DDM Nouis

847 33 1

Age 15

It's Christmas morning and you've just woken up. When you were going to head to the toilet you were greeted by your dads Niall and Louis. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" You jumped. "Christ you scared the crap out of me! Merry Christmas." You said giving them a hug. "Now come downstairs we need to see what you've got." "Wait! I need to pee." Two minutes later you were ready. "Lego!" You said as you headed downstairs. But Niall grabbed your hand. "WE need to go first! To see if Santa's been." You rolled your eyes. But went along with it. Louis smiled and took your hand and Niall taking your other one. Once you got downstairs you waited at the bottom step. "He's not been." Louis said. "Dad don't do that!" Then you and Niall both stormed in and Louis turned on the big light. You then saw a living room full of presents. "woah!" You said going for the first present. "Oh hey this is from you guys." It was a rectangular thing. "I'm pretty sure you'll like it." Louis said. You opened it and saw it was an iPhone 6s rose gold. "Oh my god! Thanks guys." You said giving them a hug. "Well if you don't like it I could just send it back." Louis said chucking. Niall then walked over to his side of the presents. "Hey Y/n, this is for the both of us from you." "Open it and see." Niall walked over to Louis. He shook it. "Don't shake it! It's very valuable." They looked at you. Niall took off the wrapping paper. It was a picture of you, Niall and Louis. And there was a little note. Dear dads, you two are the best parents anyone could ask for. The day you adopted me I knew for sure you were going to treat me with so much love it will never stop. You two are the best thing that's ever happened in my life and I want you to know that I love you forever and always. Xxx." They had tears streaming down their faces. They then brought you into a bear hug. "We love you so much baby." Louis said kissing your cheek. His and Niall tears soaking your shoulder. "Right, let's stop crying, crank the Christmas tunes and open these bad boys!" You said. After that you had many new clothes and many other nice things and you loved every minute of it as you got to spend it with the two people you love the most.

1D DDM/BSMजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें