mum said. "I love you guys too. And Louis I'm sorry." He smiled and gave you a hug. "It's fine kiddo. Hey since its your birthday want to come on tour with me?" Your eyes lit up like fireworks. You screamed and gave him another hug. "I'll take that as a yes!" Louis said chuckling. He kissed your head and you brought Daisy and Phoebe back down and watched a film. Really happy with your family.

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