DDM Harry

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Sometimes people say that having a twin is great. But to me it's not. My dad clearly favourites him. Ever since the divorce between him and my mum it's all being going down hill. My dad knows he's making me upset. He always smirks when my face drops. He doesn't love me anymore. So he and Aiden are going to a football game. Not that I'm bothered I hate football. But it couldn't hurt to ask me. But I had a plan when he leaves. I'm going to phone my mum. She only gets us on weekends. But we go on separate weekends. But i want to be there for good. My dad wouldn't care he never cares what I do. So after my dad and Aiden left. Without saying goodbye to me. See you see how much the care about me? Anyway I got the house phone and phoned my mum. She picked up on the second ring. "Hello?" "Hey mum." "Oh hey Y/n, how are you?" "I'm good. Been better. Listen mum. I know this might sound a bit sudden but can I live with you?" "I don't know Y/n, your dad might not like that?" "Dad wouldn't care." "What do you mean he wouldn't care?" "Mum dad doesn't love me anymore. He just cares about Aiden, never me. They are away to a football game and then they are going out for something to eat." "And they didn't invite you?!" "No I'm still in this house for god knows how long." "Y/n, I still don't know. The court said I'm only allowed you on the weekends?" "Mum please if you really cared you would do anything for me no matter what! Who cares what the court says! I'm your daughter and your my mum. We are always there for each other no matter what! Through thick and thin." She sighed. "Ok. But answer me one thing. Is your father feeding you?" "Huh?" "Because you said they are away to a game and they are going out for something to eat." "Yeah sometimes." It's true he only feeds me when he feels like it. I don't know how to cook so I have to make microwaved meals. But he always makes his and Aiden's dinner and breakfast and lunch. My mum gasped. "Are you being serious?!" "Yes. I just make ready meals."  "Let me guess he makes Aiden homemade food?" "Yes, and his as well." "Right go upstairs and pack. I'll be there shortly I'm leaving right now." "Ok bye mum." "Bye." Then she hung up. I ran upstairs and got my case packed. It took me two hours. But I was finally done and I made my way downstairs carefully. Just then my mum came in yelling at my dad with Aiden coming in afterwards. "Why are you even here? You don't get Aiden till tomorrow?!" "He's not coming anymore!" Aiden looked confused. "Why mum?" "I'll tell you why son. It's not your fault. It's your dad's. Blame him. He doesn't care about your sister. Doesn't even feed her! He's a shit dad!" "Don't you DARE! Me a shit dad! What about you?! Your not the perfect mother either!" That's when my mum slapped my dad. "Don't you DARE! I'm a perfect mother! I show my love to both of them! Especially Y/n! I don't just favour the one child! You always used to tell me you wanted a girl all your life! And now you've got one! Yet you don't even pay half of your attention to her!" "Well I have a son! Who is the same age! He's a better child! I regret taking her as well! I should have just thought for Aiden! He's the better child! I hate Y/n! She's just a waste of space!" We all looked at him shocked and then I just ran out. I ran all the way to the park not knowing Aiden followed me the whole way there. It's like 9 o'clock and it's quite dark so there is no one there. "Y/N!" I heard Aiden yell. I isn't stop till I got to the park bench. We both sat down catching our breaths. "Wow you run fast!" Aiden said. I smiled softly. After a few minutes of silence Aiden speaks up again. "Dad regrets what he says by the way." "Yeah I doubt it. Like dad regrets what he says to me! He never regrets what he says to me. He hates me! He regrets fighting for me Aiden imagine mum saying that to you! This is why I wanted to live with mum!" He gasped. "That's why she was here wasn't it?!" I nodded. "Y/n!?" He said shocked. "Well Aiden do you blame me?! Yeah I phoned mum! I have a right to!" "But Y/n, they said in court that mum is to only have us on the weekend!" "Well Aiden when your dad isn't feeding you properly it's a good excuse!" "Y/n, as soon as he left he fell to the floor and bursted into tears! He felt really bad. Me and mum had no clue what to do until he told me to go after you!" "Yeah right dad bursted into tears over me?!" He nodded. "Just because he doesn't show that he cares about you he does. Deep down. He's just scared that your growing up." I looked down. "But your growing up as well?" "I know but I'm a boy. Boys hang out together better. But he only leaves you alone because your growing up but he's scared to leave you." "Just because I'm growing up doesn't mean he has to actually leave me alone. He's still my dad." He nodded. "Right lets go home and sort this out." I nodded and we both got up and headed home. As we were just getting there Aiden's friend came up to him and started talking to him. So I just continued walking towards my house. "Y/N!!" I looked up and saw my dad. "Baby come