BSM He likes your twin more part 2 - Louis

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After Louis left you were livid. You can't believe what he thinks of you and he had the cheek to not say it to your face. I wonder how much he's bitched behind your back. You groaned and flung your phone. You picked it up and saw it smashed a bit but you don't care. You hate Louis right now but I'm sure his feelings are mutual. You went downstairs and went to the living room and talked to Lottie. You were ignoring Louis completely. He kept trying to talk to you and he kept looking at you but you wouldn't give him the time of day. He sighed and left. You knew he would give up eventually. You smirked. Lottie wasn't bothered she was just as mad as you was. So she was ignoring him as well. You and Lottie decided to go out. You are taking Fizzy, with you since Doris and Ernest and Phoebe and Daisy are out. Louis offered to drive you but you and Lottie declined. Fizzy was confused so you and Lottie told her and she understood. You went to the town and basically nearly spent a fortune. You took a few selfies and took a few pictures and signed stuff. Sometimes you all find it a bit crazy what your life is like now. You didn't mind though. So you decided to head home. You finally got home and you saw Louis on the couch. You and Lottie rolled your eyes and went upstairs. You asked Lottie but she said no. You and Lottie put your new stuff away and went to get something to eat as you didn't eat at the town. When you were heading down you heard Louis, talking to your mum. "Mum, i feel really bad." "Well Louis, it's your own fault." "I know mum and I don't know how to fix it!" "Louis calm down. I'm sure they will both come round eventually." "Yeah right. Y/n and Lottie hate me because I said I liked Lottie more than her. Yeah she's going to jump on my back and say your the best." You rolled your eyes and headed to the kitchen. "Hey guys." Louis said. You smiled so did Lottie and continued what you were doing. Louis sighed and sit down at the table. "I'll leave you three alone." Your mum said. You wanted to scream at her leaving you alone with HIM. But you kept your cool. "Look Y/n, I'm sorry." You ignored him. "What I said was out of order and I feel really bad. I know it will take sometime to forgive me but hopefully it would be sooner rather than later." You still ignored him and he sighed and left the room. Lottie sighed. "Y/n, to be honest with you I think you should forgive him. And before you say anything I'm not on his side. I just think he'll stop complaining and it would be better." You sighed. "If you think so." You mumbled. She nodded. You sighed. "LOUIS!!" He came running in and checked you. "What are you doing?" You asked confused. "Are you hurt?!" You giggled. "Yeah I'm fine." He sighed in relief. He looked at Lottie and his eyes went wide. "Are you ok?!" She nodded giggling as well. "I'm sorry." He looked down. "it's fine. I know you feel really bad. So I forgive you." He smiled. He leaped towards you and lifted you up. "I'm so happy." You chuckled and he put you down. He slides over to Lottie and she raises an eyebrow. "Yes?" She asked. "Do you forgive me?" She puts her finger to her chin as if she is thinking. "Yeah." She said shrugging her shoulders. He smiled and lifted her up. "YAAAAAYYY!!!" He yelled jumping up and down. "Ok, let's have a movie night and Dan, mum and Fizzy, can join as well." You and nodded and headed to the living room with your brunch.

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