BSM Harry

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Request for @Blue123584

Age 14

Ever since my brother Harry had a new baby with his girlfriend Hannah. She's 6 months old and all Harry has done is ignore me. He doesn't realise he's ignoring me but he is and I hate it. I I hate to admit that I'm sort of jealous. I know jealous of a baby. But he is my brother and I live with him. It was my choice to live with him my mum was cool with it. But now I'm not so sure. I know he has his own family to worry about but i still need looking after. That's sound selfish but I hate to think that my brother doesn't care about me anymore. I was heading downstairs I heard Harry. "Look Hannah don't you think Y/n, should go with my mum?" Hannah sighed. "I don't know Harry. But she is sort of getting in the way. But it's a shame for her." "Well there you have it.... She's going back to my mums." I gasped then run out of the house. Harry's p.o.v: After I heard the door slam I went wide eyed and ran upstairs to Y/n's room. I barge in but didn't see her. "Y/N?!" I yelled running around the house. Still nowhere to be seen. Then a thought came to my mind. "She heard me." I sighed and ran out. "HARRY!?" Hannah yelled after me. But I didn't answer her. I ran to the park where I always took her when she was little. When I got there I saw her on the swings. (No matter how old you are you are NEVER too old to go on the swigs.) she was sobbing to herself. I sighed and sat down on the swing next to her. "Y/n?" I said softly. "What Harry? Don't you have a family to look after?" "Y/n, look-" your p.o.v NO Harry! You ignored me for the past 6 months! So don't think that you can just come to me and think a stupid apology can make me forgive you so easily." "I've not come here to apologise!" Harry said making me look up. "So you are actually sending me back to mums?" Harry looked down. I scoffed and headed back home. "Y/N!?" Harry yelled after me. But i kept walking and I knew Harry was behind me. I got back but I shut the door on Harry's face but when he opened the door he was not happy. "LOOK I KNOW YOUR ANGRY WITH ME BUT YOU DO NOT SHUT THE DOOR ON MY FACE!!" "WELL CAN YOU BLAME ME?!! YOU HAVE BEEN IGNORING ME FOR THE PAST 6 MONTHS HARRY!! I KNOW YOU HAVE YOUR OWN FAMILY TO TAKE CARE OF BUT I CHOSE TO LIVE WITH YOU!!" "THERE'S NO MORE ROOM FOR YOU HERE!!" "Do you know what fine! Have your little family portrait. I'll just go back to mums. Have a nice life!" I went upstairs and slammed my door packing my bags. Took me an hour. I came storming downstairs. Harry came into the hall and saw my case. "Where do you think your going?!" "Hey Harry can you take me to mums." He looked at me shocked. "Ok great thanks I'll be waiting in the car." I was about to walk out when Harry grabbed my arm. "Y/n, why are you doing this?" I took my arm out of his grip. "ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?!! YOU WANTED ME TO GO BACK AND NOW I'M GOING!" Harry sighed. He took my bag out of my hand. He pulled me into his arms. "Look Y/n, please don't do this. Look I'm sorry that I've been ignoring you. It's just that I've always wanted a child and now that's happened I guess that I forgot that you still needed looking after. But you've grown up so much. And I'm sorry that I have been such a crap brother. Please stay." I sighed. "Are you going to change?!" I asked pointing my finger at him. "Yes I will I promise." He said hugging me again but tighter. "Now go and unpack my case and I'll look after Darcy." Harry smiled and ran upstairs. Harry did change after that and I'm happy now I actually feel like part of his little family. Crap ending I know but I tried my best so I hoped you liked it @Blue123584

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