here!" He sounded like he was sobbing. I sighed and crossed the road. But I didn't see the car coming towards me and before I got a chance to get out the way the car hit me causing me to go over the hood on the top and land on the ground. Harry's p.o.v: "NOOOOO!!!" I yelled as soon as the car hit her. Me Kate (mum) and Aiden ran towards her. I kneeled down and put her head in my lap. I stroked her hair. The driver came out of his car and I saw it was Louis. "Harry I'm sorry I didn't see her!" "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE PLAYING AT!!DRIVING LIKE A MANIAC!!? "I didn't see her." He whispered. I shook my head and looked at him. "DAD!" Aiden yelled. I looked at him. He looked at Y/n. She was struggling to keep her eyes open and breath. "LOUIS DON'T JUST STAND THERE PHONE AN AMBULANCE!!" Louis got his phone on nearly dropping it. "Dad." I heard Aiden whisper now. I looked down and saw that her eyes were closed and that she was turning pale. I looked up at them. Just then Liam and Niall came up to us. "SHE'S DEAD!!" Louis dropped his phone. "SHE'S DEAD!!" Louis turned round and pulled his hair. Niall and Liam started crying then me, Kate and Aiden starts screaming. "I-I-I-I phoned the ambulance they're on their way." "THERE'S NO POINT NOW IS THERE!!!?" Louis was crying really hard now but I wanted to take my anger and sadness out. "YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER! WHY WERE YOU DRIVING THAT FAST!!?" "I don't know. You know me I always drive fast." "WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CALM?!! YOU JUST MURDERED MY DAUGHTER!" "I KNOW AND I FEEL BAD!!! IM SORRY!!" "Sorry isn't going to bring my sister back. She grew up thinking me and my dad didn't love her Louis. She grew up getting bullied by other people saying she wasn't good enough. I was NEVER there for her! I just found out yesterday. I never got a chance to be there for her. Mum was there but she was only there for the weekends and dad doesn't let her talk to my mum much. But now she can't talk to anyone. AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!!" Aiden got up and stormed into the house. Kate followed him kissing Y/n goodbye. "Bye love. I'll see you up there in a few years." She said then she went after Aiden. Me and the boys stayed there with Y/n till the ambulance arrives. "Harry we'll be at the hospital soon!" Kate yelled. I nodded. Five minutes later the ambulance finally came. They came over to her and they pushed me out the way. "When did this happen?" "Like half an hour ago." "Did she die on the impact?" "No. She died like three minutes later." I sobbed. "Do you know her?" Then Aiden and Kate came back out. "She's our daughter" i said grabbing Kates hand. "Yeah but we are divorced. Is she really d-d-dead?" Kate stuttered. "I'm sorry but she died three minutes after the car hit her." Kate broke down. I tried comforting her. But she pushed me off and pulled Aiden into her arms. "She's my little girl. She hasn't grown up yet she can't be gone! THERE HAS TO BE A MISTAKE!!" "I'm sorry but there is nothing else we can do Ms." The doctor said to Kate. "You didn't do anything in the first place!" The doctor sighed. They put Y/n, on the bed thing and put her in the ambulance. The boys were still there and Louis was looking at the ground tears streaming down his face. I went up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Harry I'm so sorry. I didn't see her. I feel awful!" Then he went on his knees and his head onto his hands sobbing hard. I then saw Kate and Aiden go in the ambulance. "KATE ILL MEET YOU AT THE HOSPITAL!" She nodded as they closed the ambulance doors. I looked at Louis again. "I killed your baby girl Harry!" "Louis the last words I said to my baby girl is that she was a waste of space. I treated her like shit! I treated her like she was nothing. I didn't even feed her properly! I'm her dad for fuck sakes!" I yelled pulling at my hair. "Harry-" "No Louis, I've been a terrible father to Y/n, since the divorce. She phoned her mum when me and Aiden were out. She didn't want to live with me anymore and I don't blame her. I'm better off dead rather than her. It should have been me you hit. It would have been better for everyone." "Harry don't say that. Y/n, would have been disappointed if she heard you say that!" "No she would have agreed with me!" I sighed. I got up. "I better get to the hospital." I said running my hand through hair. Louis got up as well and Liam and Niall. They took me to the hospital where I met Kate and Aiden. "She's really dead Harry." Kate said into my shoulder. "I know." "My baby girl." Aiden was trying his hardest to keep his tears in. "Buddy you can cry." That's when he broke down. "My sister is gone dad!" I bring him into my arms. "You'll be fine son. We all will be." Kate came into the hug and the rest of the boys created their own hug. After that day it's always a struggle. Y/n, had an amazing funeral. Louis feels terrible everyday but I told him it's fine. We miss Y/n everyday. But we all love her and she'll never be forgotten.

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