DDM Your Lilo's child

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You got adopted by Louis and Liam when you were born. You are now 8 months old. Liam and Louis love you. And they will never let anyone forgot that. But all that is about to change when there is a knock on the door. Louis picked you up and followed Liam to the door. When they opened the door their faces dropped. Louis pulled you closer into his arms and sighed. "What are you doing here?" Louis asked. The woman sighed and looked at you with a smile. "I've came here for Y/n!" She said putting her hands out. "NO!!" Liam yelled making everyone jump. "NO YOU CAN'T COME HERE AND JUST EXPECT US TO HAND Y/N BACK TO YOU!!" "Liam. Stop shouting your scaring Y/n." Liam sighed and stroked your cheek. "Sorry baby." He whispered to you. He smiled at you and turned his attention back to your mum Sarah. "Look. She's legally ours now. So go back and make another baby if you want one so bad!" She groaned. "Look Liam, she's my daughter!" She argued back. Then Louis piped in. He gave you to Liam and kissed your head then turned to Sarah. "Look. She's our baby! We adopted her! Off of you! You can't come back here and expect us to give her back to you. You are supposed to be our friend! Now get lost and leave us alone." He was about to close the door when Sarah stopped it. "How about we let her decide?" She said referring to you. Liam and Louis looked at you and then sighed. Liam put you on the floor and Sarah came in a bit. Louis and Liam stepped back a bit and everyone looked at you. You had your hand in your mouth and looked side to side. You looked at Sarah. She smiled. Then you looked at Liam and Louis. They smiled. You did a little smile then made grabby hands towards them. Liam came towards you. "Da-da!" Louis and Liam gasped. They cheered Louis picked you up and kissed your cheek about thousands of times. Sarah huffed and went out the door. "Well done baby!" Liam cooed as you just said your first word. Like they said. No one could ever split this family up. 

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