Demon Louis

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Louis, has been a demon for a while now and you don't even care. You love him. Demon or not. Yeah he sometimes scares you and he's scaring you to the max right now. You love him more than anything but right now. You just want to get away from him. "Y/n?" He asked in a creepy voice. You held your breath as you hid in the wardrobe. "You can't hide from me baby.... I'll find you sooner than ever baby. I always do!" He screamed the last bit. "Come on baby. I don't bite...... Hard." You went wide eyed. "Come on baby. Come out. Don't make me angry." I sobbed quietly into my hand. "COME ON Y/N!! I'M NOT PLAYING AROUND ANYMORE!!" Oh no. He's angry. I then heard the bedroom door slam open hitting the wall. "If I find you..... You're going to be sorry." It was silent for a few more minutes and you thought he left. But that soon change when he opened the wardrobe door. The one at the other side of you. You covered your mouth to stop you screaming. "Come on baby. Come out. I'm not going to hurt you. You know I love you." He said closing the door. "Oh no." You whispered. You knew he was going to open this door now. "Well I've checked everywhere else in this room apart from here." "No." You whispered. He's caught you before. He almost killed you. Literally. It was silent for a few more seconds. Just then..... "BOO!!!" You screamed as he opened the door. His full black eyes looking right at you. You tried to get past him but he caught your arm. "What did I tell you about hiding from me baby? You're going to make me upset and angry. And you don't want that do you?!" You stayed silent. "DO YOU?!!" He said pulling your arm closer to him and screaming in your face. "N-n-no." "Good." He then licked your face. "Louis!" You said pulling your face away in disgust and then wiping it. "Oh baby don't act like you don't love it!" You pushed him away making him let go of your arm. "You're going to be sorry you did that!" You gulped and tried to run out. You got to the door and as soon as you were about to open it he caught you. "NO!!" You screamed. He then dragged you down to the basement. "YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF YOU BITCH!!" You looked at him and his eyes were still black. "Louis let me go!" "No." He said pushing you onto a chair and tying you up. He kneeled in front of you. "Do I scare you love?" He asked. You nodded. "Louis, please let me go. Babe please." "I can't do that... You might escape and turn me in." You shook your head. "No, no, no. Babe I won't. I'll stay, I promise I love you." He sighed. He then gave you a deep kiss. He then untied you. You stood up and brought him into a hug. "I'm not leaving and I'm not telling." His eyes suddenly went back to normal. "We're all mad in here." He said into your ear.

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