Niam Imagine part 2

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The ambulance finally got here. The put Niall on the mad bed thing and took him in the ambulance. Liam then joined him and took his hand in his. "I'm sorry." Liam said whispering. They shut the doors and headed to the ambulance. They got there quite fast. They rushed Niall into the room and stopped Liam from going any further. "You can see him soon." Liam nodded and sat down. He got out his phone and phoned Harry. "Harry?" "Yeah Liam?" "Come to the hospital and bring Louis." "Why what happened?!" "Me and Niall had a fight-" "YOU HURTED HIM DIDN'T YOU?!" Harry suddenly yelled. "I did yeah." "How?!" "I grabbed his arm but I accidentally swung him a bit and he hit his head and back off the wall but he hit his head the worst." Harry sighed. "We're on our way." Liam sighed. Then hung up. After he put his phone back in his pocket he put his head in his hands. He sobbed and sobbed. Until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Louis and Harry. Louis smiled softly while Harry just shook his head and sat down. Louis took a seat next to the other side of Liam. "How did this happen?" "You haven't told him?" "Why would I tell someone what YOU did?" Louis looked at Liam confused. "What's Harry talking about?" "It's my fault that Niall is in here. We were fighting and when he was going to walk away I grabbed his wrist and when i was going to make him stand in front of me I let go of his wrist and he went straight towards the wall and banged his head and back but his head took most of the blow." Louis was looking at him wide eyed. But before he could say anything the doctor came up. "Are you with Mr Horan-Payne?" Liam nodded. "Is he ok?" "He's fine but he has a bump on his head. He's awake just now he should be allowed out tomorrow." "Great thanks doctor. Are we allowed to see him?" The doctor and smiled. Liam nodded and rushed to Niall's room while Louis and Harry were behind him. Liam stormed into Niall's room and sighed. "Niall." He said walking up to him. He took his hand in his. "Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine Liam... But can you please leave?" Liam looked at him with sad eyes. "But Niall-" "GO!!" Liam sobbed and walked out. But before he went out the door he turned round. "I'm sorry." "Yeah and I'm sorry that I would ever think that you would ever hurt me but look where it lead me!" Liam sighed and walked back up to him. "I love you with all my heart Niall. Yeah one stupid drunken mistake might have ruined our relationship but we can fix the bumps on the road. But we can get through it. I promise. I know I hurt you.. Twice but I love you Niall so much. Please let me make it up to you." Niall sighed. "Well I'm going home tomorrow. So you can make it up to me tomorrow." Liam smiled and nodded. We all said goodbye to Niall. "Niall, Louis and Harry will get you tomorrow while I make it up to you." Niall nodded and they left. When they were heading to the car. Harry asked. "How are you going to make it up to him?" Liam smiled and got it out of his pocket. And opened it and saw a ring. "Is this enough?" They looked at it with wide eyes and smiles on their faces. "If he says no... I'm marrying you." Harry said.

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