DDM Niall

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Being Niall Horan's daughter is hard. You have an older brother just by a few years. Your 16 and he's 18. He loves football. You love drawing. Your dad doesn't pay much attention to you anymore. Just your brother Kian. It's like he connects better with him because he loves football. You could like football as well but you don't see the point. So it was dinner time and your mum was just placing the bowls. You sat next to your mum. While your dad sat next to Kian. "So dad. In football today I tackled this big guy and I scored making the whole team win the game!" "That's great son!" He fist bumped him. "So Y/n, what have you done the day?" "Well in art class I drew what matters to me the most and I drew all of us. And the teacher was so amazed how detailed it was she made me keep it and she wants me to keep it and she thinks I should become a professional artist." You said happily. "That's great sweetie. Niall did you hear that?" He looked up from his plate wide eyed. "What?" "Her teacher thinks she should become a professional artist!" "Oh yeah that's... Great." Then he turned to Kian. "So how big was this guy?" You sighed and just played with your food. You saw your mum looking at you from the corner of your eye but ignored it. The next day it was Kian's football day and you are drawing in your room. Then you heard a knock on your door and saw your mum come in. "Hey sweetie." You smiled. "Hey mum." Then continued with your drawing. "What you drawing?" "Me, you and Kian." "What about your dad?" She asked confused. "Why draw someone who doesn't even care about you. Just because I don't play football doesn't mean he has to ignore me. I know I'm not the sport type of person but come on he can at least like what I like." "Y/n, I see where your coming from and that's what I was coming in here for. I'm taking Kian for his football game and your dad is going to spend the day with you." "Ugh does he have to." "Y/n, you just moaned my ear off that he doesn't talk to you?!" "I know but he doesn't care about me!" "He does Y/n, just give him a chance!" Then she walked out. You sighed and drew. Not long after your mum and Kian left your dad came in. "Um hi?" He said waving awkwardly. Well this is going to go well. You thought. He came behind you and looked at your drawing. "Hey where's me?" "I didn't draw you!" "Why not?" He asked sadly and confused. "Why would I when you don't even care!" "Ok do you know what I'm not even going to waste my time on you today!" "Yeah just leave like you always do!" Then he slammed your door. After a few more hours your mum and Kian came home. She came right up to your room. "So how did it go?" She said sitting beside you. "Not well." She sighed. "How what happened?" "Well you know how I didn't draw him in my picture?" She nodded. "Well he asked where he was and I said I didn't draw him and he asked why. And then I said why would I draw someone who doesn't care about me? then he changed his attitude and said 'Do you know what I'm not even going to waste my time on you today!' Then he stormed out and I continued. And now your here." Your mum shook her head and sighed. "Hey I know. What about that picture you drew? Give that to him and he can hang it up somewhere or something?" "Will he even keep it?" "Of course he will. It was a amazing picture." You sighed and nodded and got it. You sighed and went towards your dad. You saw him in the living room on his phone. You sighed and went up to him. "Hey dad?" He looked up at you then looked back down. "Dad? I made this picture and I thought you would want to hang it up somewhere?" He shook his head. "No I'm fine." He replied not taking his eyes off his phone. You sighed and flung the photo on the ground making a load noise. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I EVEN TRY WITH YOU ANYMORE!!" "Let it out. I know you have a speech." You took a deep breath. "You don't care about me anymore do you? It's always about Kian. Yeah he maybe likes football! But you have two kids not one. I know he was your first pride and joy and he's your boy! But what about me!? I used to be your baby girl!? But all that has changed ever since Kian has joined football! I like art and you were not even listening when I said my teacher complimented me on the best possible way! I felt so proud of myself but you didn't care did you! No because you just cared about Kian scoring a freaking goal! Wow kicking into a ball into a net! It's basically like a big game of fetch!" (Sorry for the people who play football.) "every time you ignore me it hurts. Your meant to be my dad your supposed to be there for me! Help me through the bad times! But you don't! Don't get me wrong mum helps me! But she has two kids to look after not just one! You've been acting like you only have the one! Instead of ignoring me showing more love to my brother! Be there for the both of us!" You took a deep breath after that and it took all your might to keep your tears from falling. "Are you finished?" Your dad asked. You nodded. Then he nodded and just went back on his phone. You scoffed and grabbed the phone out of his hand and flung it against the wall smashing it. "THIS IS WHAT I MEAN!!!" After that Kian and your mum came running downstairs. "I JUST OPENED UP MY HEART TO YOU AND YOU JUST WENT STRAIGHT ONTO YOUR PHONE!! IF IT WAS KIAN IT WOULD BE A DIFFERENT STORY WOULDN'T IT BE?!! I HATE YOU!!" After that you stormed upstairs. Kian ran after you. "Y/N!" But you ignored him and slammed your bedroom door in his face and locking it. "Y/n, can you please open the door?" "No just leave me alone! Dad doesn't care you don't even care!" "How can I not care?! I came up here to comfort you and you just shut me out! You do that to everyone! No wonder dad ignores you all the time! No wonder mum and dad love me more! YOUR A WASTE OF SPACE!!" Then you heard him going downstairs. You just sat on the bed and cried more. Now everyone hates you in this house. Just then your door slammed opened and your dad came in and brung you into his arms. "I'm sorry!" You pushed him off. "Do you really think you can just hug me and everything will be ok?!" "Y/n, I'm trying to make things better!?" "How do you expect to make things better?! Things just don't work out at the snap of a finger!" "I know that but your my daughter!" "Oh so now I'm your daughter!?" "Y/n?!" He said shocked. "Don't act so shocked dad! You know this was going to get to this extent some day! I'm your daughter! Yeah I know but start treating me like your meant to! Instead of thinking you've only got one child! Even he said I'm a waste of space!" You said sighing. "Well Y/n, can you blame him!? You slammed the door in his face and-" "well can you blame me?! I wanted to be alone! I hate this life right now!" "Y/n, do you know how much me and your mum love you?!" "I know how much mum loves you but I don't know what to say about you!" He sighed and threw his hands in the air. "Why are you being so difficult?!" "Why are you always being a dick?!" "EXCUSE ME!!!?" "You heard!" Then you sat on your bed. "You may be angry and you hate me but you don't have to use that sort of language!" He said pointing a finger at you. "Obviously someone should and it's not going to be mum or Kian. You need a good telling off as well! And if it's not going to be anyone else it's better off being me!" "Look I know your pissed but calling me a dick is just to far!" "In this situation nothing is to far. You think you can just forget about me and not talk to me and act like you don't care! Can you just even pretend that you have an interest in what I do!" "Honey, I don't even have to pretend because me pretending is like impossible! You know maybe Kian is right!" You looked at him confused. "You are just a waste of space! Your never happy are you!?" "How can I be happy when you want nothing to do with me?!" He sighed and groaned. "Oh for god sake! I've just apologised to you about that!" "Doesn't mean I forgave you right away! It's going to take a while for me to forgive you dad and you better tell Kian that! But I bet he won't even care anymore so I don't see him trying! But can you at least try? Please?" He sighed and nodded. "Only if you let me?" You nodded. Ok I know it's a crap ending and it's very very long but there will be a part two. I'm sorry that it's so long and crap but i tried my best but there will be a part 2 I promise thanks for reading. Shannz

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